Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 6 Letters from Peeves and the Twins (third update)

Even after returning to Hogwarts Castle for several days, Wright still hadn't fully recovered from the incident with the Knight Bus.

Fortunately, under the careful care of the house elf Gaga, after a few days, Wright returned to normal health again.

But Wright swore he would never ride in that crappy thing again!

One day at the end of June, on the fifth floor of Hogwarts Castle.

I don’t know what historical reasons caused it. Anyway, during the year that Wright went to school, he found that no one was using the fifth floor of the castle. There are neither classrooms for magic courses, nor professors' offices, nor even bathrooms for boys and girls.

The entire fifth floor is filled with abandoned rooms.

Wright once asked Hagrid why, but Hagrid said that when he came to Hogwarts to go to school, the fifth floor of the castle was full of abandoned classrooms.

Although I don’t know why, this does not prevent Wright from organizing and renovating these abandoned classrooms on the fifth floor during this summer vacation.

Use the Floatation Charm to move items, use the Clear Water Charm to clean up dust, use the Cleaning Charm to remove stains, use the Vanishing Charm to eliminate garbage...

Many of the spells Wright learned can be practiced while cleaning the classroom.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after finishing his daily feeding activity for Lu Wei, Wright pushed open an abandoned classroom on the fifth floor with a big bubble on his head.

There is no one following Wright. Although Filch, the administrator of the castle, has slightly improved his favorability due to some of the things Wright has done recently, he will not follow Wright every day. Besides, Filch Qi still had to set aside time to spend time with Mrs. Norris.

But even though there was no one around, Wright could still find someone to chat with.

"I said, little devil, don't you get bored doing these things?" Lord Peeves, the real naughty king of Hogwarts and the spiritual mentor of the twins, sat in the classroom and said to Wright, "These are those domesticated children. Things that elves only do.”

Peeves also held a box of moldy chalk in his hand, as if he would throw the chalk at Wright if anything he said did not agree with him.

Ghosts, one of the unique species in the magical world, are generally transformed from the souls of the deceased. The specific conditions and reasons for transformation are still unknown.

Ghosts can pass through all physical matter at their own will and are mostly not threatened by any weapons. The ghost has no rival but time.

But although they are all ghosts, Peeves is obviously different from the others in the castle. Peeves can walk through the walls of Hogwarts Castle at will, but he can still take on a physical form if necessary, as evidenced by the box of chalk he is holding in his hand.

You know, the common understanding in the magical world is that ghosts cannot touch any real objects. When the ghosts hold a death anniversary party, they can only put food with strong pungent smells. Although they can't smell or eat it, it will more or less give the ghosts some comfort.

Peeves has been in the castle since the founding of Hogwarts. It is the nightmare of every castle administrator. From the first Hankelton Humble, who was personally appointed by the four founders, to the current Argus Filch, everyone hates the damage done to the castle every day. Peeves of Destruction.

But many students and even some teachers will show a certain degree of love for Peeves. After all, Peeves' existence undoubtedly adds a lot of interesting spices to campus life.

Wright originally thought that Peeves would cause damage to the fruits of his labor. After all, in the eyes of many people, Peeves was a hopeless destructor. But unexpectedly, Peeves did not re-contaminate Wright's clean classroom.

Although it can't be said to be helpful, at least it is not an obstacle.

After hearing Peeves' words, Wright stopped holding the wand in his hand, causing several desks and chairs that were originally floating in the air to hover in the air.

Wright gently put the tables and chairs on the ground, turned around and looked at Peeves, who was playing with chalk in the distance.

"Bored?" Wright said, "I'm not bored, and Peeves, don't you think that after you clean up the mess again, you will feel a sense of joy and relief in your heart?"

"Hmph!" Peeves curled his lips and threw a piece of chalk towards Wright. "Uncle Peeves doesn't like cleaning up. Uncle Peeves only likes to destroy."

Wright tilted his head, avoiding the chalk head thrown at his head. If he was hit by that, the bubble head charm he had maintained for so long to isolate dust would be broken.

"Then why didn't you cause damage to the classroom I cleaned earlier?" Wright asked.

"No reason!" Peeves suddenly threw the entire box of chalk heads towards Wright, "It's just because Mr. Peeves likes to do this!"

Wright waved his wand and the pile of chalk heads disappeared immediately.

"Tch! What a boring little trick!" Peeves snorted.

Just when Wright was about to speak, a sound of flapping wings came from the classroom window. Wright turned his head and looked over there. A gray owl was parked outside the window. It seemed that it wanted to come in.

Wright walked over and opened the window, took out a thick parchment letter from the mouth of the old-looking owl, and called Gaga to get some food and water to make this owl look like The almost exhausted owl took a good rest for a while.

"Little Ghost, who sent you the letter?" Peeves flew over from the table. He stretched out his hand to snatch the letter from Wright's hand, but Wright quickly avoided it.

"Let me take a look," Wright dodged Peeves' hand and looked at the cover of the letter. "It's Fred, and George."

"Huh? Uncle Peeves seems to have some impression of these two names." Peeves suddenly stopped snatching.

"After all, you are both famously mischievous in Hogwarts!" Wright smiled, "The common enemy is Filch."

Since it was a letter sent by Fred and George, there was no need to worry about any curses on it. Then the old owl just now should be the Errol who sent Ron the roaring letter. Wright thought as he opened the letter in his hand.

"That old, smelly squib is not worthy of being the enemy of Uncle Peeves!" Peeves' words were full of vitriol, but when he saw Wright reading the letter quietly, he asked curiously, "The letter says What?"

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