Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 78 – Room of Requirements! Part-2

{Room of Requirements, Hogwarts}

{7th Sep 1991}

{3rd Person POV}


'Well, I had like 1% hope for that plan...' Rigel thought. He didn't know the basis of how the room worked, so his request was a way to see how much influence the room really had, over things outside of the room. Still, as his mind flashed back to the different runes he saw on the room's walls, he had a basic idea of what the room's domain was.

Still, it didn't hurt him to check, he focused once again and moved on to his next request, 'I want bookshelves filled with all the copies of tomes in the restricted section.' 

The result was like he expected less than spectacular. A bunch of Bookshelves, maybe 2-3 appeared all around him but they were empty. The experiment gave him a much simpler answer, the room had a limited sphere of influence, likely only extending to the room itself. 

'I want a plate filled with roasted chicken leg.' Rigel still continued with his trial and error. Till now all his commands have failed, but he had managed to narrow down the scope of what was possible and what was not.

'As far as I can tell the room is geared towards Transfiguration, the magic feels familiar and maybe using things that are within its domain like things from the Room of Hidden Things would work better.' Rigel concluded. He lifted his wand and aimed a Finite~ charm at the table. The table vanished further proving his theory, now all he needed to check was if the room could summon individual things from the Room of Hidden Things.

'And it is quite easy to check that... I want the Ravenclaw's Diadem.' Rigel focused, his intent was clear and a small smile emerged on his face as the white Diadem with a light blue gen appeared in front of him. His smile quickly went away when he noticed that there was no black magic he could sense coming from the diadem itself. He focused on the diadem and the notification screen did confirm that the Diadem was a Horcrux.


[Ravenclaw's Diadem (Legendary): A Diadem enchanted by Rowena Ravenclaw to double the wearer's line of thoughts. A certain degree of mastery of the art of Occlumency is required to correctly use this Legendary item.

The Diadem was once lost to time and when found by Tom Riddle, it was turned into a Horcrux which would attempt to possess anyone who dares to use it.

+ 100% Affinity to Mind Arts.

+ Major Compulsion Enchancement.

+ Horcr$$#@$#@]


Rigel grimaced as he looked at the shiny pearl on the Diadem. First of all, he didn't like the fact that there was something that even the system wasn't able to see, the gibberish at the end looked like a corrupted file, which was different from the locket. Secondly, why wasn't he able to sense the dark magic from this thing if it was a Horcrux, was it because of this that I never was able to find the Diary by sensing?

After thinking for a moment he aimed his wand at the Diadem and whipped it as he exclaimed, "Stupefy~

The Red bolt of mana slammed into the Diadem and it was then he saw the magic that surrounded the Diadem fully. Earlier the Diadem was camouflaging itself but when it had to defend against the magical attack its real nature was revealed. Still, Rigel wasn't revolted by the magic that surrounded the diadem, even if his spell was deflected away quite easily.

'Wasn't a Horcrux supposed to be the darkest of magic? I couldn't sense anything different other than its darker-colored mana.' Rigel pondered before he took a step forward and picked up the Diadem, the compulsion effect that ensnared both Harry and Ron in canon didn't seem to affect him similarly to the locket, his mental shields were apparently strong enough to deal with the compulsion. Since he didn't have to fight against himself as he threw away the Diadem into his inventory.

'Now I have two of Voldemort's 6 Horcruxes, I don't know if he had already made Nagini or not. With the Diary within reach, the number would reach 3 and I know the location of both the cup and the ring. Is it possible to kill Voldemort while he still is in his wraith form?' Rigel pondered. He could do it but if he failed and Voldemort had already made Nagini, then everything would fall through and Voldemort might go drastic and try and create more. 

'When he gets revived again after the fourth year, he will surely check on his precious life anchors. I can't touch the ring and the cup as news about the cup's breach would surely alert Voldemort...'

After pondering on the situation for a bit Rigel pushed his thoughts aside, instead, he focused on abusing the Room of Requirements to get stronger. After confirming the constraints of the room, he knew what he had to do.

'All the books on battle magic and attacking spells that aren't cursed and stored in the room of Hidden Things.' Rigel commanded. Two rows of books slammed onto the ground in front of him, while Rigel lamented that he shouldn't have dismissed the table he picked up the first book and read the title.


'''Battle Transfiguration: The art of manipulation the Battlefield'''

'''Transfiguration is one of the most diverse magical arts...'''


'''...There are many ways in which changing the very terrain could be proven effective on a battlefield. These spells could be broadly defined into two categories. Active Terrain Manipulation and Passive Terrain Manipulation...'''


'''...Active Terrain Manipulations are spells that are intended for the purpose of changing the terrain. For example, the most cost-effective spell that does this is the Spike Formation Spell. Through the use of transfiguration, the charm alters the surface of a small area in which it struck into small sharp spikes capable of tearing through someone if they are not careful about their surroundings...'''


'''Spike Formation Spell, also known as Acus Vel~, is a transfiguration spell that could make a patch of flat ground break into multiple spikes. Proficiency with the spell determines how many spikes are formed and how hard and sharp their structure is. In addition the spell also...'''


AN - Next chap Flying Lesson! Without Draco around how would the class change? Plus a surprise POV change along with the next target reveal in the next chapter.

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