Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter Six My Childhood Sweetheart

Let me make it clear in advance that Chang Chu didn't know why things happened to this extent.

On the first day of school, she followed the boy quietly, just to ask him if he really knew how the elementary school was sorted.

But when the boy turned around and looked at her with a smile, Chang Chu felt that his heartbeat might have missed a beat at that moment.

The boy's eyes, those black, bright and charming eyes, deeply attracted Chang Chu.

"I want to ask you if you need help?" Chang Chu pursed her lips and asked a question that she even thought was super stupid.

"No! We don't need help now!" Naturally, the tall and strange man rejected Chang Chu's suggestion without mercy.

However, less than two minutes after Chang Chu was discovered and called out by the two Wrights, the man named Steven ordered Wright to leave. Chang Chu could see that Wright was a little happy. The left eyebrow on his beautiful black eyes inadvertently raised up. Chang Chu knew that this was one of the ways many people expressed happiness.

Chang Chu decided to run away with Wright to see if he could play with him for a while before he completely disappeared from sight. But then, somehow, Wright held her hand and looked into her eyes sincerely and affectionately. Chang Chu felt that her heartbeat might not have missed a beat at that time, but had stopped immediately.

"Is this what it feels like?" Chang Chu still remembers the inexplicable smile on his face at that time. "Will the next kiss be like the adults on TV? Will this be my first kiss?"

But at this moment, the adult who came to school with Wright had followed from behind, interrupting the affectionate gaze between the two of them. Chang Chu felt that Wright was very embarrassed and his face turned red with embarrassment, which was actually the case.

Chang Chu unconsciously let go of Wright's hand, and he quickly ran behind Steven. Chang Chu couldn't understand Wright's expression, but thought it was the little boy's shyness.

"Obviously, Wright is also interested in me, but he is too shy to express it. Mom said that boys are usually like this." That night, Chang Chu lay on the bed, imagining the most likely kiss during the day. "Then let me help him!"

School just started the next day, and Chang Chu was chatting with the new friends he had just met in the new classroom when he saw Wright walking into the classroom carrying his small schoolbag.

"Lite! You're here!" Chang Chu ran towards Wright with a smile, and hugged him with great enthusiasm. Her mouth smiled like a cute little rounded trapezoid, "I didn't expect you were also assigned. Gravelair Academy!”

Changchu saw Wright's usual shy expression on his face, and she decided to give him many opportunities to overcome his shyness.

After Wright decided to travel to the world of Harry Potter, he also thought about his future goals in life. Whether to become a wizard legend in the magical world or a film and television tycoon in the Muggle world; whether to punch Dumbledore or kick Tom the Devil; whether to fall in love with Hermione or marry a Veela...

Really, Wright thought about many, many life plans, including but not limited to those already mentioned above. But what Wright never expected was that before he received the admission letter from Hogwarts, he would be entangled by a Muggle girl! Really, literally obsessed!

Before, whether the system was shut down, asleep, unresponsive, or abandoned by his parents in this life in an orphanage, Wright didn't pay much attention to it. But it was completely different now. He was probably going to be molested by a little Muggle girl for six years! Six years! Do you know how Wright lived these six years?

The second before Wright stepped into the classroom, he never expected to meet Chang Chu in the classroom again. You know, George Herriot School is divided into four colleges, and as a very famous primary school in Edinburgh, George Herriot School also enrolls a lot of new students every year. In other words, no matter which algorithm is used, the probability of Wright and Chang Chu being assigned to the same class is extremely small.

Although Wright didn't know why the college sorting method randomly assigned students to which college they entered, this did not prevent him from being happy for a while when he learned the news. Because then he can avoid Chang Chu! As long as you're careful, it's not impossible to avoid her for all six years of elementary school.

Unfortunately, after entering the classroom, Wright was instantly spotted by Chang Chu, who kept looking at the students coming in and out of the classroom door. Chang Chu ran towards him with a smile on his face, and then, Wright was hugged! As mentioned before, Wright's body is not fully recovered yet, and yesterday he also discovered that he is no match for Chang Chu in terms of strength.

So Chang Chu's warm hug lasted until the beginning of class, when he was stopped by the teacher who came over, and Wright was finally able to return to his seat.

Wright believed that he had accumulated a lot of experience and lessons in dealing with children in Juan Children's Welfare Home. He knew that the enthusiasm of children of Chang Chu's age generally only lasted for a short period of time. Therefore, Wright could only comfort himself secretly in his heart, hoping that Chang Chu's enthusiasm for him would dissipate soon.

But unfortunately, Wright soon discovered that this idea was completely wrong! Waiting for Chang Chu to dissipate his enthusiasm is simply a luxury!

Less than a week after school started, when most of the new students in the school did not recognize their classmates, most of them already knew that there was a new student named Wright in the same grade and a girlfriend named Chang Chu. .

When Wright was walking alone in the corridor of his classroom, he would be asked by children he knew or didn't know: "Hey! Wright, where is your girlfriend?"

When he was in second grade, one time Wright was having lunch in the school cafeteria, and Chang Chu sat next to him as usual. Just when Wright was about to swallow the bread in his mouth, a child across from him suddenly asked him: "Light, why don't you propose to Chang Chu?"

Wright couldn't wait to answer at all, and the bread in his mouth choked his esophagus as if he was frightened. Wright let out a short and violent cough. In the end, Chang Chu, who was next to him, handed his water glass to Wright, saving Wright's life.

Wright stared blankly at the pink water glass with the Barbie cover painted on it, moaning in his heart: "My reputation has been ruined..."

In the third grade, the children in the school made a song about the romantic love story between Wright and Chang Chu (?), and it was as popular as "Saving All Love for You" at George Herriot School. This was the song that year. The number one single that topped the music charts in both the UK and the US! (There are changes here, the song was moved back a year)

However, during the summer vacation of his third grade, after five years of unremitting efforts, Wright finally fully recovered his health. Wright's face finally gained color and became as rosy as a normal child. His height also grew wildly during the summer vacation, and he broke through, well, the 140 cm mark!

This allowed Wright to finally have enough strength and overwhelming height advantage at the beginning of the new semester to dominate his daily interactions with Chang Chu.

However, this also brought about another serious consequence, that is, Chang Chu changed his harassment method.

In the past, when he had the physical advantage, Chang Chu would always use some forced contact methods, hoping to overcome Wright's shyness. After Wright grew taller and stronger, Chang Chu could no longer hold Wright as usual, but she still looked at Wright with loving eyes.

But that doesn't matter, the worst part is...

Chang Chu started to smell him!

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