Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 77 – Room of Requirements! Part-1

{Seventh Floor Corridor, Hogwarts}

{7th Sep 1991}

{3rd Person POV}


'No matter how easy Harry and the golden trio made it look, this map is hella confusing to look at...' Rigel thought as he scanned through the section of the map that was showing him the seventh floor of the castle. Hogwarts was so big and had so many hidden corridors that he had to make sure that no one was around when he opened the door to the Room of Requirements. 

Last time Narcissa had interrupted him when he wanted to explore the room, but now that he had some free time and the castle would be mostly empty during the day, he realized that this was the perfect time. Throughout the countless fanfictions he had read, the Room of Requirements had been the constant place that any SI or a time travel Harry uses for powerups. 

Outlandish theories regarding what the room was meant for were presented from different points of view so Rigel had high hopes for this little adventure. Plus with the mountain of things that were lost in the room of hidden things, he was sure he would be able to find some valuable things. Especially if the room worked like he thought it would.

'Alright... no one is on the 7th or the 6th floor, this should do for now.' Rigel thought. He was worried about someone randomly popping out of a hidden corridor right when he was about to disappear through the door.

He closed his eyes as he prepared to walk back and forth in front of the troll tapestry... he paused. If the condition was so strict that one had to close their eyes to open the door, then no one would have found this. Who goes around in a circle with their eyes closed?

Rigel reflected on the thoughts and then he opened his eyes and looked at the empty wall. He still took a deep breath, even though what he was doing was nothing special a sense of excitement welled up in him. He focused his thoughts and repeated in his mind as he walked back and forth in front of the tapestry, 'I want to go to the Room of Requirement.'

His eyes were fixed on the wall when it happened. It didn't take him more than going back and forth 3 times when the door appeared. At first, the doors were like an engraving on the stone walls. As if someone had carved the large bronze doors into the stone walls. 

His special sensory powers did not indicate what was behind the doors but he still confidently took a few steps forward. His hands grazed on the intricate patterns etched onto the doors as his mana sense tingled with the amount of mana that the runes etched onto the doors radiated. A worry that his mana sense might be overwhelmed if he walked into the room appeared but the thought was quickly pushed aside as with a short push the doors opened.

'Huh...' Rigel stared at the plain white walls of the room for a moment. There was nothing inside the room except for the plain white walls with intricate runes etched onto them, covering each and every inch of the room. While the walls were plain white to his eyes, to his senses each section of the wall glowed very softly, with different colors and frequencies meshed together to form the perfect harmony.

As Rigel walked into the room, his hand gripped the doors before he swung them close behind him.


The doors slammed shut and the Lumos charm that he was going to cast was put aside for now, he was expecting he wasn't engulfed in darkness. Every wall of the room was glowing ever so slightly, and as his eyes trained on the white walls, his mana senses worked in overdrive trying to make sense of the etchings on the walls. The runes were unlike he had ever seen, even the runes used by the goblins looked and felt nothing like this. 

"This is like a different language perhaps, something that only Rowena knows, did she invent the language?" Rigel pondered. Normally he didn't like thinking aloud but right now he was quite possibly in the safest place in Hogwarts, maybe even the whole Wizarding world. 

'A chair,' Rigel thought, he looked around but nothing happened. He frowned as his plans were quite dependent on the room being a little more forthcoming.

'I need a chair!' Rigel tried again, he focused his intent on his demand and suddenly a chair materialized in front of him. He sighed in relief as he looked at a normal-looking wooden chair in front of him. It had a red cushion and some back support and a feeling of Dejavu overwhelmed him as he looked at it.

'Fuck it I can't remember anything anyway, no use in trying.' Rigel dismissed the strange feeling as he looked around the room. The room had nothing in it because he never specified what his request was, he only asked to enter into the room of requirement when he opened the door.

'Still, if I can change the configuration of the room from inside it then it would save me a lot of time.' Rigel concluded. He was happy for now but still, he needed to do some experiments before he went through with his plan.

'I need the room to be divided into two parts by a 2 cm wide yellow line painted on the floor.' Rigel focused his intent once again. A yellow partition appeared in front of him along with a satisfied smile on his face. The chair was on the other side of the yellow line so he took a few steps to drag the chair over to his side and took a seat.

'I need a plain wooden table to appear in front of me.' Rigel focused. This time the table appeared in front of him. It was placed at an appropriate height with the chair. Everything led him to the conclusion that the room was a lot more capable than he had initially given it credit for.

'If it could adjust the table at a height that is suitable to me then whatever was controlling it had a lot more brain power behind it.' Rigel thought, he looked at the table in thought and then he continued with the next phase.

'Tom Riddle's Diary...' Rigel thought focusing all his intent on summoning the little black diary on the table...


After waiting for a couple of minutes and seeing that nothing happened he sighed in disappointment.

'Well, I had like 1% hope for that plan...'

AN- I want to bind the Room of Requirement to a certain set of rules. Nothing too outlandish or truly nerfing the room, just something that aligns with the movies without breaking the concept of plot and story entirely!

P.S- 40+ Chapters ahead on Patreon

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