Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 156 She must be very happy!

Chapter 156 She must be very happy!

After seeing Dobby off, David and Harry walked into the lounge under the light of the moonlight.

Before returning to the fireplace, David told Harry about Lucius' plan that Dobby had seen in his memory.

Harry and Ron looked at each other in disbelief.

"The Chamber of Secrets was opened to kill Harry? And it has something to do with the mysterious man?"

Ron couldn't believe it. Harry, who was considered to be the heir before, has now become the target of persecution?

"According to Lucius, it is so."

David shrugged.

"Where is that diary? We have to stop him!"

Harry came back to his senses, a little anxious, after all, someone was about to put a knife on his neck.

"Unfortunately, I have been looking for it recently, but found nothing." David said helplessly.

"Then what to do? Can't find the diary? Are we going to sit like this and wait for him to open the secret room, and then release the basilisk to kill me?"

Harry pointed to his own face, eyes widening.

"Don't worry, he's in the dark. We're very passive, but there's nothing we can do. Why did I ask you to practice Parseltongue?"

David patted Harry on the shoulder and reminded.

"Snake language?" Harry blinked his eyes, and then there was a touch of joy on his face: "It's to subdue the basilisk!"

"Yes, his way of dealing with you is to open the secret room and release the basilisk to kill you, but we will deal with the basilisk directly to him, even if he breaks the door of the secret room, it doesn't matter."

"So when are we going?" Harry asked anxiously.

"When you meet the standard I set for you, otherwise it will be useless for us to go now." David said.

"Okay, I'm going to practice now!"

In order to avoid seeing a pair of yellow eyes when he went out that day, Harry was full of energy now.

"Go, go, the sooner you succeed, the sooner we can go to the secret room."

David smiled and waved to Harry, as if this is not bad now, otherwise he guessed that Harry would not be able to speak Parseltongue smoothly this semester.

For the next few weeks, Harry practiced Parseltongue in his spare time, and his hiss filled the dormitory, especially at night, when it was a bit pervasive.

But Harry's progress was still very limited, which made David wonder if Harry was a snark?
But there is one person who has changed from normal and made great progress, and that is Lockhart!
Since Lockhart's last impassioned speech, he seemed to be a different person. He would teach a new spell every two classes, or introduce methods to deal with some dangerous animals.

The level of erudition is almost the same as the introduction in his book, and he is more and more like a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Coupled with his handsome appearance, he was also the most well-dressed person in Hogwarts. Soon, his popularity in the school was close to that of Dumbledore.

As soon as get out of class was over, many students gathered around him asking for autographs and group photos.

Time entered the middle of December, the weather was gloomy, and the cold north wind swept across the campus.

Given David's choice, he would have stayed by the warm fire.

But Lockhart clearly believes that the outdoors are more conducive to the development of teenagers.
"Professor, where are you going to take us?"

Walking on the open grass, a gust of cold wind blew, and David hurriedly tightened the collar of his school robe.

"It's coming soon. I've been preparing for it for a long time. If I say it, there will be no surprises."

Lockhart blinked, flashing his trademark smile.

"David, what do you think Lockhart is up to?"

After Lockhart turned around, Ron asked in a low voice.

"Who knows? He can come up with some new tricks in every class now, but he is much better than Professor Chilow. At least every class has taught us something useful."

David shrugged and continued to follow the large group.

"I don't want him to change." Ron muttered, "In the past, his homework only needed to be copied from his books, but now his homework is almost as difficult as Professor McGonagall's. Good God, one Professor McGonagall is enough for me."

"Professor Lockhart is for your own good!" Hermione said contemptuously, "otherwise with your level of magic spells, after graduation, you can only use a descaling spell to sweep the streets, and it depends on other people Do you want it or not?"

"Who said that?" Ron said unconvinced, "Professor McGonagall praised me in Transfiguration class last time."

