Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 392 Just fight to come early or come late

No one spoke. Peter Pettigrew clutched the clothes on his chest tightly with his hands. The room was so quiet that only his heavy breathing and Ron's retching could be heard from time to time.

After a while, Peter Pettigrew spoke tremblingly, sounding stuttering: "Thank you, thank you, Harry..."

"I'm not doing this for you!" Harry said with disgust, "but because people like you are not worthy of Professor Lupine and Black becoming murderers, and my father definitely doesn't want to see such a thing happen. !”

The Shrieking Shack fell silent once more.

Sirius licked his chapped lips and said reluctantly: "Harry, you are the only one who has the right to make a decision. After all, the dead-" He hesitated and did not finish the sentence, " But Peter Pettigrew, he..."

"So he can go to Azkaban," said Harry, "that's where someone like him should be!"

Sirius shut his mouth, and no one voiced any objection. The final method of dealing with Peter Pettigrew was decided by Harry.

Wright coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Now that the truth is out, we can go back to the castle." Wright looked around the room and said clearly, "Minister of Magic Fudge should still be in the castle at the moment, and the dementors haven't left either. , we can just hand over Peter Pettigrew to them. In addition, Ron's leg also needs to be treated in time. We have to send him to the school doctor's office quickly. Madam Pomfrey is not a talkative person and will not do more. Asked."

Lu Ping said: "I have taught myself some crude healing methods. You can first fix Ron's leg injury with a splint to avoid unnecessary trouble when moving later. It will be difficult if the bones are misplaced. Dealt with it.”

Light threw Lupin's wand back to him and got out of the way: "Thank you, Professor Lupin, please."

Lupine walked quickly to Ron, found two long wooden boards and clamped them on Ron's broken leg, and tapped it with his wand. The magic bandage was wrapped around and around, tightening Ron's legs to the wooden boards. Tightly tied together.

Lupine asked, "How do you feel, Ron?"

"I'm better, thank you." Ron, whose face was green due to excessive vomiting, thanked Lupine. This time, there was no hint of dislike for Lupine in his tone, and he seemed to no longer care about Lupine's werewolf identity.

Harry looked at Wright and asked, "Wright, what should Peter Pettigrew do?"

"We'd better handcuff this guy with someone!" said Sirius, "just in case, and gagged his mouth to prevent him from uttering another curse. Who knows he learned it from Voldemort?" what."

Hearing the word "Voldemort", Peter Pettigrew trembled again, but no one paid attention to him.

Wright shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. The vines of Elf's Embrace are very strong, so don't worry that he can break free." He chanted a spell, "Seal the throat, lock the tongue, and float into the sky."

Peter Pettigrew, whose mouth was sealed by a magic spell and whose body was tied by vines, was immediately levitated a few inches above the ground and seemed to be safe.

"Let's go."

The two kittens ran out of the room first, followed by Wright, Chang Chu and Hermione, followed by Lupine and Ron, who was supporting him. Peter Pettigrew was at the back of the team, and at the end of the team was Ha. Leigh and Sirius.

Silently all the way, the group of people trudged through the low tunnel until they reached the entrance of the tunnel, emerged from there, and reached the bottom of the Whomping Willow.

It was dark on the ground, and thick dark clouds completely covered the moon. Only the warm yellow light came from the windows of the castle in the distance. A strange bird call came from the forbidden forest not far away, and the empty place seemed even quieter.

"Sorry, Ron, I just bit you." Sirius walked to the front of the team, and together with Lupine helped Ron sit on the thick and strong roots of the Whomping Willow, and said, "It must hurt a little!"

"A little? A little?" Ron tried to straighten the broken leg, but failed. He shouted twice in succession, "You have bitten off my leg!"

"You know, I just want to catch that mouse." Sirius said, "Normally, when I turn into a dog, my temper is quite docile. In fact, James once persuaded me more than once , let me become a docile dog forever, but alas..."

Sirius stood up with a sigh, walked to the edge of the crowd, and stared at the twinkling lights of Hogwarts Castle over there.

Wright whistled, preparing to call back Lu Wei who had wandered off to play somewhere.

Chang Chu, Harry and Hermione all gathered around Ron, while Lupine stood alone, watching Peter Pettigrew's every move.

"Okay, we can go back to the castle soon." Harry squatted at Ron's feet, looking at Sirius's back, as if he didn't mean what he said.

"Go ahead, Harry," Ron said softly.

"No, it's okay, it's okay." Harry turned his head and said in a panic, "Yes, I want to stay here."

"Hermione and I are enough here." Chang Chu gently pushed Harry's shoulder and said softly, "You go ahead."

Hermione also nodded.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked Ron again.

"I'm fine, let's go." Ron said.

Harry propped up his knees and left the crowd, slowly walked to Sirius, and looked side by side at the Hogwarts Castle bathed in the night.

"Look how beautiful it is there," Sirius said softly, aware of Harry appearing next to him, "I will never forget the feeling when I first stepped into the castle gate. The feeling of walking in openly again will definitely be very good."

Harry listened in silence.

"I don't know if you know one thing, Harry..." Without looking at Harry, Sirius said unnaturally to the air in front of him, playing with the fluffed corners of his clothes with his fingers, "When you were born, you My parents asked me to be your godfather."

Harry turned his head, stared at Sirius' side face, and said, "I know."

Sirius pursed his lips and said, "I can understand if you still want to live at your uncle's house...but if you want a different home..."

Harry's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"What, you mean, live with you?" he asked.

"Well, this... this is just a rough idea. If you don't want to, I can understand." Sirius said immediately.

"Of course I am willing!" said Harry, "Of course I am willing to leave the Dursleys! Do you have a house? When can I move in?"

Sirius turned quickly to look at him.


"Yes! I really want to!"

For the first time, a real smile broke out on Sirius's haggard and dry face. This smile instantly made him feel more than ten years younger.

At this time, the cloud in the sky suddenly moved away, and except for the Wrights who were under the shadow of the Willow tree, Lupin, Pettigrew, Sirius, and Harry were suddenly bathed in the white moonlight.

The bright moon was reflected in Lupine's pupils. He seemed to freeze, and then his limbs began to tremble.


Along with Sirius's cry, there was a terrible roar.

Lupine's head was elongating, and his body had become longer. His shoulders were arched high, gray-black hair grew on his face and hands, and his fingers were bent into sharp claws, making him unable to hold the wand at all.

There was a terrible sound of tearing cloth, and in an instant, Lupine turned into a werewolf nearly two meters tall, and let out a long and powerful wolf howl at the full moon in the night sky.

Somehow, Pettigrew freed one hand from the hold of the Elven Embrace and grabbed Lupine's wand, which had not yet fallen to the ground.

"Expelliarmus!" A strange blazing red light hit Pettigrew's right hand, and Lupin's wand flew high into the sky. However, this short time was enough for Peter Pettigrew to transform. The long twelve years had allowed Peter Pettigrew to transform. He was fully aware of his Animagus form.

While screaming in pain, Peter Pettigrew turned into a small mouse, nimbly dodged the shrinking vines, and disappeared into a thick patch of grass.

Seeing that Lupine was about to pounce on Wright and the others, Sirius immediately turned into a black dog and fought with Lupine, gradually moving away from the Whomping Willow.

In an instant, a big change occurred.

The evening breeze blew, and once again only five people, including Wright, Chang Chu, Hermione, Harry and Ron, were left under the Whomping Willow.

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