Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 394 Just turn three times.

"It's really horrifying, Dementors... Fortunately, none of them died. It's a miracle..."

"Can we expect this kind of miracle to come every day? I have mentioned this to you a long time ago, Connelly. Creatures like dementors are not worth relying on at all. This kind of thing only exists in the heart. It is impossible for a creature of desire to be loyal to anyone..."

"Are you kidding, Dumbledore... I know, you have never liked Dementors. But they are indeed the best jailers. With them standing guard in Azkaban, we outsiders can Have a peaceful sleep and don't have to worry about the criminals escaping from the prison. Well, what happened this time was just an accident. Yes, it was an accident. They had never left Azkaban before, so..."

"Then how should we deal with this accident, Connelly?"

"The prisoner Sirius Black—"

"Prisoner? I remember that he was clearly proven innocent just now."

"You can't believe a fourteen-year-old child, right? Dumbledore..."

"But it is the child you are talking about who saved the lives of two innocent wizards from hundreds of dementors and prevented the Ministry of Magic from being discredited. This child pulled out his memories and showed them to us. We just It’s the memory of watching that scene in the Screaming Shack in the principal’s office. If your memory is not good, Connelly, we can watch it again.”

"Memories can be faked. Who knows that child..."

"It is impossible to fake a memory like this! It can be deleted, and certain fragments can be deliberately hidden, but it can never be modified. Modified memories are completely different from the memories of real experiences!"

"But except for that child, no one can prove the truth..."

"Yeah, there are always some people who don't want to believe what the children say. There is a professor - forget it, you won't take his words to heart. After all, he is a werewolf and had an extremely close relationship with Black. Well, then, we can go directly to the Screaming Shack to recreate the scene at that time. I happen to know a magic that can temporarily recall what happened in a certain place, as long as the time is not too long, what is the name of the magic? ? Oh, by the way, it’s the Appare Vestigium. When we get there, we’ll know if what the kid just said is false.”

"Albus, Albus! How many times do you want me to say it, Sirius Black is an extremely vicious criminal who has had an extremely serious impact on our British wizarding world. He once..."

"Fudge! As far as I know, when Black was convicted of the crime, he was thrown directly into Azkaban Prison without any trial, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Then I understand, what you are worried about now is still the law enforcement majesty of the Ministry of Magic, and the authority of the Ministry of Magic cannot be shaken, not whether a person is really innocent. You are worried about Sirius Black being declared innocent. After this crime, the dignity of the Ministry of Magic's noble authority has been affected..."

"No, no, it's not like that..."

"Then let's each take a step back..."

Harry lay there with his eyes closed. He felt very dizzy as he listened to all this. The sound seemed to take an extremely long journey from his ears to his brain, so it was not easy to hear clearly.

"What do you decide to do about that child's award? As a poor old principal, I can only award him a 'Special Contribution to the School' medal."

"Hmm...how about the Order of Merlin, Third Class?"

"Saving two innocent lives is only worth a third-level medal? No matter how you look at it, it is worth a second-level medal, right?"

"Level 2? Okay, okay, Level 2..."

The conversation paused, and a steady sound of footsteps came closer and closer.

Creaking, a door was pushed open.

Harry felt as if his mind was moving a little faster, so he opened his eyes.

Everything in front of him was a little blurry, and the familiar smell of disinfectant coming from the tip of his nose told Harry that he was currently lying in the castle's school doctor's office. At the other end of the ward, Madam Pomfrey was leaning over a hospital bed, and a very familiar red head emerged from the gap revealed by Madam Pomfrey.

Is Ron okay?

Harry turned his head on the pillow. There were two chairs side by side beside his hospital bed. Hermione was sitting in the chair on the right. Seeing that Harry had woken up, she put a finger on her lips, pointed at the door of the school doctor's room, and then pointed at the middle of the ward. The voices coming from the door were the voices of Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and Dumbledore. In the middle, it seemed that Wright and Chang Chu were talking quietly.

Harry ignored his sore and aching body and sat up from the hospital bed.

"Hermione! I have to see Dumbledore!" said Harry.

"Are you awake?" Madam Pomfrey heard the voice and turned around and walked over, "Potter?"

"I'm going to see the Headmaster," Harry insisted, his voice getting louder and louder. "He's right at the door and can already hear me! Headmaster Dumbledore! Headmaster Dumbledore!"

Harry's shouts reached the corridor outside, and Cornelius and Dumbledore immediately walked into the ward outside the door.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Fudge asked pretending to be kind, "Are you okay?"

"I think Harry just called my name, Cornelius." Dumbledore said humorously, "Can you please make room for me?"

As if remembering something, Dumbledore suddenly said: "By the way, I want to talk to a few children alone now. Can Connelly and Poppy leave for now?"

"Headmaster!" Madam Pomfrey looked at Dumbledore angrily, "Both Potter and Weasley need to rest-"

"Sorry, this matter can't wait any longer, Poppy." Dumbledore said firmly, "I stand by my story."

Fudge and Madam Pomfrey looked at each other and left the school doctor's office with mixed expressions. The door of the school doctor's office was closed behind them.

Harry immediately began eagerly explaining to Dumbledore what had happened tonight, starting from the moment the group left Hagrid's hut.

Before Harry could finish speaking, Dumbledore raised his hand to signal him to be quiet.

"Harry, I already know everything you said just now. Please don't interrupt me now, because there is really very little time. In addition, if you want to prove Black's innocence, someone has already given a lot of information. Strong evidence," Dumbledore said slowly.

Harry was very surprised and said: "Really?"

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded quickly, "Originally it would be difficult for others to believe what a group of young wizards said, but we already have enough evidence and we don't need your additional testimony."

The joy in Harry's heart was about to overflow. Was Sirius not guilty? ! Could he move out of the Dursleys and live with his godfather? !

"But -" Dumbledore prolonged his voice, "even if someone allows the Minister of Magic to see the truth, it is not just Black who is being tried today, there is also..."

Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking and said something else inexplicably: "Time is so mysterious and powerful, and once time is disrupted, it is dangerous."

Dumbledore's blue eyes turned to Hermione: "Time."

"Oh!" Hermione's eyes widened.

"Sirius is locked in the highest cell in the Black Tower. If all goes well, you will be able to save more than one innocent life tonight." Dumbledore said, "You know the rules, Miss Granger, you cannot be seen. Even if there is still plenty of time due to someone's efforts, I think it is best to get back before the last bell strikes, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Dumbledore winked at Hermione and said, "Just turn it three times."

After saying that, he walked directly to the door and closed it gently.

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