Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 85: Journey to the Forbidden Forest

"Is this your purpose?" Wright looked at Professor Devont in disbelief. At this time, he couldn't even care about the honorific. "You stimulated all our first and second grade students to be hostile to each other and divide each other. Just Because you want to see who has the most potential?"

"It's such an rude statement," Professor Derwent twisted his neck, "I'm tired of hearing this cliché from Professor McGonagall, but I didn't expect to hear it again from you."

"I didn't want to repeat the words I used to defend myself. Anyway, they all sound the same to you people," Professor Derwent said. "But I didn't expect that I still need to say it again."

“A purpose is a purpose and a meaning is a meaning.”

"The significance of extracurricular activities is." At this point, Professor Derwent paused.

"Students from fifth to seventh grade are the talents most in need of accelerated training in Hogwarts. In any case, due to the curse of the mysterious man in the past ten years, the Defense Against the Dark Arts course has almost become a It’s completely been artificially abolished.”

"Even the Iron Armor Charm that your first and second years are learning to use, many staff in the Ministry of Magic today don't know how to do it."

"So among senior students, I pay more attention to cultivating students' practical abilities."

"Now you can also see that among students in grades five, six, and seven, their motivation, learning ability, and self-protection ability are much higher than before."

"As for you first- and second-year students, it will still be a long time before you enter the wizarding world. You need to always recognize your talents and abilities, so I have arranged several courses to let you know your specific talents. and ability, so that you can know your own strength level," Professor Derwent said. "In addition, I have also arranged several small and interesting extracurricular activities to let you know that there are never just good people in the world."

"Even teammates who have established an alliance may betray you at any time. The allies who fought side by side last time are reaching out to you from behind this time."

"The above is what extracurricular activities are all about." Professor Derwent took a sip of tea.

"Considering the resistance you may have at any time, I originally wanted to set up some incentives for you, but I didn't expect your interest to be aroused so easily, and there is no need for me to provide additional stimulation."

"You have to know that the final winner of the game session I set up at the beginning can ask me for a Christmas wish," Professor Devonte said. "Although there is no guarantee that it will be completed, I will definitely try my best to achieve it. ”

"But now it seems that I was just overthinking it. You don't need this kind of reward mechanism to stimulate you, so you can complete those extracurricular activities well."

"The purpose of extracurricular activities is what I just told you," Professor Derwent said looking at Wright, "so that I can see clearly who the most valuable people among your first and second grade students are."

"So, Wright, can you understand?" Professor Derwent said.

After walking out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Wright still had a completely unexpected expression on his face.

Affected by what happened to Chang Chu before, Wright did not say anything to Professor Derwent on the spot, "What you are doing is splitting Hogwarts." That was simply a stupid move.

But even so, Wright never guessed that Professor Derwent would explain his purpose with such a simple reason. Before that, he had thought that Professor Derwent might be sent by some other school to destroy Hogwart. Ci's undercover, but the facts once again proved that he thought too much.

After walking down the stairs on the second floor and passing through the first-floor auditorium filled with Christmas decorations, Wright walked directly out of the castle.

Without riding Crescent Dream, Wright walked step by step through the snow to the Forbidden Forest next to the castle.

As expected, he was the only student who chose to stay in school during the Christmas break. So Wright planned to spend this Christmas vacation in the Forbidden Forest.

In the days after New Moon Dream was completed, Wright rode New Moon Dream and flew in the Forbidden Forest more than once. Although he always came here at night, Wright still encountered many magical animals and plants.

There will definitely be eight-eyed spiders. These giant spiders, connived by the ranger Hagrid, almost regard the entire Forbidden Forest as their nest. Wright killed several eyeless eight-eyed spiders that wanted to hunt him several times, and removed their poison sacs to collect a lot of venom.

You know that in Diagon Alley, the venom of the eight-eyed spider is worth a lot of money. Although these are just ordinary eight-eyed spiders, and the venom cannot be sold at a high price, for Wright, who has fewer and fewer gold galleons, mosquito legs are also meat!

In addition, Wright also encountered centaurs several times, but those centaurs were not easy to deal with. The centaurs who are extremely obsessed with astronomy have nothing in common with Wright. If they didn't consider Wright as a pony, they might give him a harsh lesson. Obviously, they can't understand their own strength;

There are also Thestrals. As one of the few flying animals in the Forbidden Forest, Wright would occasionally encounter them a few times while riding his broomstick. Although Thestrals can only be seen by those who have seen death, Wright, who has been fighting crime on the streets since he was a child, naturally has no shortage of knowledge about death.

To be honest, when he first met the Thestrals, Wright was really shocked by their terrifying appearance: they looked a bit like reptiles, with huge black horse bodies, no flesh at all, and black fur. It sticks tightly to the bones, and each bone is clearly visible. The head resembles a dragon's head, with white eyes without pupils, dragging a long black tail, and wings sprouting from the ridge between the shoulder bones.

But surprisingly, these Thestrals have a very docile personality. And Wright also discovered that shadow energy seemed to be beneficial to them. He was very popular among the Thestrals because he was full of shadow energy, so Wright also had the experience of putting away his broomstick and riding the Thestrals to soar into the sky.

As for other magical animals, relatively little is known about them.

Wright has never encountered unicorns or anything like that.

Although people said that there were werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, Wright found that it was just rumors among classmates. At least when he was patrolling the Forbidden Forest, he had not even heard the howling of a werewolf.

The most regrettable time that Wright considered was when he felt a completely transparent creature break into his perception. It should be an invisible beast. But before Wright could rush over, it immediately disappeared.

In the evening, Wright came out of the Forbidden Forest with a gloomy look on his face. Just now he sensed the invisible beast again, but who made his racial talent be invisibility + perception? Wright missed again and didn't even catch a hair.

Unfortunately, as soon as Wright left the Forbidden Forest, he saw the forest ranger Hagrid from a distance.

Even more unfortunate is that Hagrid seems to have a puppy with him.

It's just that the dog looks a little weird, and it has three heads.

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