Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 84 Prophecy and Meaning

After the house elves in the kitchen below carried all the food to the dining table, the professors at the dining table stopped talking, and Wright also put a spell book back into the mok bag.

Dumbledore stopped talking to Professor Derwent, looked around the table, and said with a smile: "Merry Christmas! Now please enjoy it!"

Just when Wright was about to put the chicken drumstick in front of him on the dinner plate, the door of the auditorium was suddenly pushed open. Wright, who was sitting at the end of the dining table, immediately looked over there, only to find that it was Sybill Trelawney, the divination professor he rarely met in school.

Professor Trelawney walked towards the dining table with a step that Wright had no idea of. The clothes on her body were shinier than anyone else at the dining table. After all, not everyone likes to wear clothes all over their bodies. Sparkling sequins.

"Sybil, I'm really glad you can come here at this time." Dumbledore stood up from the main seat and said to Professor Trelawney who was walking over.

Wright noticed that Professor McGonagall stopped eating and looked at Professor Trelawney who was approaching with a puzzled expression, as if Professor McGonagall had completely lost her appetite due to her arrival.

"I was observing the crystal ball on the tower as usual, Headmaster," Professor Trelawney said in an ethereal voice, "and then I saw myself in the crystal ball abandoning the simple meal and joining the During your Christmas dinner.”

"Which seer would not believe in the hints of destiny in the crystal ball?" Professor Trelawney looked around the dining table, "So I hurriedly walked down from the tower. I hope you don't mind my late arrival... …”

"Of course I don't mind!" Dumbledore took out his wand, "I'll find you a chair."

The wand in Dumbledore's hand stirred slightly in the air, and a wooden back chair appeared out of thin air. It spun several times in the air, and then landed between Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey.

Dumbledore's transfiguration! Wright stared at the delicate wooden armchair that fell to the ground with wide eyes. Where did it come from? It was clearly made directly from air!

Professor Trelawney walked lightly towards that position, the sequins on her clothes making a noisy jingle as she moved.

Just when Professor Trelawney was about to sit down, she looked around the table again. Her eyes were extremely prominent under the strange lenses, like a big toad.

"No! No! Headmaster!" Professor Trelawney suddenly screamed, "Twelve people! Twelve people have already sat down at the table! If I sit down again, it will be thirteen!"

"Don't forget! Whenever thirteen people dine together, the first one to stand up will definitely be the first to die!"

For some reason, Wright suddenly felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar.

"Sit down quickly! Sybil!" Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and said, "The food is almost cold!"

Professor Trelawney hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly sat down on the empty chair.

Less than ten minutes into the Christmas dinner, Professor Quirrell suddenly stood up. Before he could speak, Professor Trelawney screamed again:

"Honey! You stood up first! You were the first one to stand up! Something will happen to you!"

After hearing Professor Trelawney's words, several faculty members frowned instantly.

"It doesn't matter. I believe no one will suddenly ambush me at the door." Professor Quirrell bowed to Professor Trelawney. After all, he was the youngest person at the table besides Wright. "And since Ma I also learned from the knowledge of melons that what you mentioned is just a possible result based on probability."

Professor Trelawney seemed to be greatly stimulated and kept mumbling something.

Professor Quirrell stood up straight and said to everyone at the table: "It was a very sumptuous lunch, but I have some things to deal with at the moment, so I can only excuse myself and leave. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone."

Professor Quirrell nodded to Dumbledore again, Professor Flitwick patted his arm, and then Professor Quirrell immediately left the table.

Wright looked at the back of Professor Quirrell who disappeared at the door of the auditorium, and he suddenly felt that Professor Trelawney was really a great prophet.

Counting this, it seems like her predictions have never come true, right?

Do you want to try to destroy it?

During the following banquet, Professor Trelawney never stopped talking, but her voice was only low enough for her to hear clearly, so no one paid much attention to it.

After the Christmas banquet ended, everyone present stood up and left the table.

Wright followed Professor Devont and walked with him to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office on the second floor.

Professor Derwent motioned for Wright to sit on the guest chair, while he turned around to prepare tea.

After a while, Professor Derwent came over with a cup of steaming tea and placed the tea in front of Wright.

"Thank you very much, Professor Derwent!" Wright quickly stood up and thanked him.

After Professor Devont walked to the teacher's chair behind the desk and sat down, he said to Wright, who was sitting opposite, "What are you doing with me in the office? Mr. Paz?"

"Professor, just call me Wright." Wright turned the teacup in his hand, "I'm here to find out something from you."

"Please." Professor Derwent stretched out his hand to signal Wright to speak up.

"I want to ask you, what is the purpose of organizing those two extracurricular activities in our first and second grade?" Wright was silent for a while before speaking.

"Huh? I thought an outstanding student like you would ask me for advice on some academic problems, or even how to deal with the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest," Professor Derwent said with a smile. The student suddenly became silent, "I didn't expect you wanted to discuss such a boring issue with me?"

boring? Wright frowned. He didn't think discussing the purpose of the game was boring.

"Is the purpose and meaning of the game important to you?" Professor Derwent looked at Wright and suddenly asked a question.

"Yes, I think it's important." Wright pursed his lips and nodded.

"Okay," Professor Derwent touched his shiny bald head and grinned at Wright. His pale teeth looked so oozing under his purple skin. "The purpose is simple, I just want to take a look. Who is the strongest among your first and second grade students, who is the most valuable student, who is the most worthy of being cultivated, and who is the most likely to achieve something.”

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