Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 95 The Room of Requirement Entered (please recommend!)

Walking out of Mrs. Hooch's office, not far away is Hogwarts Castle standing quietly in the snow. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the snow-covered ground turned golden.

Wright walked all the way from the Quidditch pitch, pushed open the door of the castle, entered a door on the right side of the marble stairs in the auditorium on the first floor, stepped down the spacious stone stairs, and walked through a wide, brightly lit corridor. Stopped in front of a wall with a seemingly simple fruit painting hanging on it.

For Wright, being alone at school over Christmas break had its pros and cons.

The good thing is that it is clean, and it will no longer be a topic of conversation among the students when wandering around the castle. There are many bad sides, such as being easily noticed by teachers, and the first thing that bears the brunt is how to solve the problem of eating.

On a normal school day, students would have their meals in the auditorium that Wright just passed. At that time, the auditorium would become extremely lively when it was time to eat.

And if it is a holiday and there is only one student in the whole school, and you still go to the auditorium to eat, it really takes a person's psychological endurance into consideration.

You can imagine that in such an empty hall, there is only one person eating in silence. The only thing that accompanies him is the sound of metal knives and forks colliding with food utensils. From time to time, there will be a few light ghosts passing through. The wall glanced at him. Regardless of whether others could bear it or not, Wright felt that he couldn't stand it.

Therefore, Wright has chosen to eat in the kitchen directly below the auditorium these days.

Occasionally, once or twice, because of poor timing, the enthusiastic Hagrid stayed at his place for dinner. What you must know is that Hagrid's eating habits are quite different from those of normal little wizards. To be precise, except for the tea, none of the food prepared by Hagrid was in line with Wright's taste. Even the tea was not up to standard.

Wright shook his head and put the horrific dinner provided by Hagrid out of his mind. Then he reached out and gently scratched a green pear in the painting on the wall in front of him. The pear snickered and twisted its body. As the pear twists, a green doorknob emerges from the painting.

As the handle appeared, a flash of yellow flashed around the fruit painting. After a while, the fruit painting turned into a wooden door. Wright put his hand on the handle, pushed it gently, and walked directly into the kitchen.

The overall area of ​​the kitchen is about the same size as the hall directly above. Gleaming copper pots are stacked in front of the stone walls on both sides of the room, with several piles of neatly arranged fried bread beside them.

In front of the wall facing Wright is a large brick heater. When the weather is cold, the house elves in the kitchen gather around this large heater to stay warm.

Like upstairs, the kitchen also has four long wooden tables. When Wright first came in, dozens of house elves were sitting there eating their dinner.

Seeing Wright's entry, a house elf sitting closest to the door screamed and put down the food in his hand, and then ran towards Wright quickly, screaming as he ran: "Hello, Mr. Paz! Mr. Paz, do you have any instructions?"

This is a very ordinary-looking house elf, between two and three feet tall, with slender arms and legs. It has a big head and a pair of big green eyes, and its ears are also very slender. Large and spiky, it looks like there are two light green bats hanging next to its head.

Shulet couldn't tell who the house elf was running towards him. It seemed to him that the house elves working in the kitchen all looked the same. They all wore a tea towel as a uniform, with the words " Hogwarts seal.

To be honest, Wright found it really difficult to tell who they were. Especially every time Wright entered the kitchen, if he didn't make a clear request, there would always be only one house elf in front of him. Only when they were finally ready to leave would they swarm out and give Wright a parting gift.

Well, it’s two full pockets of food every time.

"Who are you?" Wright asked a little embarrassedly towards the house elf in front of him. It was a relatively new experience for Wright to spend several days with others without being able to tell who was who.

"Gaga! Mr. Paz! My name is Jar Jar!" Jar Jar, the house elf, said loudly in its high-pitched and thin voice. It was obvious that it had remembered Wright's name. "Excuse me, sir, do you have any information now?" What do you need?"

"Oh, hello Jiajia, I need a piece of rice now, plus a piece of roasted chicken with potatoes." Wright announced the menu to the house elf in front of him.

Yes, most students may not realize it, but the house elves working in the kitchens of Hogwarts are truly magical beings.

The first time Wright told them the names of these dishes, they couldn't cook them, but the second time they were able to provide Wright with a meal that was as good as the fifth time he cooked alone. By the third time, it had reached a level that could be sold in ordinary restaurants.

So this is also the reason why Wright has been running to the kitchen as soon as it’s time to eat these days. There’s nothing we can do about it! I can’t resist the taste of my hometown!

After a while, a portion of steaming white rice and a large plate of fragrant potato and chicken nuggets were served to Jia Jia. This is also the second reason why Wright likes the kitchen. Food is served very quickly!

"Thank you very much!" Wright took the plate handed over by Gaga and sat at the long table in the center of the kitchen.

Jar Jar looked very happy after hearing Light's thanks, then bowed low and retreated back into the darkness, where the house elves were gathering.

As soon as Wright walked into the kitchen and Gaga ran to Wright, the house elves who were originally sitting at the dining table quickly retreated into the darkness.

After a while, Wright finished his dinner quietly and walked out of the kitchen again, surrounded by the house elves. His pockets were once again filled with delicious milk biscuits.

Then, Wright walked directly from the basement level to the Requirement Room on the eighth floor.

With his back to the tapestry of the fool Barnabas teaching the troll how to dance ballet, Wright began to walk back and forth in front of the wall in front of him with his eyes closed.

"I need a place to make broomsticks... I need a place to make broomsticks... I need a place to make broomsticks..."

After three passes, Wright stopped and opened his eyes again.

But the wall in front of me is still as smooth as new.

Wright frowned, what's going on?

Walked through it three times again.

"I need a place to make broomsticks... I need a place to make broomsticks... I need a place to make broomsticks..."

Wright opened his eyes again, but the door to the Room of Requirement that was supposed to appear still hadn't appeared.

The Room of Requirement has been entered!

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