Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 5 Knight Bus (Second update)

It was midnight, and the moon once again hid in the clouds.

Wright was squatting alone on the side of the road. The claw marks on his face scratched by Felicia had not completely dissipated, and he looked miserable. Facing behind Wright is Chang Chu's home, which is brightly lit. At this moment, Chang Chu's family is probably all gathered in the living room, including Chang Chu's father, Chang Chu's mother, and Chang Chu, who was dragged up from the bed by Chang Chu's father.

And Wright stayed alone outside the door.

In this materialistic society, people are cold and heartless. The only thing left is the road surface, and...it's so cold!

Wright lowered his head and looked at his bare insteps. His white and tender feet stepped on the dark road, and his five distinct toes were curled together by the sudden gust of cold wind.

It's obviously summer, why is it so cold? Wright thought as he quickly took out his shoes from the mok bag and put them on.

If nothing else goes wrong, he will not be able to enter Chang Chu's house today, no, probably this year.

Just after the extremely embarrassing scene happened, Wright was immediately grabbed by the collar and thrown out the door by the furious Chang Chu's father.

Just when Wright thought Chang Chu's father was a fighter rather than a wizard, Chang's father immediately took out his wand and cast a bunch of spells on his home.

The only things that Wright could recognize were the Sound Isolation Charm, Safe Guard, All Protection, and Powerful Armor Protection... not to mention some spells with Chinese characteristics that Wright had never seen before in his life.

But that’s not it, right?

Wright turned around angrily and looked at the two-story building whose color gradually merged with the night. Chang Chu's father had just used a super-advanced confidentiality spell like the Red Dandelion Loyalty Curse!

Didn't you just get out of the closet in your daughter's room in the middle of the night?

I'm not some robber or bandit! Uncle, do you think I will break into your home directly?

Wright let out a long sigh. He was originally planning to give Chang Chu's gift to her as soon as the midnight bell passed, but now it seemed that he could only wait until she found it at her doorstep tomorrow morning.

Wright took out a long wooden box from the Mock bag and glanced in the direction of Chang Chu's house. The original two-story building had completely disappeared. Wright walked towards the door of her house according to the direction of memory and put the wooden box there.

He raised his head again and glanced in the direction of the window that was originally Chang Chu's room. There was only a ball of air left there.

"Alas," Wright sighed again, "Today's story shouldn't be like this!"

Before leaving Edinburgh, Wright returned to the Juan Children's Welfare Home. Without anyone disturbing him, he quietly donated half of his remaining pounds to the wooden donation box of the home.

Afterwards, Wright walked to the curb in the next block and raised his wand.

About ten seconds later, with a deafening bang, a bright light hit the dark neighborhood from a distance. A second later, with a creak, a bright purple three-story bus appeared in front of Wright out of thin air.

The windshield on the front of the car read in gold letters: KNIGHT BUS.

A conductor in a purple uniform jumped out of the bus. He looked about 23 or 24 years old, with some freckles dotting his face.

"Welcome aboard the Knight Bus, an emergency transport for wizards in distress. Just hold out your wand hand and we'll be in front of you. Once you're on board, we'll take you Say you can go wherever you want. My name is Stan Sander and I'm your conductor tonight."

Wright glanced at the chatty conductor and then at the Knight Bus.

"What are you waiting for? Come on up!" Standing at the door of the car, Stan Sander waved to Wright.

Wright really didn't want to take the Knight Bus if he didn't have to. But he hasn't learned how to apparate yet, and using a broomstick is too high-profile in the ordinary world. When he came in the morning, he specially transferred from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade Village, and then used the Floo Network to London. The Leaky Cauldron Bar, and finally took the train to Edinburgh from London Railway Station.

The most important thing is that after Wright got in the car, he realized that he was actually a little motion sick.

This tragic fact was discovered after he vomited three times in the car.

To make matters worse, the trip lasted about six hours.

The Knight Bus crossed Charing Cross Road at lightning speed. Lying on a bed in the bus with his eyes closed, Wright's face turned blue, as if he were a dead man. But even though it's not, it's not far off.

The sky outside was getting slightly brighter. The driver Ern at the front of the car slammed on the brakes, and the Knight Bus stopped accurately in front of a shabby small bar.

Stan walked to Wright's bed and looked at Wright on the bed a little nervously. To be honest, in all his years as a Knight Bus conductor, he had never encountered a guest who was as motion sick as Wright.

"Guest, are you okay?" Stan swallowed, "We have arrived at the Leaky Cauldron now."

"Oh," Wright, who was lying on the bed, didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He said in an extremely weak tone, "Can you help put me in the bar? My legs are a little weak now... …”

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment," Stan gently helped Wright up, "I'll pay you in right away."

When Stan carried the half-dead Wright into the Leaky Cauldron Bar, a figure suddenly flashed out of the bar door, wearing dark pajamas and holding a lamp in his hand. It was Tom, the owner of the bar.

"Stan, what are you doing?" Tom glanced at the two of them.

"This guest was severely motion sick. I have never seen anyone so dizzy before," Stan said. "When we were in the car just now, I was even worried that he would vomit out his gallbladder."

"What does he want now?" Tom asked.

"Although I think he needs to find a private room to rest for a while, but maybe he has other ideas?" Stan said as he prepared to hand the person over to Tom.

"I...I want to borrow the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, and then...then go to Hogwarts." Wright raised his head with difficulty and said to Tom.

"Wright?" Tom looked at Wright in surprise.

"Hogwarts?" Stan also looked surprised, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Hogwarts is also in Scotland, not too far from Edinburgh, at least much closer than London, England. We are in Ten We arrived at Hogsmeade Village at half past two, not long after you got on the bus."

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