Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 86 Lu Wei

Obviously, at the same time that Wright discovered Hagrid, Hagrid in the distance also discovered him.

"Hey! That kid over there!" Hagrid waved to Wright from a distance, "Is that Wright?"

Wright had no choice but to stand there and secretly say something bad, he was the only student still in school during the Christmas break.

At noon, Wright even sat at the same table with Hagrid and had a long Christmas lunch. At this time, he couldn't afford to skip it.

Wright recalled that the last time he brought Chang Chu to the Forbidden Forest, he was discovered by Hagrid, who was patrolling the Forbidden Forest at night, and reported it to Professor McGonagall. After that, the two of them were arrested by Professor McGonagall. labor.

Just thinking of Chang Chu, Wright's mood suddenly darkened.

After shaking his head, Wright regained his composure and said hello to Hagrid, who was walking over: "Hagrid!"

But what Wright didn't expect was that compared to Hagrid, who was slowly walking this way, the three-headed dog beside him seemed a little too manic.

The three-headed dog rushed toward Wright quickly, with three heads and six eyes staring at Wright at the same time. Its three mouths opened at the same time. Wright could even see the criss-crossed canine teeth in its mouth, as well as the canine teeth scattered in the wind. saliva.

The fishy smell spreads with the wind!

Wright reflexively raised his right hand, and the shadow magic instantly gathered in his hand. But before Wright could launch the energy ball, the three-headed dog had already bitten... the corner of Wright's school uniform robe.

Wright lowered his head with twitching eyes and looked at the little three-headed dog at his feet, which was tearing at the hem of his robe crazily. The short tail behind its butt was still waving wildly.

"I'm so sorry, Wright. I accidentally ran over here and Lu Wei came over here." Hagrid jogged over and apologized to Wright in a hurry when he saw this situation.

"It's okay, Hagrid, just pull it off." Wright comforted him, "Is the name of this little three-headed dog Luwei?"

"Yes." Hagrid said as he bent down, trying to pull the little three-headed dog back based on his posture.

Seeing how big Hagrid was, Wright didn't think it would be easy for a man of his size to bend down so far.

Wright stopped Hagrid's attempt to continue bending down, and squatted down to drag Lu Wei down.

"Wait a moment, Hagrid," Wright pulled Lu Wei's body hard, raised his head and forced a smile towards Hagrid, who was looking guilty, "I will return Lu Wei to you soon. ”

But I don’t know whether it’s because the three mouths are too powerful, or whether Wright’s school uniform and robe really suits Lu Wei’s taste. Anyway, it is reluctant to let go from the beginning to the end. Wright scratches it and pats it, which is a lot of hard work. For seven or eight minutes, he couldn't get the little one to let go, which was only as high as his knees.

"Wright..." Hagrid stood aside and looked at Wright, who was still fighting with Lu Wei to the end, with an expression of embarrassment on his face.

You must know that even including this time, Hagrid and Wright have only officially met less than three times. In fact, the two official meetings between them were only today.

Wright, who usually lives in the castle's dormitories, classrooms, auditoriums, and the Room of Requirement, and Hagrid, who always spends time in the Forbidden Forest, have very little interaction with each other.

Now that Lu Wei has behaved so impolitely, it is really embarrassing for the owner, Hagrid. If it weren't for the thin beard covering Hagrid's face, Wright would have noticed that Hagrid's face was also a little red.

"It's okay, Hagrid," Wright responded with a heavy breath. His face was now a little red, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. "Believe me, I can get Lu Wei in no time." Come down..."

Wright suddenly stood up, stamped his feet vigorously, and smiled at Hagrid.

But Lu Wei still clung to Wright's robe.

"No, I mean, if you don't mind, you can use your wand to cut off that piece of clothing." Hagrid said in a low voice.

Wright suddenly stopped shaking his legs.

"Ah, haha, yes..." Wright said dryly.

Wright suddenly pulled out the wand from the mok bag and pointed it at the corner of his school uniform robe.

"Lu Wei, relax." Wright lowered his head and said to Lu Wei, "It will be over soon."

A ray of dark light flashed across, and Wright's robe was instantly cut into a large piece by himself. Lu Wei also turned a big somersault backwards due to excessive force.

"Huh!" Wright breathed out easily. If it weren't for Hagrid's reminder, he almost forgot that he was a wizard.

Well, Hagrid must have misled him with his previous actions! Wright comforted himself in his mind.

"Hagrid, you're fine now!" Wright said to Hagrid, who looked relieved.

But before Hagrid could reply, Lu Wei, who had already broken free from the piece of fabric that Wright had just cut open, pounced forward again and bit the other corner of Wright's robe.


"Well, if you don't mind, Wright, you can come with me to my cabin first," Hagrid lowered his head and whispered, although his voice was still loud, "I think if we are in a familiar environment, Lu Wei should be relieved..."

As the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, Hagrid does not live in the castle. Like Professor Kettleburn, he loves magical creatures and lives in a cabin next to the Forbidden Forest.

"Wright, I'm really sorry." Hagrid walked toward his home with Wright. Fortunately, they were not far from the cabin now, otherwise Hagrid would have been even more apologetic.

"It's okay, Hagrid, you don't have to feel so sorry." Wright and Hagrid walked side by side. "After all, none of us expected that Lu Wei would suddenly attack my school uniform robe."

Because the corner of his robe was once again bitten by Lu Wei, Wright didn't want to just put Lu Wei on the ground and drag him. Considering Hagrid's mood, Wright cast a levitating spell on Lu Wei with good intentions.

So at this time, Wright's walking posture was much easier than before, because the school uniform robe that was supposed to be a burden was floated up by the floating spell, and Lu Wei, who refused to let go, just bit the corner of the robe and floated in the air behind him. among.

After a while, the two saw the outline of a wooden house. In fact, they were not far from Hagrid's wooden house.

"Light, come in with me." Hagrid said as he pushed open the door of the wooden house.

A dog barked from inside the door.

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