Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 393 Dementors by the Lake

"Wright, what should I do?" Harry asked Wright with some confusion, "Sirius...Professor Lupin...Peter Pettigrew..."

A rustling sound came from the grass, and a huge black dog jumped out.

Harry, who was pleasantly surprised, had not had time to relax, but found that the person who jumped out of the grass at this time was not the Sirius he wanted to see, but Lu Wei, who had returned after hearing Wright's whistle.

"Lu Wei, come here." Wright quickly waved to Lu Wei, squatted down and whispered into its ear, "There is a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest now, go and catch it! Don't let it hurt others! Solution! Open your size limit! Also, if Chang Chu comes to see you later, remember to protect their safety..."

Lu Wei nodded obediently, twitched his nose, and re-entered the grass where it came from just now. Its shadow continued to skyrocket in the darkness, and the other two heads gradually grew out. The figure of the three-headed dog gradually merged with that of the grass. Darkness merges into one...

Suddenly, there was a bark, a whimper, and a dog barking in pain...

"It's Sirius!" Harry looked into the darkness, but couldn't see anything.

Without any thought, Harry ran quickly towards the direction of the sound.

"Harry!" Hermione screamed.

Ron even wanted to support himself and stand up from the roots of the Whomping Willow, but his movements only made him fall to the ground, which in turn aggravated the injury on his leg.

"Listen, there's no time!" Wright said calmly, "I'm going to chase Harry. Xiaochu, you and Hermione will take Ron back to the castle first and go directly to the school doctor's office."

Wright took out a rolled magic flying carpet from the Mock bag and handed it to Chang Chu.

"Ron can't use other flying props like this, use this blanket! Put him on this blanket and take him back to the school doctor's room." Wright quickly explained, "I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Wright followed the direction in which Harry had just disappeared, and Sirius's whining came from the lake.

Chang Chu, who stayed where he was, didn't have any ink marks, and directly helped Ron to sit on the magic flying carpet with Hermione.

"I..." Hermione glanced worriedly in the direction where Wright and Harry left.

"You can't go anywhere! Come back to the castle with me!" Chang Chu said with a serious look, "Wright can go with Harry because he is confident enough to deal with werewolves and other dangers! We have no chance in front of werewolves. Without the ability to resist, going there will only cause trouble for Wright!"

As if he felt that he spoke too harshly, Chang Chu softened his expression and said, "Believe in Wright, Hermione, I believe he can bring back Harry and Sirius!"

Hermione nodded hard.

Ron didn't say anything, just thumped his good left leg dully.

He was blaming himself.

Chang Chu and Hermione each held a corner of the magic flying carpet and walked towards the castle without saying a word.

Wright, who was running fast, suddenly felt a terrible chill coming. He was already prepared and immediately realized what was causing the chill. He couldn't help but speed up again and ran towards the lake.

Sirius's barking had stopped. Werewolves were only dangerous to humans. Normally, they would not harm other animals excessively unless they were extremely hungry.

Then there is only one reason why Sirius stopped screaming in front of him, and that is...

When Wright ran to the frosty lake, he saw this scene:

Sirius had returned to his human form and was lying motionless on the ground. There were several very obvious fresh wounds on his body that were still oozing blood. They were brought to him by Lupine just now. His face was as pale as a dead person, and even the rise and fall of his chest was minimal. He looked like he was only breathing.

Harry held his wand high, and the holy white light at the top of the wand showed that he was casting a Patronus Charm that could expel certain dark creatures. However, the Patronus Charm that Harry cast was not complete, it was just a semi-solid ball of silver. Light.

What's left is the dementors.

There were at least a hundred dementors, pressing in the direction of Harry and Sirius along the frozen lake.

When Wright arrived just in time, he happened to see a Dementor hit Harry's Patronus Charm, knocking the shapeless Patronus apart.

The lakeside was instantly plunged into a terrifying icy darkness.

Wright clenched his wand, looked at the scene by the lake attentively, and murmured: "Wait a little longer...wait a little longer..."

He saw a Dementor approaching Harry, its shapeless mouth opened wide, sucking the air around it, and making a particularly terrifying hoarse guttural sound.

The dementor passed in front of Harry's face, taking away a bunch of happy memories hidden deep in Harry's heart.

The cold and terrifying feeling paralyzed Harry's whole body, making him unable to stand steadily. His legs weakened, and he slumped directly to the cobblestone ground, staring at everything in front of him with his eyes blankly.

Another dementor moved closer, but this time it wasn't attacking Harry.

The Dementors flew straight towards Sirius, who was lying on the ground unconscious. This ugly and disgusting creature didn't care whether people still had vital signs. As long as they were not completely dead, they could provide them with happy food. .

The empty mouth took a sharp breath, and Wright saw Sirius's body twitching violently, almost being lifted off the ground by the mouth that could swallow happy memories.

Wright couldn't help but take a step forward, but forced himself to calm down: "There's still a moment, it'll be there soon! Just a moment!"

Another dementor attacked Harry. This time Harry didn't even have the strength to sit up. He could only hold the ground with his two hands to prevent his body from falling.

Sirius was completely motionless.

Wright saw from a distance a few wisps of semi-illusory flocculent material that looked like silver threads and feathers rising from Sirius's slightly open mouth. It didn't even rise two or three inches before dissipating little by little. in the air.

Then, a bead the size of a silver bean, shining with pure silver light, floated out of Sirius's mouth. The silver flocculent matter that had just dissipated in the air was separated from the hazy shell of this silver bead. .

The Dementor's Kiss can absorb a person's soul!

And this small bead represents the soul that carries all Sirius' memories, all emotions, and all himself!

In an instant, at least a dozen dementors rushed toward the soul bead.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Two patron saint spells sounded within a second of each other, and the dazzling silver light illuminated the darkness beside the lake.

The sucking sound of the Dementor, the throaty sound that sounded like the roar of a dead person before death, stopped instantly. The cold feeling was disappearing, and the air became warm again.

Harry, who was almost in a coma, gathered the last bit of strength in his body, raised his head a few inches, and saw two animals in the silver light. One was guarding next to him and Sirius, and the other was running across the lake. The further away...

Harry saw the very bright, unicorn-like animal, and it ran to the other side and stopped. By its light, someone was welcoming it back. The person looked familiar...but it couldn't be...

Harry lost his last bit of strength and passed out.

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