Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 94 Rolanda Hooch

Generally speaking, the office locations of each faculty member at Hogwarts are determined by themselves. For example, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is not the same every year, and their office locations will also be somewhat different.

Like Hagrid, Mrs. Hooch's office is not in Hogwarts Castle, but somewhere under the stands of the Quidditch stadium. She seems to think that it is more convenient for her work, but this is actually the case. .

In fact, Mrs. Hooch's job in the school is relatively easy compared to other professors. She only needs to serve as the first-year flying class professor and the referee for most of the school's Quidditch games.

In her spare time, Mrs. Huo Qi either maintained the broomstick in the school's broomstick shed, or went to do other work outside the school.

As the most popular sport in the wizarding world, there are too many students in the school who like Quidditch, and the broomsticks in the school are not unlimited. Some students, either due to carelessness or malicious competition, will always cause major or minor malfunctions on some brooms.

Problems and malfunctions on these broomsticks require Mrs. Hooch to repair them personally. Otherwise, when the first grade students come to class, they will not have a broomstick that is safe enough to use.

And if Mrs. Huo Qi is not found in the school, then she may have gone to work outside the school. After all, Mrs. Hooch also serves as a consultant for the Quidditch World Cup, editor of the "Broomstick Encyclopedia" magazine, and a member of the Quidditch Committee of the International Federation of Wizards.

Therefore, Hogwarts is really full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons. Never underestimate any professor at the school. Well, of course Defense Against the Dark Arts professors from recent decades may be excluded.

After Dumbledore said in the morning that he had something to do and needed to leave first, Wright did not go back to the dormitory to rest for a while. Instead, he went directly to Mrs. Hooch's office. Anyway, he happened to be right here on the Quidditch pitch, so he didn't have to take a long detour.


Wright knocked on the wooden door of the office in front of him. There was a bronze nameplate hanging on the wooden door that read "Rolanda Hooch" in gold.

"Is Mrs. Hooch here? I am Lightpas, a first-year Ravenclaw student. Following Dumbledore's advice, I am here to seek your guidance." Light asked in a clear voice.

But there was no response from the office, as if Mrs. Huo Qi was not in the room at this time.

"Dong dong."

Wright knocked on the door again, "Mrs. Huo Qi? Are you in the office now?"

To be honest, Wright wasn't sure whether Mrs. Hooch was in the office now. After all, the last time he and Mrs. Hooch met was at the Christmas party, and the previous one was a weekly flying lesson.

But if Mrs. Huo Qi is not in the office at this time, she is probably out. Just as Wright was about to knock on the door for the last time, a strong female voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Paz? What did you come to see me for?" Mrs. Hooch asked Wright, who appeared in front of her office for no apparent reason, holding several broomsticks in her arms.

Wright turned around and looked at Mrs. Hoggy. He bowed first: "Good afternoon, Mrs. Hoggy. I followed Dumbledore's suggestion and came here to seek your guidance. Dumbledore said that you are Hoggy. The most authoritative broomstick expert in Watts School."

"Mr. Principal?" Mrs. Huo Qi frowned in confusion at first, but relaxed almost instantly, "No matter, come in with me first!"

Mrs. Hooch passed over Wright, then freed one hand to take out a key from the pocket of her robe, and opened the door of the office directly. Wright walked in behind her.

Mrs. Hooch's office seemed to be an enlarged version of the Broomstick Workshop version of the Room of Requirement that she had seen before. The office under the bleachers was unexpectedly tall and spacious, and it seemed to be enough to accommodate several students for a game that did not include searching. Quidditch match between the ball player and the golden snitch.

Most of the space in the office is occupied by long boxes one after another. Judging from Wright's eyes, these boxes are probably filled with broomsticks. It seems that if nothing unexpected happens, Mrs. Hooch's salary All of it should have been spent on the collection of these broomsticks.

The huge desk in the center of the office was filled with magazines. Wright found several at a glance: "The Magic of Quidditch", "Classified Broomsticks", "Quidditch Origins", and the most It's "The Encyclopedia of Broomsticks", all books and magazines about broomsticks and Quidditch.

"My office may be different from the offices of other professors you have seen." Mrs. Huo Qi first walked to the corner of the office, put the broomstick in her arms aside, and then walked over and looked around where she was standing. Wright, who was watching, said, "But I still have to tell you something."

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you! Mr. Paz! It's the New Year!" Mrs. Hoqi stared at Wright with her eagle-like pupils, and her sharp eyes made Wright feel a little uncomfortable.

"Since you just said you came to seek my guidance," Mrs. Huo Qi said impatiently, "then quickly take out the flying broomstick you made! I can't wait to see the newcomer's production. The broomstick is out!"

at dusk.

Wright walked out of Mrs. Ho Qi's office with a sad expression.

Turning his head and looking at the wooden door behind him, Wright finally understood what "the most authoritative broomstick expert in the school" meant.

From this afternoon's contact, Wright was keenly aware that Mrs. Hooch's broomstick skill was probably no longer comparable to that of Ladis Booth.

Whether it was the Moon Dream that Wright made based on Radice's manuscript, which once carried him to an altitude of 10,000 meters, or the experience and lessons learned from the first test flight, which he continued to develop over the past two or three months. For the improved New Moon Dream, Mrs. Huo Qi gave quite constructive suggestions.

After understanding all Wright's knowledge about broomsticks to a certain extent, Mrs. Hooch asked Wright to leave the office with some satisfaction, and told him to come often when he had time in the future.

Wright shook his head, trying his best to put the news that now seemed so frustrating to the back of his mind. After receiving Mrs. Hooch's experience and guidance all afternoon, Wright couldn't wait to go to his broomstick workshop to improve Crescent Dream again.

No, maybe a bigger space is needed.

Then go to the Room of Requirement!

Wright happily made plans for after dinner.

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