Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 5 Chang Chu

The time soon came to the end of August, and just as Lady Suzanne had predicted, Wright did not refuse the offer to attend George Herritt Elementary School.

In fact, Wright could not find any reason to reject the proposal. Is he going to tell Lady Susanna: I will be a wizard in the future and there will be no need to study Muggle primary school courses? Or maybe I have already learned these contents in my previous life, so I don’t need to learn them in this life? Come on!

In the end, Wright could only calmly accept the fact that he became a primary school student again, and a British primary school student at that.

The sun shines brightly on September 1st, which is considered a rare good weather at this time. Because Susanna had to deal with all the big and small things in the orphanage, she didn't send Wright to George Heritage Elementary School in person. However, although Wright was the most familiar with Susanna among the adults in the orphanage, he would not mind getting closer to the chef Steven.

The silver-white car drove smoothly on the road, and Steven sat quietly in the driver's seat. Wright was sitting in the back seat carrying a small black backpack filled with school supplies needed for school.

"We're here." A deep, rich, magnetic voice came from the driver's seat, and Wright could clearly identify it as Steven's voice. At any time except when eating Steven's cooking, Wright did not think of Steven as a chef in a children's welfare home. He was more like a public lover and a friend of women.

Steven turned his head from the driver's seat, his bright blond hair lying snugly on his head, and his blue eyes that made people wonder if they were seeing the sea. His face is not handsome, but his calm and capable temperament adds a lot to him. No one has asked Steven why he chose to stay in the orphanage, but he has never given a positive answer.

In the past three years, Wright, relying on his age, has participated in conversations among the girls in the orphanage more than once. I have heard them praise Steven in various ways more than once. You know, most of them are not even twelve years old! God knows why Western girls mature so early! And Steven is not as good as they thought!

"What do you think of this place?" Steven asked Wright.

"Great!" Wright looked at this primary school located in the center of Edinburgh. The beige walls gave people a warm feeling. From the appearance alone, the architectural style of George Herriot School is somewhat similar to that of the seventeenth century, with four houses and four towers. If he hadn't been extremely sure that the name of this elementary school was George Herriot, Wright would have even doubted whether he was in a primary school class at Hogwarts.

"Let's go in and take a look." Steven got out of the car and came to the door where Wright was. He stretched out his hand to open the door and invited Wright, "This is your study and life for the next six years. The place."

Wright took Steven's hand and jumped out of the car. There's nothing I can do about it, I'm small and have no human rights.

"After you were admitted to George Herriot School, the dean went to get information about this school." Steven held Wright's hand and walked through the college. "This school is divided into four colleges. They are Castle College, Lauriston College, Rayburn College and Grave Lair College.”

Wright felt a little bad. Isn't this really Hogwarts Elementary School?

"But we still don't know how the specific sorting will be carried out," Steven shrugged at this point, "Maybe it will be sorted in a way that you can't think of at all."

"Perhaps they are assigned by hats?" Wright couldn't help but complain, "After a student puts on the hat, the hat can speak human words and directly tell the college he will be assigned to."

"Maybe you're right!" Steven touched his chin, "But I think it's also possible that the dean of each college stands in the hall and directly selects the children they like."

While the two were chatting endlessly, they slowly climbed to the second floor of a certain tower. At the corner, Wright suddenly spotted a little tail following them, a girl who looked about the same age as him.

Perhaps because of the natural closeness brought by black hair and eyes, Wright found this little tailed girl to be extremely pleasing to the eye.

At this time, Steven also noticed the little girl following them. He stopped and turned to the little girl and asked: "Honey, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, my name is Chang Chu!" The little girl introduced herself. Wright felt that this girl was more pleasing to the eye after having a Chinese name.

"Oh, hello! I'm Steven, and this is Wright." Steven introduced himself accordingly, and extended his hand to gesture to Wright next to him, "But you haven't said anything yet? "

"Nothing?" Chang Chu shook her head, and then she pursed her lips. It seemed that she had just come up with an idea, "I wanted to ask you if you need help?"

"No, we don't need help now." Steven said, "Go home now, your mother should be worried!"

"No, my mother knew I was here, and she also gave me time to move around freely." Chang Chu said, staring into Steven's eyes.

Steven and Wright looked at each other, they had no clue about this little girl who suddenly appeared. Wright felt that his previous good impression of this little girl had been reduced to a certain extent. This girl looked a little inexplicable.

Finally, Steven, who had more experience in dealing with children, spoke up: "Although I don't want to say it, it's better not to stay with strangers at this time, not to mention that three people are too crowded here."

"I don't mind." Chang Chu replied.

Wright's good impression was diminished a bit. This little girl named Chang Chu seemed to be a bit unsmart.

"Wright, don't you need to go to the registration office?" Steven suddenly said and gave Wright a look.

"Oh, right!" Wright could realize that Steven was preparing to handle this matter alone. After giving Steven a thumbs up in his heart, Wright trotted away from the corner.

But to Wright's expectation, Chang Chu didn't stay where he was, but ran away with him.

Just when Wright was about to accelerate and sprint, he felt someone take hold of his arm. Then, he felt his hand being held by someone.

Wright stopped speechlessly. Although he knew that foreign countries were not very particular about these things, he himself still had some psychological barriers. He held the girl's hand when they first met. What is this if he's not a beast? What's more, this seems to be a little girl who is only six years old.

Wright tried to break away from Chang Chu's hand, but the worst thing happened. Wright sadly found that his strength was not as strong as that of the little girl. In other words, before Chang Chu wanted to let go of Wright's hand, he couldn't break free...

But it didn't take long for Wright to realize that this little girl named Chang Chu might be his nemesis. For a long, long time after the beginning of elementary school, Wright hated Westerners' precocious ideas.

Because less than a week after school started, most of the new students in the school did not recognize their classmates, but they already knew that there was a kid named Wright in the first grade and a girlfriend named Chang Chu.

Yaoshou! ! !

Uncle policeman, I was forced to do so! ! !

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