Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 88 Visiting the Library at Night

According to normal speculation, although Wright's own shadow energy was shaped by Baymax, the time-travel system that has been hidden for more than ten years, the native residents of the wizarding world should also have their own unique magical attributes.

This was especially true after Wright once browsed books about the bloodlines of wizards in the wizarding world in the Room of Requirement and saw that the family coats of arms of several ancient families contained magical creatures.

Including the "born noble" Black family, which seems to have existed in name only. Their family coat of arms is a shield decorated with a mountain symbol, two five-pointed stars and a silver sword. On both sides of the shield are two leaping Greyhound.

No wizard would tattoo a creature like a greyhound on his family coat of arms for no reason, so Wright was almost certain that the Black family had at least some involvement with magical creatures like dogs.

And this can also be slightly glimpsed from the form of Sirius' Animagus. Although it was not widely circulated in the wizarding world, Wright still knew that Sirius' Animagus form was a super-large black dog.

However, what is suspicious is that, whether in the small internal library of Ravenclaw or in the collection of books he came into contact with in the Room of Requirement, Wright has never found any relevant records about the connection between the wizarding family and magical animals.

Maybe, you can go to the school library and take a look.


Wright came out of the Ravenclaw common room in the West Tower and walked straight to the fourth floor of the castle's main building, where the library was located.

Although he had gone there less often before, Wright still had a certain impression of the school library.

The place inside the library is extremely spacious, and thousands of magic books are placed on thousands of bookshelves arranged in sequence in the library.

But precisely because of this, it is also troublesome for students to find the books they need. Aside from asking the librarians in the library, students are left to navigate hundreds of narrow passages on their own.

But in fact, although the first one seems much easier, students usually choose the second one.

After all, the library administrator, Mrs. Pince, has never been a good-tempered witch.

The most common description of her that Wright heard was: "Mrs. Pince, the librarian, looks like a malnourished vulture!"

Well, this is the common impression Mrs. Pince left on students: a grumpy, thin witch who ruled the Hogwarts school library with terrifying influence for decades.

No matter what time or student enters the library, you can immediately find Mrs. Pince walking back and forth among the thousands of bookshelves in the library, using her sharp eyes like a hawk to monitor those who touch her paranoidly. Cherished books by students.

Wright even felt that if she could, Mrs. Pince would expel all the students from the library so that she could get along with her beloved books in peace.

Fortunately, during this time of midnight, Wright did not need to deal with Mrs. Pince.

Gently pushing open the door of the library, Wright walked into this extremely quiet library. There was a faint scent of ink floating in the air, adding to the history of this library as long as Hogwarts. A solemn atmosphere.

Wright glanced at the restricted book area in the library that was blocked by a isolation rope. In his opinion, the most valuable thing in the library was probably that area, but it seemed that there was no need to go there at the moment.

Wright walked through the bookshelves in the general book area, searching for the books he wanted along one wooden shelf after another.

"The nature of magic...the nature of magic..."

Wright's fingers slid across rows and rows of wooden boards, and finally stopped at a book with "magical properties" faintly written on the spine.

Wright pulled the book out from the bookshelf, and the dust on the surface of the book instantly floated in this small space. Wright couldn't help but cough a few times. It seemed that this book had not been turned over for a long, long time.

Wright brushed the dust off the surface of the book, and the title and author's name slowly emerged: "How to Understand the Nature of Your Magic" by Miranda Gorshak.

Wright was very impressed by the author's name because the first-grade Charms textbook was the "Standard Spellbook" written by Miranda Gorshak. In fact, the "Standard Spell Collection" written by Miranda is not just a textbook for lower grade students. It also has related upper grade versions, "Standard Spells Level 2", Level 3, and so on.

Out of trust in the author, Wright opened the book with confidence.

“It is mysterious and a little obscure, and for thousands of years, many people in the wizarding world have misunderstood its meaning.

It's magic.

Whenever a person of insight reveals it, a whole new world will unfold before his eyes.

Homo sapiens with magical hearts will be given more and become richer. Those who do not have magic power will have all their remaining possessions taken away from them.

That's the magic.

Magic works like a law and governs your entire life, governing all your thoughts and emotions, because they are also energy.

No matter what you are thinking, no matter what you are feeling, it will be controlled by magic.


Wright quickly skipped the preface of the book. This paragraph was so idealistic that it made Wright doubt whether the author of this book was really named Miranda Shakur.

Fortunately, what follows is not so unacceptable.

"Magic powers come from your body, know them, but don't believe them until they prove themselves to you that they are real.

You have to abandon all your original concepts and learn to use your eyes, your brain, and your heart to make judgments.

For beginners, it can be very difficult to figure out the nature of magic. You know, even experts in magic theory sometimes can't tell what is real and what is fake. This is the characteristic of magic.

But at the same time, if you learn how to distinguish and judge, you will have the most basic potential wisdom of a wizard.

Wisdom is always one of the basic qualities of a wizard, it"

Wright snapped the book shut.

Well, he said it too early. No wonder no one has read this book after it has been here for so long. On the one hand, it is because there are not many students who are exposed to the nature of magic. On the other hand, this book is really just It’s just a chicken soup book!

Was this really written by Miranda Gorshak?

Wright used a cleansing method on the cover of the book, and the originally blurry handwriting was completely displayed before his eyes.

"How to Understand the Nature of Your Magical Power"

Miranda Gorshak...er?


Wright's eyes widened.

Does the magic world do this too?

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