Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 157 The Group of Three Under the Big Tree

Chapter 157 The Threesome Under the Big Tree
"David, how many minutes did you pass?"

Ron was sent to the second group, and immediately after he passed, he happily ran to David's side. He felt that he did very well in the test, because there were two levels, and he almost thought of a way to solve them in a million minutes. .

David looked up and saw that it took a little over 4 minutes, which is not bad compared to most of the other scores of 8 or [-] minutes.

Seeing that David didn't speak, Ron then said regretfully: "It's just that I didn't practice the magic spell of moving objects too well in the last level, and I fell on the ground several times. Otherwise, I can go faster. Yours is here." How much? 10 minutes?"

After Ron finished speaking, he looked at David. He felt that he should have guessed about the same. After all, it would take a few minutes to run such a long passage, right?Not to mention the barriers along the way.

"Your grades are almost four times mine."

David watched Ron's face, ready for his surprise.

"Quadruple?" Ron's pupils dilated and his mouth opened slightly: "No way? Let me do the math, quadruple, that's 64 minutes! David is lying to me, right? It's only been more than an hour since the test started! "

David helped his forehead: "What I said is that your grades are four times mine, and those that are not mine are four times yours. How can your ears work so well at a young age?"

"Mine is four times yours?" Ron's eyes widened again, even more surprised than before: "That's 4 minutes? How did you do it?"

"To be exact, it's four minutes and 20 seconds. As for how to do it." David whispered close to Ron, "I flew here."

"Flying here? Didn't Lockhart tell us to put everything in the classroom? And he checked, how did you bring the broom here?"

Ron was also brought into a cautious voice by David, as if two spy chiefs were talking.

"Secret, you can let your imagination run wild."

David gave Ron an enigmatic smile.

Ron pursed his lips and leaned against a big tree with a sad expression. He didn't know whether he was thinking about how David flew, or was hurt by David's results.

Among the next group of people was Neville, whose score was 7 and [-] minutes. Professor Flitwick's after-school tutoring classes were of great help to him.

Neville was also very happy to see this result, but when he knew David's result, there was another statue of a thinker thinking about life next to the big tree.

Hermione and Harry were ranked behind Neville. When the pointer on the door frame just pointed to nine, Hermione pushed open the door of the final level.

"David, what time did you pass?"

Hermione looked up at her grades, walked up to David and raised her head slightly, obviously she was quite satisfied with her grades.

Why do you ask me this question, I am afraid that I will hit you.
David sighed, and said tactfully, "Slightly faster than you."

"Hurry up?" Hermione's left eyebrow raised a little: "7 minutes."

"Hurry up."

"How much?!" Hermione wanted to pinch.

"Four minutes and fifty seconds."

"How did you do it? I trotted all the way, and I didn't waste any time on a level. It took me 9 minutes!"

Hermione looked curious and puzzled.

"Ahem, I flew here."

"Flying over, that...those levels, Professor Lockhart"

"The professor didn't say you can't fly."

Hermione was stunned. Yes, the professor didn't prohibit her. She stayed there and thought for a while, then tentatively said, "Why don't I go back and ask Professor Lockhart to let me take the test again, and I'll fly over too!"

"Professor, let us put the brooms in the classroom." David said with a smile.

Hermione put her raised foot down again, pouted her mouth and thought for a while, then pinched David: "You didn't even teach me the magic spell of flying!"

Then there was another person beside the big tree.

Seeing Hermione's angry look, David couldn't help but laugh.

After a few minutes or so, most of the people in the ten tunnels came out, and only one door was still closed.

How could Harry be so slow?

David frowned slightly. Although Harry didn't pay much attention in class, it's not like he was the last one in the class!

Could something have happened?
David avoided the eyes of everyone, quietly walked to the shade of a big tree on the left, and used the skill of chasing birds with the ball.

Although he was careful enough, he was still spotted by Hermione who followed, and a look of disappointment flashed across her little face.