"Oh?" Hermione imitated Professor McGonagall's tone: "Mr. Weasley, that's great. I finally saw you in the classroom before the bell rang. It seems that I have to take back the idea of ​​turning you into a pocket watch, yes Is that a compliment?"

"Didn't you hear Professor McGonagall say it's great? You know, she didn't even tell you."

Ron looked up a little rascally and proudly.

The corner of David's mouth raised a little, and he patted the back of Hermione's hand: "Look, Hagrid seems to be there too."

Hermione snorted and looked forward. Hagrid was leaning against a big tree by the Forbidden Forest with a gloomy face. This was the first time she saw Hagrid's expression. He was usually cheerful.

"What is he doing here? Is he going to class with us?"

As long as he saw Hagrid, Harry would feel an inexplicable excitement.

"It's possible, watching Lockhart's movements should have a lot to do with Hagrid in today's lesson," David said.

Lockhart saw Hagrid immediately bursting into a bright smile, as if he hadn't seen Hagrid's expression, he strode forward, ready to embrace Hagrid enthusiastically, but Hagrid dodged it with one step.

Lockhart wasn't embarrassed at all, he changed his footsteps naturally, stuck to Hagrid's side, and raised his arm to pat Hagrid's shoulder, but he seriously overestimated his height, so he had to change his strategy again. Hagrid gave a friendly pat on the generous back.

Seeing Harry's smiling face, Hagrid immediately became gloomy and uncomfortable again, as if he had eaten a fly.

"Students, please look back." Lockhart stood beside Hagrid, pointing to the back, where there are ten wooden doors more than two meters wide, "These are the little surprises I prepared for you today."

David squinted his eyes and took a closer look. His sight disappeared after entering the wooden door, only circles of ripples could be seen. Lockhart must have arranged a more ingenious spell inside.

"Wait for everyone to follow the order and enter the corresponding wooden door in a group of ten people. Inside, I have carefully prepared some levels for you. They are all the magic spells I taught you. It is a small test to see how well you have learned. , and finally we will score everyone based on their completion time."

Lockhart said with a smile, but many people present didn't find his smile warm, because he actually wanted an exam?It's still an assault!

"By the way, please don't worry, I have already asked our dear hunting ground caretaker, Hagrid, to go to another place for the cute magical animals inside. Let us all thank Hagrid together."

Hagrid tried his best to raise the corners of his mouth, showing an extremely ugly smile, obviously he was not very willing to invite those animals away.

"Now, everyone, please get ready, we'll start right away!" Lockhart patted himself on the head as soon as he finished speaking, "Oh, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, that is, our test will be included in the final grade , so please take it seriously.”

"Included in the final grade?"

There was wailing at the scene, and the relaxed anger suddenly became tense.

"Why didn't Professor Lockhart tell us in advance? I wasn't even ready, and I forgot a lot of the spells he taught." Hermione gently grabbed David's arm, with an anxious expression on her face, "Do you remember Lockhart? Did Professor T teach any spells?"

David was just about to answer when he saw Hermione muttering to herself with her eyes closed. She almost memorized all the contents of Lockhart's class.

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no way you can't."

David shook his head helplessly.

"But I really forgot a lot of things. For example, the example that Professor Lockhart gave in the second class last week, 5 minutes before the end of class, I can't remember too clearly. Who knew he would Can't take the exam? Do you remember? Tell me quickly!"

How can I remember such a thing.
"I forgot too, but this kind of thing won't be tested."

"What if!" Hermione said angrily, "It's all you. If you didn't talk to me at that time, I would write it down. No, I have to think about it."

Hermione pinched David's arm and started circling through her shaggy hair.

"Is everyone ready?" Lockhart stood in front and waved his hands: "Our little test is about to begin!"

The scene immediately became dead silent.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. These are some very simple levels. I have explained them in class." Lockhart tried hard to ease everyone's nervousness, but it was obviously useless.

"Okay, okay, everyone will know when they go in. When you see those levels, you will say: Ha, this professor emphasized it to me, and I remember it very clearly." After Lockhart finished speaking, he began to lower his head and read the first chapter. A batch of test lists, David's name is among them.

