Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 68 The Daily Life of Transition

Not long after, the bell rang, and Wright followed Chang Chu and poured out of the Charms classroom with the vast number of students. Then he walked with them down the stairs to the first floor, but not to lunch.

Although Wright felt a little hungry now, his chest pressed against his back, and he really wanted to eat something to fill his stomach. But unfortunately, Wright still has a Transfiguration class to attend this morning, so now he is following these students not to the auditorium on the first floor, but to the Transfiguration classroom together.

Hungry Wright and Chang Chu walked into the classroom together. The students who walked into the classroom first had already found their seats and sat down. Wright and Chang Chu, who were crowded in the crowd, also found two people in the first row who were not there. human position.

"Wright, what are you looking at?" After sitting down and putting away the textbooks, Chang Chu just wanted to chat with Wright for a while, but found that Wright was staring blankly at the podium in the classroom (actually, he was hungry) , she couldn't help but look towards the podium together.

At this time, a spotted cat was sitting on the podium, like a statue, motionless.

"Oh! A cat!" Chang Chu's tone became obviously excited, "By the way, I have never met this cat in the castle! Felicia has always introduced me to the cat she met in the castle recently. A good friend arrived. I remember the last time she introduced me to the cat of Filch, the caretaker of our castle, named Mrs. Norris.”

"But Mrs. Loris is obviously not as good-looking as this cat. Mrs. Loris is too skinny." Chang Chu's tone suddenly became confused. It seemed that in just three weeks, she had completely fallen into a A cat slave, "Wright, look at the smooth fur, neat lines, and bright eyes of the cat on the podium, oh!"

As he talked, Chang Chu seemed to have the urge to go up and give it a hand. Fortunately, the approaching class time and the crowded classroom seemed to have acted as a barrier, and Chang Chu did not step onto the podium in the end. But looking at the expression on Chang Chu's face, she didn't seem to give up on the idea of ​​petting the cat.

After the class bell rang, the whole classroom became quiet. Chang Chu no longer chatted with Wright about how good-looking the cat on the podium was, and Wright finally forced his mind away from hunger. Pull it out.

"The cat on the podium?" Before Wright could realize what Chang Chu was talking about, the spotted cat on the podium jumped down from the stage.

"Kitten!" Chang Chu yelled, stood up from the chair suddenly, then leaned over and stretched out his hands to hug the spotted cat.

However, the spotted cat turned into a serious-looking witch in front of everyone. The round glasses on her face were exactly the same as the lines around the eyes of the spotted cat just now.

Chang Chu's cry stopped abruptly.

Professor McGonagall walked briskly to the desks of Wright and Chang Chu. She lowered her head slightly and looked at Chang Chu's red face: "Miss Chang Chu, I have heard your praise just now. Thank you very much. This magic is called Animagus, I will mention it in future courses.”

"We will continue to learn the transformation between matches and silver needles," Professor McGonagall raised her head and said to the students in the classroom. "Some students have been able to achieve preliminary transformation before, which is good. I hope today More people can make progress in this class.”

Chang Chu tremblingly took the match handed over by Professor McGonagall, and then sat down on the stool.

The transfiguration class in the morning seemed to have a big impact on Chang Chu. During lunch time, Wright was enjoying a meal at the long table in the auditorium, and did not even see Chang Chu who disappeared right after class.

When attending the herbal medicine class in the afternoon, Chang Chu still looked listless, and he no longer had the same enthusiasm for the herbal medicine class as before.

This also made Professor Sprout dislike Wright even more.

The headmaster of Hufflepuff was already a little dissatisfied because Wright knocked out her favorite student Cedric yesterday, but today Chang Chu, who was extremely active in class, suddenly turned into this listless person. It was hard for Professor Sprout not to associate this with Wright, who had always been extremely close to Chang Chu.

As for Wright, who suffered an unparalleled disaster, he was forced to be called on by Professor Sprout crazily in this class, and he didn't earn a single point for Ravenclaw.

After the herbal medicine class ended, Chang Chu disappeared immediately like in the morning, while Wright was detained by Professor Sprout, who was asked to help her tidy up the messy greenhouse.

Well, it’s also voluntary unpaid labor without a single credit.

At night, Wright walked back to his dormitory tiredly, only to find that there was a long-lost creature in the dormitory. She was looking at Wright with an extremely innocent look.

"What's this?" Wright walked over and picked up the messy hair of Felicia's scruff. They stared at each other with big eyes, "Chang Chu doesn't even want you?"

But fortunately, Wright had some cat food left over, so Felicia wouldn't go hungry. After feeding Felicia, Wright threw himself on the bed. He wanted to take a good rest to conserve energy for the trip to the Room of Requirement later.

In the Room of Requirement.

This time, instead of choosing a broomstick-making room, Wright chose a wand-making room.

The wand-making room was not very big, and Wright felt it was about the same size as Ollivander's Wand Shop in Diagon Alley. What hangs on the wall are not ordinary torches, but instead are clusters of light spots.

The rest was similar to the previous broomstick room, with one wall filled with books and the other wall filled with wand-making tools. However, Wright has never been exposed to wand making. The three major wand makers in Europe all have inherited craftsmanship, and it is simply a dream to learn it.

Wright came here tonight just to test what happened to his wand. When he used the wand in Charms class this morning, the wand seemed to give him a different feeling than before.

Ignoring the books and production tools, Wright went straight to the small workbench placed in the center of the room and began to test his wand.

"Hmm." Wright took out his wand from the Mock bag. It was made of unknown material and had an unknown core. It was nine and nine-tenths of an inch long.

Then he started to get stuck.

The wand is different from the broomstick. The broomstick can at least be taken apart. But Wright looked at the wand that seemed to be integrated in his hand, and still did not dare to take it apart. After all, he could not guarantee that the wand would maintain the same ability as before.

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