Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 99: The Marauder's Map (Third update)

Wright instantly removed the floating spell attached to the shadow energy under his feet, and his whole body fell instantly under the pull of gravity. When he was almost close to the ground, Wright quickly cast a levitating spell on himself, and then gently landed on the ground.

Fred and George on the side exchanged a startled look.

"As much as I hate to admit it."

"But your hand seems to make you cooler."

"As expected of a first-year student who made a broomstick."

"There should be no student in the school who masters the levitation spell better than you!"

Fred and George each said one sentence at a time.

"Okay, you haven't answered my question yet?" Wright came over and said to the twins, "Tomorrow is the official end of the holiday. Why are you here at school now?"

"If you want to know why we're here at school now."

"You should find the reason within yourself."

"It was after the second extracurricular activity of Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"A certain person promised to teach us related broomstick manufacturing techniques."

"It's just that we saw that you seemed a little unhappy during that time."

"That's why I didn't come to see you."

"So Fred and George, you want to learn how to make a broomstick now?" Wright and the Weasley twins walked towards the castle together, "Then you will make a little more than last time, because recently I got another one from Hooch. I learned a lot from Madam, which means that the techniques I promised to teach you have been updated again. "

"How cool! Wright, you're awesome!"

"However, we don't exactly come here to learn how to make broomsticks from you."

"Actually, the last time was after blackmailing you."

"We feel a deep queasy conscience."

"It took a long time of thinking and struggling."

"We finally made a decision."

"Then your knowledge is not in vain."

"We trade secrets of equal value to ourselves."

George and Fred said something that surprised Wright a little.

Wright stopped in his tracks and looked at the Weasley twins on the side. At this time, Wright suddenly discovered something a little embarrassing. A few days ago, he thought he just couldn't tell who the house elves in the kitchen were, but in fact, he still can't tell George and Fred. .

"You're trading secrets of equal value to yourself?" Wright glanced at the red hair on his right, and then at the red hair on his left.

"That's right, we have thought about it for a long time and finally decided to come to you at this time." The redhead on the right blinked, let's just say he was Fred.

"Now follow us into the auditorium. It seems that no one is in the school at this time." The red-haired man on the left looked at Wright with a smile, even if he was George.

Wright followed the twins and walked into the auditorium together. Just as George guessed, the auditorium was empty at this time, and even the school's professors did not come to the auditorium for lunch at this time.

Wright and the twins sat at the Gryffindor long table together. As for why it was not the Ravenclaw long table, it was because the twins said that exchanging gifts requires a certain sense of ritual.

"So what's the secret you've prepared?" Wright looked at the twins curiously. He didn't think the twins could come up with any secrets that were as valuable as the broomstick manufacturing technology.

"This is the secret of our success." Fred took out something from his arms in an extremely exaggerated gesture and placed it on the long table.

It was a large square piece of parchment. There was nothing written on the surface, and the corners looked very worn. Light glanced at the parchment and then at the twins.

"Isn't it?" Wright thought to himself, "Why didn't I think of this? The Marauder's Map."

"This is indeed the secret to our success." George gently brushed the parchment cover.

"I really can't bear to give it to you," Fred also looked at the parchment on the table, with a look of great treasure in his eyes, "But who told us to be Weasleys? Our parents have been there since we were young. Teach us not to take other people’s things for nothing.”

"Although we haven't read everything recorded on it," George pushed the parchment in front of Wright, "but in our opinion, the only thing we have that can be as valuable as Moon Dream's production technology is This is it.”

"You know, we specifically rejected the Weird Sisters' performance because of this matter." Fred said.

"So, what is this thing?" Wright took the parchment and looked at George and Fred pretending to be confused.

"Oh, we forgot about this." Fred closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to see this thing sent out. "Explain it, George."

"Well," George said, "when we were in first grade, Wright, you know, was as young and innocent and carefree as you are now."

"But there is also an extremely terrifying devil in the school, and that is Filch, the administrator of the castle."

"We had a little quarrel with Filch one time, you know, for some reason, little antics from students tend to annoy Filch very much," George said, "and he pulled us into his office. Here, threaten us with the same old words.”

"Just when Filch left due to temporary matters, we saw a drawer on the filing cabinet in his office marked with the note 'Confiscated Items, Highly Dangerous'."

"The heroic Gryffindor will naturally not be afraid of such a small bluff, so we found this from his drawer." George pulled out his wand and tapped the parchment on the table lightly. "This little baby has taught us much more than anything the teacher has ever given us."

George straightened his expression and said in a very serious tone: "I solemnly swear that I will not do anything bad."

In an instant, thin lines of ink spread like a spider web from where the tip of George's staff touched, connecting with each other, criss-crossing, and extending to every corner of the parchment.

Then words appeared on the top, large dark green characters:

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Gentlemen who are here to help magical mischief makers.


Marauder's Map

Wright leaned over in amazement and looked at the map with all the details of Hogwarts castle and grounds.

Dumbledore was pacing in the principal's office, Filch and his cat were resting in the administrator's office, Hagrid and Tooth walked from the Forbidden Forest to the hut, and Lu Wei's name appeared above the hut. Most of the other faculty members also appeared on the map. As expected by Wright, Professor Quirrell's name was not on the Marauder's Map.

There are many other unknown secret passages that lead to the same place, Hogsmeade, as indicated by lines.

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