Hermione found that the gap between herself and David was not so big, because she didn't even recognize the spell he had just disappeared.

Hermione stood there with her head down for a while, then raised her head to cheer herself up. She set a small goal for herself, which was to learn all the spells that David knew as soon as possible after returning home!

Of course, David had no way of knowing all this. He didn't know that because of one of his actions, Hermione would arrange all his spare time after school.

As soon as David crossed the wooden door and appeared in the passage, he heard a voice calling for help from ahead.


David took a step and ran over in a hurry.

Half of Harry's body was sunk in the swamp, and a huge rune snake twisted its body, shook its head, and approached Harry with a message.

Harry can't make people feel at ease even after taking an exam!
"Harry, don't move around, or you will sink soon!" David hurriedly reminded.

"David? Is that you?"

Harry seemed to hear Merlin's voice, and he turned eagerly to see if it was real.

"I told you not to move!"

David's voice was harsher.

"But the snake came right up to my face!"

Harry's expression was mixed with surprise.

"Don't worry, you use snake language to say to the two heads on the left: the snake head on the right says you are all trash."


"Do as I say, quick!"

The rune snake moved forward a lot, almost approaching the swamp.

Harry had no choice but to trust David at this point, and he took a deep breath, hissing intermittently out of his breath.

After a while, the right head of the rune snake wanted to drag its body forward, but the two heads on the left stopped and looked at it in unison.

The head on the right immediately hissed angrily for a while, as if scolding you two idiots, would you believe such a simple discord?

The two heads on the left squinted their eyes, jumped out in an instant, and bit the neck of the left head.

Not to be outdone, the head on the right bit it back immediately, you know it is the only one with fangs among them, how can you be so angry!

Harry stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He never thought that his words would have such great power.

Stupider than Moloch!

With a disgusted sound, David walked up to Harry and used the Cutting Charm to cut a thin strip from his floating robe, then lengthened it and then used the Levitating Charm to lift it into the air.

"Harry grab it."

"Oh, good!"

Harry looked away from the fighting rune snake in front of him, raised his head and grabbed the rope, and twisted it around his hand.

"Let's relax."

With a movement of David's wand, the swamp that trapped Harry immediately separated in all directions. At this moment, he swung his wand, and the rope dragged Harry to fly out.

"Thank you."

Harry said in shock.

"No, just go out here, I just came over there, it's safe."

David said while removing the dirt from Harry's body.

"Oh, oh, okay." After Harry finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the heads of the snakes that were still biting each other, and said thoughtfully, "David, is the snake language so powerful? Can I confuse them even with snakes?"

"Of course not, it's just that the head on the right often speaks ill of the other two heads, so if outsiders provoke them, they will fight." David explained.


Harry was a million bit disappointed.

"Okay, go out quickly, you can stay here forever!"

"Yeah, I'm still taking the exam!"

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Harry hurried to the exit, but stopped after just two steps: "Aren't you together?"

"I'm going to find Professor Lockhart and ask him to suspend the exam, otherwise if there is another rune snake, the luck of the others will not know if you are there."

David pointed in the direction of the rune snake.

"Then be careful!"

Harry hurried to the exit.

How could there be a rune snake here?
After Harry left, David appeared suspiciously behind the rune snakes in a flash, and they were still busy biting each other.

Of course, David couldn't let them die like this. With a twist of his wand, the horse-shaped water monster appeared in the field, and quickly changed into the appearance of a rune snake.

After controlling the horse-shaped water monster to turn around in front of the rune snakes, they quickly let go of their mouths, and spit at the horse-shaped water monster in dissatisfaction, ready to attack at any time.

But David wouldn't give them this chance. While they let go, he controlled Harry's cloth belt and spun it around the rune snake's head a few times.

"Just stay here and take it with you!"

David healed the wounds on the rune snakes, patted their immobile heads, got up and walked along the rune snakes.

He wanted to see where it came from.

