Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 69 What kind of magic wand is this?

Wright put the wand back on the table and then walked to the wall filled with books. He casually pulled out a book with "Anatomy of a Wand" written on the spine. When he opened it, he discovered that it was not about how to make a wand, but information about the wood and core of the wand.

Wright turned over the "Wand Analysis" boredly. According to Ollivander's previous statement, the material and core of his wand were unknown. He did not expect to know the identity of his wand by just picking up a book. What material is it made of. And to put it bluntly, Wright did not think that the books and information on wand making that appeared in the Room of Requirement were more accurate than those of the Ollivander family, which had been handed down much longer than the entire school of Hogwarts. The judgment of the owner.

But since he had no clue now and this book might be more or less helpful, Wright still opened the book without a signed author.

I saw on the title page of the book written in brown-green ink:

"Generally speaking, there are many kinds of wood in the world that can be used to make wands, and there are many magical substances that can be used as wand cores. But it is worth noting that not all magical plants can be made. Wands, except for some trees carefully cultivated by wizards, trees with the qualities to be made into wands are usually protected by Bowtruckles.”

"In addition, not all magical substances can be used as wand cores. With the passage of time and due to various factors, wizards' wands have become smaller and smaller. Wand makers There is also an increasing preference to use the hair of magical creatures as wand cores, because the hair of magical creatures is more convenient for wand makers to embed into the wood of the wand.”

"Since wands are made from a variety of materials, the materials that can be used as wand cores are also all kinds of strange, and different wand makers will have different unique preferences. Therefore, this book only tries to objectively describe the wands that exist in the world and the I hope readers will know the material of the stick core.”

"Note: Different wands vary in length. According to all current materials, the shortest wand is only five inches, while the longest is sixteen inches. At the same time, the hardness of the wand will also vary, from 'elastic' to ’, to ‘hard to bend’, to ‘hard’, etc.”

Seeing this, Wright couldn't help but feel refreshed. Didn't he find a way to detect the wand? Regardless of the material and core, at least the length and hardness can be tested!

But the longest wand is only sixteen inches? Wright recalled that when he tried on a wand in Ollivander's wand store, Ollivander took out a giant wand that was five feet long!

Magical old man!

Wright quickly flipped through the content at the back, which was all information about wand wood and wand core.

"Apple wood. It is powerful and is especially suitable for wizards who have lofty ideals and pursuits. In addition, apple wood is not suitable for performing black magic."

"Ash. A wand made of ash will always stick to its true owner and is not suitable to be passed down or given to other people, as this will make it lose its power and skills. In addition, if the core of the wand is a single horn In the case of animal hair, this trend will be even more obvious.”

Wright turned to a few pages that interested him more.

"Cherry wood. This very rare wand wood can produce wands with strange powers and is highly respected by students at the Japanese Magic Institute. There, those who own a cherry wood wand will enjoy high prestige."

Does Japan also have a dedicated magic school? Wright scratched his head.

"Ebony. This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, making it ideal for all forms of offensive magic and transfiguration."

Wright recalled the unique ebony phoenix tail feather wand he had tried on in Ollivander's Wand Shop before. Although it had been damaged before, he still placed the remains of the wand at the bottom of the mok bag.

"Elder. This is the rarest of wandwoods and has a reputation for bringing great misfortune. Elder wands are trickier to use than other wands. They possess powerful magic but disdain to accompany owners who are no better than the rest. Holder A wizard who has an elder wand is known to the world, no matter how long he has had it."

"Holly. A rare wand wood often thought to have defensive properties, favoring owners who need to overcome their anger and impatience."

"Yew. Yew wands are an even rarer species, and their ideal owners are equally unusual and occasionally infamous. Yew wands give their bearers power over life and death."

Wow! Wright blinked. The Elder Wand, Harry Potter's wand, and Voldemort's wand were all mentioned. Unexpectedly, there were related introductions on them.

The following content is about the material of the wand core, such as thestral tail feathers, thunderbird tail feathers, bird-shaped man-eater heartstrings...even the troll's beard is on it.

Wright closed the finished book, stuffed it back on the bookshelf, and then walked back to the workbench, preparing to test his wand.

"The first thing is length."

Wright picked up a golden tape measure from the top of the workbench and measured the wand from end to end. If memory serves me correctly, when Ollivander sold the wand, he said the length of the wand was "nine and nine-tenths of an inch long."

"one two three……"

Wright counted each square carefully.

"Nine o'clock one, nine o'clock two,..."

"Ten." Wright's fingertips stopped on the ten-inch mark.

"Ten inches?" Wright blinked strangely, "Isn't it nine point nine inches? Could it be that injecting shadow energy into it will make this wand grow?"

Wright hesitantly injected a little bit of shadow energy into the wand, and a little beam of energy began to emerge from the top of the wand. Wright withdrew the energy again, and after the energy beam dispersed, he began to measure the length of the wand again.

But the length of the wand at this time was still ten inches long, without any change.

The second time Wright tried to increase the energy injected, a beam of light that was much brighter and longer than before appeared again, and the faint light was reflected on his face.

Wright stood up and waved the shadow lightsaber in his hand. Just like yesterday, there was no tremor in the wand in his hand, and it still functioned smoothly as before.

After removing the lightsaber and measuring it again, the length of the wand remained unchanged at ten inches.

Wright increased the injection of energy for the third time, but the length of the wand remained the same after withdrawing it.

But for some reason, Wright always felt that something was wrong with the wand in his hand, not because of the length, but from the inside of the wand, which should be the core of the wand.

However, due to the lack of detection methods, Wright could not take apart the wand and had no choice but to give up.

The second test is hardness.

This test is much simpler.

Wright held both hands on both sides of the wand, then gently bent it down.

In Wright's horrified eyes, the originally very hard wand was now bent in an obvious arc by him. Wright let go of his left hand like an electric shock, and the wand immediately bounced back to its original state.

very good! It's magic!

Wright felt that he had probably found the changes in the wand. First, it had become longer; second, it had become softer.

What the hell kind of wand is that bad old man Ollivander selling?

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