Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 98 The twins returned to school early (second update)

After saying goodbye to Dumbledore, Wright did not return from the Quidditch pitch to the Ravenclaw common room in the west tower. Instead, he passed by the gate of the castle and walked directly to Hagrid's hut.

There is still some time before lunch, and Wright is not in a hurry to go to the kitchen to eat now. And since remembering Jar Jar's name that day, Wright has discovered a new way to solve the problem of eating, as long as he is still in Hogwarts.

That is to call Jia Jia's name directly and ask him to bring him a meal.

After doing this last time, Wright suddenly discovered that the takeout activities in the magical world were actually a bit messy.

Especially when the delivery person is a creature like a house elf. No wages required, delivery is fast, and the food tastes good. And they can help you take care of almost all aspects of the process from shopping to cooking to delivery. All you need to pay is the initial purchase of ingredients.

You don’t even need to spend much money to buy ingredients, because there is a magic spell in the magical world called the expansion spell, which can increase the volume of food.

The problem is just that the market in the wizarding world is relatively small, and wizards are generally not very receptive to new things. In addition, many wizards have mastered the space movement magic of apparation, and they can actually act as delivery persons themselves.

So it's a pity that Wright missed another way to make money.

Stopping in front of the door of Hagrid's cabin, Wright didn't try to knock on the door. Because Hagrid usually took Yaya to patrol the Forbidden Forest at this time, and the only one left in the wooden house at this time was Lu Wei.

As if he sensed Wright's arrival, the ever-present teeth-aching creaks in the wooden house suddenly became quiet. The next second, another numbing scratching sound began to sound from the door panel in front of Wright.

"Lu Wei, didn't I tell you a long time ago? Don't scratch the door when I come here." As Wright said, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door in slightly, and the wooden door opened immediately.

A three-headed dog that was as tall as Wright's waist and had dark and shiny fur immediately ran from the room to the door, eager to pounce on Wright.

"Armor protection."

Wright had quick eyes and quick hands, and the wand in his sleeve quickly slipped to his hand. With a slight wave, a bright silver shield instantly appeared between Wright and Lu Wei. Through the translucent shield, Wright could still see three tongues covered in saliva.

That's why Wright cast Armor Protector.

Because the shadow energy is so loved by Lu Wei, this kind of drama will happen almost every time he comes to Hagrid's cabin. At first, Wright wanted to block with his hands, but who told Lu Wei to have three heads and he only had two hands?

After being licked by Lu Wei's tongue for the first time, Wright became interested in this matter. After all, for Wright, who has a slight mysophobia, having Lu Wei's saliva on his face is almost completely unacceptable.

However, it is precisely because of Lu Wei's enthusiasm that Wright's reaction speed is much higher than before the holiday started.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Wright held the wand in his right hand and continued to maintain the magic output for the armor's protection. At the same time, he stretched out his free left hand and pressed down on the middle of Lu Wei's head.

It wasn't until Lu Wei was completely pushed to the ground that Wright removed the armor protection spell in front of him. Even so, his left hand was still licked with saliva.

"I'm talking about Lu Wei, when will you really be full?" Wright scratched Lu Wei's head, and at the same time condensed a ball of semi-substantial shadow energy in his hand, and randomly stuffed it into the left side of his head. in the mouth.

The eyes on Lu Wei's other two heads lit up instantly.

"And I've never quite understood one thing. Although Lu Wei has three heads, shouldn't there be only one stomach? Why do you have to eat with three mouths every time you eat?" Wright stared at the middle of Lu Wei with some confusion. the head asked.

But it is obvious that although he has a very thin bloodline of the three-headed hell dog, Lu Wei is still essentially a dog and cannot speak.

It’s just that Lu Wei rubs against Wright more frequently.

After feeding Lu Wei, Wright left him there as usual and continued to humiliate Hagrid's house. And Wright walked to the open space in front of Hogwarts Castle alone.


Wright took a deep breath.

He still felt a little insecure about the flying method he had figured out in his previous sparring with Dumbledore.

Although that method can also allow Wright to fly, this kind of flight without the help of a broomstick is the first time for Wright that a big girl has been on a sedan chair. And this is not actually flying. A more appropriate term is that it is just floating.

This is actually the same way Professor Flitwick used the Levitation Charm in the first Charms class. At that time, Professor Flitwick cast a levitating spell on the book under him, and then he stood on the book and floated along with the book.

And Wright just replaced the book at that time with the current shadow energy.

"Calm down, calm down, don't panic." Wright said to himself.

The next moment, the soles of Wright's feet were covered with a thick layer of semi-substantial shadow energy.

"Wingardim Leviosa."

Out of concern for his own safety, Wright took out his wand this time and pointed at the shadow energy at his feet, loudly shouting the name of the levitating spell.

With the continuous injection of Wright's magic power, the semi-substantial shadow energy carried Wright and violated the natural laws of gravity, flying tremblingly into the sky.

"Oh Ha!"

Experiencing this completely different feeling from flying on a broom, Wright's face showed an extremely excited look. Flying independently and flying on a broomstick are two completely different concepts. Although Wright's current flying method cannot be regarded as real flying, in any case, he is indeed free from the constraints of the ground. .

"Wow, that's cool!"

"Although we always thought you were just a lucky boy, Wright."

"But for the first time, we really admire you."

"But how did you fly?"

Just as Wright was immersed in flying, two voices that shouldn't be there suddenly sounded.

"Twins Weasley, why are you here? Isn't it still during the Christmas vacation? Shouldn't you still be at home enjoying the lunch made by your mother?" Wright looked down at the two red heads on the ground. He asked very puzzledly.

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