Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 89: Encounter with Dumbledore

Wright was extremely speechless and put the god-level pirated book back on the bookshelf. He raised his head and looked at the row of towering bookshelves. He wanted to give up searching for books with magical properties here.

Gorshakel and all that really ruined the mood!

Wright held up his wand and walked through the rows of bookshelves in the general book area. The light group caused by the fluorescent spell on the top of the wand provided enough light for his actions.

Carefully stepping over the rope that separated the restricted book area from the ordinary book area, Wright raised his wand and began to search the restricted book area.

But unfortunately, the books in the restricted area look older and more worn out than the books in the ordinary area. Many of the books had only peeling and faded gilt letters printed on their covers, and the remaining letters spelled out words that Wright could not understand at all.

Moreover, the text printed on the surface of some books does not look like English at all, maybe it is an older text, and some books do not even have titles at all.

The book that Wright had just scanned was like this. The dark red book had no words at all on the surface, and the material of the book didn't look like parchment, but more like it was made of the skin of some creature.

Students who want to borrow books from the restricted area have no choice but to get a signed approval note from the school professor. Wright himself has been to the library only a handful of times, let alone the restricted area. His familiarity with the restricted area is completely zero.

Looking at the mottled book titles on the bookshelf, Wright had to increase the brightness of the fluorescent light.

"Powerful Potion", "Poisonous Magic", "Book of Souls", "Book of Sin", "Scroll of the Dead"...

One after another, rare forbidden books showed his name in front of Wright. These ancient magic books that were rarely circulated outside opened his arms to Wright.

Suddenly, Wright saw a large black and red book with the words "Properties of Magic" printed on the side spine of the book.

Wright gently pulled the book out of the bookshelf. The author's name on the hard and rough cover was blurred. Wright squatted down, placed the book "The Nature of Magic" on his knees, and then slowly opened the book:

"In the eyes of most people, white magic generally refers to magic that does not cause much harm, while black magic refers to magic that is very dangerous. People use this to simply divide wizards into white wizards and black wizards. There are two types of wizards. Those who like to use white magic are white wizards, and those who like to use black magic are black wizards.

In my opinion, this division is extremely ridiculous!

White magic can be used to attack people, and black magic can also be used for defense.

In the beginning, the division between black and white magic was just because of the difference in the magical properties of the people who used magic. However, for thousands of years, people have classified those who use black magic as evil because of timidity and fear!

Is it possible to judge that a person is a dark wizard just because he has dark magic power?

As we all know, magic spells come in many forms, and the magic they contain is also different.

But unlike wizards, magic spells are inanimate and non-thinking, so they cannot refute wizards' foolish attempts to compartmentalize themselves.


While Wright was watching with great interest, an old voice suddenly rang in his ears, which frightened him.

"Mr. Paz, I think even during the Christmas holiday, you should stay in bed and rest well at this time, right?"

The person who spoke was tall and thin, with silver hair and a long beard that could be tucked into his belt. He looked very old. He was wearing a moon-white inner lining and a purple cloak that was dragged to the ground. The cloak was engraved with countless faintly shining star and moon symbols.

Behind the half-moon-shaped lenses, two pairs of bright blue eyes sparkled. The nose was long, but a little crooked, and it looked like it had been broken at least twice.

His name is……

"Mr. Principal Dumbledore?!" Wright quickly closed the forbidden book in his hand.

That's right, besides Albus Dumbledore, who else would appear next to Wright at this time?

In fact, Dumbledore had been watching Wright's growth since he entered school. As Snape reminded him before, a child with simply huge magic power is not scary, but what is enough to attract attention is that he has the talent to realize his ability almost instantly.

But Dumbledore's attention this time was not malicious. The mistakes he had made once were enough, and he didn't want to make them again! One example of Tom's mistake is enough!

It was just that due to some delays before, Dumbledore had postponed the meeting between the two until this time.

"Yes, it's me, kid." Dumbledore smiled at Wright.

"I'm just here, uh..." Wright searched his brain frantically, hoping to find a more sufficient reason to explain why he appeared in the closed library now, or was he reading forbidden books that students were strictly prohibited from entering privately. within the area.

"You want to see what the nature of your magic is, right?" Dumbledore glanced at the book in Wright's hand and said calmly.

"...Yes, that's it." Although it is a bit far from his true purpose, it is basically the same reason.

Wright blinked, it seemed that Dumbledore was not going to cause trouble for this matter.

"Okay, children of your age should study hard in class instead of breaking school rules and going to the restricted area so late at night." Dumbledore patted Wright on the shoulder and gently pulled away. The book in his hand, "Go back now!"

Wright didn't reply, just nodded.

To be honest, Wright was not ready to meet Dumbledore.

No matter what he called the legendary headmaster of Hogwarts in his heart, Wright had never truly despised the greatest white wizard of our time. In Wright's opinion, before he has completely mastered Occlumency, it is very inappropriate to contact Dumbledore in any way.

But there is nothing we can do now. Now that all the witnesses and physical evidence are available, Dumbledore has directly caught him.

Fortunately, Dumbledore was not prepared to ask him to go to the principal's office, which was said to be a place where people would become angry after hearing his words. Wright secretly rejoiced as he walked away from the forbidden book area.

"By the way, Mr. Paz," Dumbledore looked at Wright's back gradually walking away and suddenly spoke, "Please come to the principal's office tomorrow. I will inform you of the specific time."

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