Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 395 Chang Chu’s Time Journey Part 1

"Three turns? What is he talking about? What are we going to do?" Harry murmured.

Hermione, who looked anxious, put her hand into the collar and rubbed it inside, and quickly pulled out a long and thin gold chain with a small, sparkling disc-shaped hourglass hanging on it.

"Light! Come here! Hurry!" Hermione said urgently, "This is for you! Use this!"

"This and Wright..." Harry looked even more strange. He looked at Wright who had been silent in the center of the room, only to see him shaking his head with a smile.

"No, Hermione, I can't use this, I will be seen by myself." Wright pushed Chang Chu beside him, "And that thing can't carry too strong magic power, you guys go ahead."

"But we—" Hermione's expression grew more urgent.

"You have to believe in yourself!" Chang Chu walked over with a smile, "You have to believe in Wright too!"

Hermione hesitantly hung the chain around the necks of Harry and Chang Chu. The chain was just long enough for the three of them to wear.

"Are you ready?" she asked quietly.

"I'm ready!" Chang Chu said excitedly, just like a little yellow sponge living in Bikini Castle.

"What is this for?" Harry was completely confused.

Hermione pinched the small knob on the right side of the golden hourglass and turned it three times.

A mysterious brilliance flashed and the dim ward disappeared. Chang Chu felt like she was flying backwards rapidly, just like the feeling of sitting in a speeding car with her eyes closed. The blurred color blocks and weird shapes came from the senses. Flashed by -

Then she felt her feet touch solid ground again, and everything came into focus again.

It was no longer the school doctor's office. The three of them were suddenly in an empty foyer. A hazy white light shone on the floor from the open front door. The time seemed to be no earlier than five o'clock in the evening.

Hermione took the chains off the two people's necks and pushed the two newbies into the broom room next to the hall. This was also her basic daily operation this semester.

"We've gone back in time," Hermione whispered. "Three hours..."

"I knew there would be such magic!" Chang Chu said excitedly, "Time magic!"

"What-" Harry just asked.

"Hush! Someone is coming! It should be us." Hermione said, "What are we doing at this time?"

"On the way to Hagrid's hut, I think," said Harry.

"Then we met Wright and me by the lake." Chang Chu added, "I'm about to see myself! It's like filming a science fiction movie!"

Fortunately, the three people present could understand what Chang Chu meant by science fiction movies, otherwise it would have been interesting.

"Can time really go back?" Harry said inexplicably.

"Okay," Hermione said, "As long as we use the Time Turner. I've been using it all year long, just enough to catch up on all my classes. It seems there's no one around. Come on, you can't be seen."

The three of them ran towards the wooden corridor together, which was the only way to Hagrid's hut.

"Can the time turner go back to the previous time?" Harry asked as he ran, "Are we really back to three hours ago?"


"Yes, that's right."

"Then I..."

As if she guessed what Harry was thinking, Hermione said bluntly: "But the time turner cannot go back too long. Mine can only be used for one day at most. Professor McGonagall specifically stated this when giving it to me. A little. And she made me swear not to tell anyone, so I didn’t tell you.”

Harry suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Harry, do you want to go see your parents?" Chang Chu asked.

"Well," Harry nodded, "I've never seen them, I mean, not in real life. I've been living with the Dursleys for as long as I can remember."

"Want to go back more than ten years ago?" Hermione said with some surprise, "This is absolutely impossible! Someone has made such an attempt before, traveling to a long time ago, but she was directly trapped at that point in time. However, after she came back after going through all kinds of hardships, she died a short time later. Moreover, her actions indirectly caused changes in history. A dozen people who were supposed to be born disappeared inexplicably. The ripple effects are staggering.”

"I was just thinking about it and had no intention of doing it." Harry smiled bitterly, "And where can I get a time turner? I'm not an top student like you, and Professor McGonagall won't let me get one. Time Converter."

"It would be great if there really was a separate time magic." Chang Chu said with longing.

While they were talking, the three of them had already reached the end of the wooden corridor and saw a group of people making noise there.

After that, they once again witnessed the classic scene of Hermione blasting Draco.

"I don't know if I just said that this punch is really beautiful." Chang Chu touched Hermione's hair and praised.

"Thank you." Hermione said with a smile, but she immediately put the smile on her face away, "Come on, Malfoy is here."

The three people quickly passed through the stone window of the corridor and jumped outside.

Draco's harsh words that were not heard just now reached Hermione's ears: "I will deal with that arrogant Mudblood! Just wait!"

The voices became quieter and quieter, and Draco, Crabbe and Goyle quickly left the sight of Hermione and the three of them.

"The howl of a defeated dog!" Chang Chu said disdainfully.

Hermione didn't bother to pay attention to the tough-talking Draco.

"Come on, leave Malfoy alone, we should go to Hagrid now." Harry said.

The three of them followed "themselves" in front and trotted all the way to Hagrid's pumpkin patch. At this time, Buckbeak was still tied in the ground and had not been killed.

"Do it now?" Harry glanced at Buckbeak and asked in a low voice.

"No! To rescue Buckbeak now is to change history! We can't do it!" Chang Chu said.

"Yeah, remember what we did before? When we left Hagrid's hut, Buckbeak was still in the fields." Hermione also said, "We have to wait until Fudge sees Buckbeak, otherwise He'll suspect it's Hagrid. Then after 'ourselves' leave, we'll get Buckbeak out."

Harry poked his head out and looked into Hagrid's room, and happened to see Hagrid handing Scabbers back to Ron.

"That's Pettigrew!" Harry's expression instantly became angry.

"Harry! You can't go!" Hermione grabbed Harry's arm to prevent him from standing up.

"That guy betrayed my parents! You want me to just sit here?" Harry said angrily.

"Yes! We all have to do this!" Chang Chu took Harry's other arm, "If you don't want to kill everyone!"

The two girls pulled Harry to the other side, lest the movement here would attract the attention of people in the room.

"Harry, you are in Hagrid's cabin at this time."

"If you just walked in, you'd think you were crazy."

"Changing the past will lead to disastrous consequences."

"Many people have mistakenly killed their past or future selves after using time turners before!"

Hermione and Chang Chu said one after another, and finally they said in unison: "The first rule of time travel is that no one can see it."

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