Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 96 Who is it? (please recommend)

At night, Hogwarts Castle is filled with coolness.

After Wright discovered that someone had entered the Room of Requirement, he did not choose to leave directly. Instead, he walked to a dark corner in the corridor on the eighth floor that was not easily discovered, and secretly observed from there.

Who will be entering the Room of Requirement at this time?

While Wright was looking in the direction of the Room of Requirement, his mind was also running at high speed.

First of all, let’s exclude all the students. Wright had already determined during the previous Christmas banquet that he was the only student still in school. In the past two days, I didn’t see anyone ending their vacation early and running to school. Come here.

Then the only way to find it was among the faculty and staff of Hogwarts. Wright redefined the scope.

It's still a process of elimination. No normal professor would refuse to enjoy delicious food with everyone at the Christmas banquet. Even a neurotic person like Professor Trelawney came to the auditorium under the guidance of her "Third Eye".

So the target range can be narrowed again. The person who enters the Room of Requirement at this time should be Dumbledore, Professor Derwent, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Flitwick, Professor Quirrell, Snape, Mrs. Hooch, Filch, Hagrid and Professor Trelawney were one of the twelve faculty members who attended the Christmas banquet at noon on Christmas Day.

Mrs. Hooch could first rule out that when Wright left her office, she was still immersed in writing something, and it seemed unlikely that she would run into the Room of Requirement in such a short period of time.

And Hagrid can continue to exclude it. When he went upstairs just now, Wright saw smoke rising from Hagrid's wooden house from a distance. It was Hagrid cooking in the room.

Filch can also be ruled out. Although he may be one of the few people in Hogwarts who knows the castle best, if he discovers and enters the Room of Requirement now, Filch should later Report to Dumbledore immediately.

But it seems from the original book that although Dumbledore knew about the existence of the Room of Requirement, he never knew its specific location.

In the same way, Professor McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick and Snape can all be eliminated, because they should have informed Dumbledore after discovering the Room of Requirement.

Professor Trelawney can also be ruled out. Normally she would choose to stay in her tower and live with the crystal ball. This is why Wright rarely met Professor Trelawney when he was in school.

Therefore, the target person should be one of Dumbledore, Professor Derwent, and Professor Quirrell.

Among them, Professor Quirrell is the most suspected, followed by Professor Derwent, and finally Dumbledore.

To be honest, Wright never quite knew why Quirrell went to Albania when he was traveling around the world.

Yes, Albania is indeed located in southeastern Europe, not too far from the UK. But Albania is almost the least developed country in Europe, and it does not have a famous wizarding history. It has been extremely turbulent in recent years.

So why did Professor Quirrell go to this small country, which is only two-thirds the size of the Bay?

Ranking second among the inner suspects is Professor Derwent. As a mysterious wizard who Wright never knew existed, but who did appear in Hogwarts, Wright has no doubts about Professor Derwent. In fact, there has always been a sense of vigilance.

This sense of vigilance was heightened to the highest level after learning about the purpose of the extracurricular activities organized by Professor Derwent in the first and second grade students.

Finally, Professor Derwent’s purple complexion is really worrying!

Finally, there is Dumbledore. This Wright can't be sure at all. This famous white wizard always seems to act like he knows everything.

In Wright's impression, except for the time when Dumbledore overturned his car once during the Triwizard Tournament, he seemed to have nothing to lose at all other times.

Moreover, Wright couldn't grasp Dumbledore's whereabouts at all. He was the principal and could apparate in the school! Unlike other professors who can only walk out of school on two feet.

In the morning, although Dumbledore told Wright that he had some things to deal with, he disappeared after just swiping. So Wright was not sure whether Dumbledore was in the school at this time.

As time passed, Wright still didn't wait for the door to the Room of Requirement to open. This did not make Wright relax, but made him hide himself deeper and more secretly again.

Then Wright pressed one hand on the ground, and waves of invisible shadows began to spread from the palm of Wright's hand.

Although Dumbledore had said in the morning that any use of magic would leave certain traces, Shadow Sense was a method of using energy created by Wright himself, and it was not a magic spell.

The shadows spread toward the Room of Requirement with Wright as the center. Whenever they encounter certain obstacles, they will quickly feed back information to Wright. Wright closed his eyes, and the surrounding scenes gradually appeared in his mind. Even in the dim castle at night, the scenes in his mind were as clear as day.

"Besides me, there is indeed no one or creature around." Wright sensed everything around him. Although the shadow energy could not penetrate the door of the Room of Requirement, the current effect was enough.

Thinking of this, Wright once again lowered his breathing and began to wait quietly for the person who entered the Room of Requirement to come out.

Time passed by second by second, then minute by minute. An hour passed quickly, and Hogwarts Castle became increasingly cold.

In the silent corridor on the eighth floor, Wright, who was hiding in the dark and couldn't stand the cold, was about to give up. A whole hour passed without any abnormality being discovered, so it would probably take a long time for the person who entered the Room of Requirement to come out.

God knows how long it will be before that guy comes out!

Wright rubbed his hands and took another breath of hot air into them. Just as he was about to stand up, a door suddenly appeared in the Room of Requirement.

A man came out in a hurry.

With a stink that can't be concealed.

Wright was impressed by the stench, the smell of the trash castle in the hiding room in the Room of Requirement.

"As expected, it's you," Wright said, looking at the professor walking quickly through the corridor, "Quilina Quilo."

Originally, Wright was still wondering why Quirrell went to Albania, but now it is clear.

The Room of Requirement, the Room of Hidden Things, Voldemort's Horcruxes, Ravenclaw's Diadem.

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