Not far from the elf level, David found a big hole in the ground. The soil on the surface was fresh and there were traces of the spell.

Someone should have arranged it in advance, and then hid here, just waiting for Harry to appear.

After thinking for a while, David disappeared in place, followed the big hole to the outside of the passage, and found a big iron cage along the traces along the way.

According to the weeds under the cage, it can be judged that the cage will not be placed here for too long.

who can that be?

David checked the surroundings carefully, but found no special clues. It was cleaned very cleanly, like a place haunted by basilisks.

The one who took the diary?

This place was arranged by Roha and Hagrid together. Hagrid is impossible, so Lockhart's suspicion is the biggest.

Moving not far from the starting point, David walked towards Lockhart and the others.

At this time, Hagrid was arguing with Lockhart, because Harry's exam time was too long, Hagrid wanted to go in and have a look, but Lockhart refused to let him, he said that he had checked all the checkpoints inside, and there was absolutely no danger.

"David, why are you here?"

Hagrid caught a glimpse of David from the corner of his eye, and immediately put aside Lockhart and asked curiously.

"Mr. Scamander, I have agreed in advance that after passing through, I will stand still and wait until everyone has passed, and I will pick you up. Do you know that it is dangerous for you to come here without permission!"

Lockhart looked bad because David had violated his authority.

"I don't want to come either, but a rune snake appeared in the passageway for Harry's exam."

David watched Lockhart's expression carefully as he spoke.

"What? A rune snake?"

Lockhart's eyes widened in disbelief, as if he didn't know anything about it.

Isn't it him?

David turned to ask Hagrid if anything suspicious had happened when he asked the forest animals to leave.

But Hagrid yelled at Harry and rushed towards Harry's exam passage.

David hurriedly followed, only to see Hagrid rushing into the passage and lifting his foot, the closed wooden door shattered without any delay.

The elves who had been locked up because Harry had passed the exam at this time, just opened the lock on the cage, and they flew out again majestically.

One saw Hagrid rushing in, and immediately flew in front of Hagrid's head, trying to grab his ear.

But Hagrid waved his hand like a mosquito, and the elf was knocked aside, and fell into a comatose state.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the elves trembled, and hurriedly flew to the cage and locked themselves up, for fear that the murderer in front of them would make trouble for them.

After Hagrid ran to the position of the rune snake, he looked at the big snake wrapped several times on the ground, a little puzzled.

"I did it," said David.

"Harry all right?" Hagrid said breathlessly.

"It's okay, but you ran away without listening to me, and I caught up with you."

Hearing this, Hagrid scratched his messy hair and showed a simple and honest smile.

"But how did it appear here?"

David watched Lockhart following him out of the corner of his eye.

Lockhart seemed to know what David meant, and hurriedly pointed the finger at Hagrid: "Hagrid, do you mean that you invited all the animals around?"

Hagrid was stunned for a moment, and waved his hands again and again: "No, it's not me. I checked the front several times, but I didn't see it, and there are no rune snakes in the forest!"

"Then how did it appear here?"

Lockhart continued to question, pointing to the rune snake on the ground.

Hagrid moved his mouth, not knowing what words to use to explain himself.

"How? You should admit it, it's okay to make a mistake at work, and besides, Harry wasn't injured." Lockhart said triumphantly.

"But I really checked it several times at that time!"

Hagrid scratched his hair in distress.

"It's not because of Hagrid. I found an iron cage not far from this big hole. Obviously someone wanted to kill Harry." David said.

"What?" Lockhart restrained the complacency on his face, flashed a flash of panic, and then said solemnly: "Someone wants to hurt my students right under their noses! I can't forgive you!"

After Lockhart finished speaking, he chanted a spell, and a big hole exploded in the wall in front of him.

"Where's the cage?" Lockhart asked.

"just in front."

David pointed out the location to Lockhart and followed behind him.

Did you take the diary?
(End of this chapter)

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