"David, when you come out later, remember to tell us what levels are inside, so we can prepare."

Harry leaned closer to David and whispered.

Just when Hermione wanted to object, she heard Lockhart continue to say: "After the exam is over, please stay in the open space opposite to prevent any danger. After the end, Hagrid and I will go to Pick up everyone."

"Unfortunately, he seems to have foreseen this in advance." David said.

"You don't need to worry about them, remember to work hard for the exam later!"

Hermione clenched her fists and made the classic cheering expression of an American inspirational baby.

"Okay, let's see who is faster."

David walked towards the second wooden frame on the right.


With Lockhart's order, David stepped into the wooden frame, and the scene in front of him changed, and a locked wooden door appeared.

Test the lock spell?

David pointed to the position of the lock with his wand: "Alahoo is open!"

With a creak, the door opened slowly, and David pushed it in.

In front of them were seven or eight elves with iron-blue skin and a height of about 20 centimeters, squatting on the ground bored. On the right side of the road, there were cages with the same number of elves.

When they caught a glimpse of David's voice, they immediately flew towards David with cheers and claws.

Are you going to lock them all up and put them in cages?
There are a lot of them.

Just as David was about to cast the Freezing Charm, he suddenly remembered that Lockhart didn't seem to have any restricted spells. He only said that the score was based on the elapsed time, and there was no recording spell in it after his observation.

Then don't blame me.
David pursed a smile, waved a spell, and a small Norwegian Ridgeback appeared in front of the elf.

The elves put away their ferocious expressions in an instant, hugged their heads heartily, and crouched in a corner.

"Go to the cage over there by yourself."

David climbed onto the back of the Norwegian Ridgeback and pointed his wand at the nearby cage.

Two or three elves opened their mouths to David unconvinced, and waved their paws.

"Huh? Still dare to resist?"

David patted the Norwegian Ridgeback on the head: "Spray them!"

The Norwegian Ridgeback snorted and opened its mouth to emit a wave of heat. A ball of fire flew over and exploded around the elf.

The elves who were still a little bit short-tempered just now panicked and hid aside, got up and bowed respectfully to David, ran quickly into the cage, and fastened the lock thoughtfully.

"That's about it, let's go."

David slapped the dragon's head, and the Norwegian Ridgeback fluttered its wings, and quickly flew towards the finish line.

The next level of the elf is a small swamp made with a spell, with a long blanket next to it.

Of course, it is not for you to make it into a flying carpet on the spot and then fly over it, but you need to use the hardening spell to turn the blanket into a hard slate, put it on both ends of the swamp, and step on it to pass.

After the swamp is another door, filled with hot flames in the middle, you need to use the water and fire inviolability spell to pass quickly.

After that was a stone statue, he walked back and forth quickly to both sides of the passage mechanically.

There is also a sign in front of the stone statue: If you touch the stone statue, the total score will be deducted by [-] points.

Of course, if you are as fast as lightning, you can run over directly, but if you don't have this speed, the best way is to use the leg-lock spell to directly imprison the footsteps of the stone statue.

The last level is that there are two small platforms suspended in the sky. You need to use the phantom to move a book on the left platform to the right, and then the door to the end will open.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with David now, he doesn't need to go through this.

Because Lockhart seems to consider that someone will use flying to pass the level, he did not set up the level in the air.

David controlled the Norwegian Ridgeback to fly to the platform on the left, picked up the book on it and dropped it, very precisely, the book landed firmly on the platform on the right.

The gate below also opened to both sides, and David controlled the Norwegian Ridgeback to descend, drove it away, and was just about to go out.

He took his steps back again.

Is it too soon to go out now?

David thought for a while, and waited for half a day. He didn't walk out until he felt a little bored.

The time on the door frame now shows four minutes and twenty seconds.

I don't know how Hermione will feel when she comes to see his results?
She must be very happy!

(End of this chapter)

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