Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 167 Eat him, eat him!

Chapter 167 Eat him, eat him!
"Bain, when did you find out they became like this?"

David asked loudly.

Bane put the arrow on the string, pulled it into a full moon, and shot it with a whoosh.

Long Arrow trembled slightly and approached an acromantula whose big sting danced and crackled, and quickly kissed its eyes, and gradually entered.

Bain saw the acromantula wailed twice in pain and fell to the ground. He nodded in satisfaction, turned around and exited the first formation, and walked towards David.

A slightly thinner centaur behind him immediately took his place and continued to fight the acromantula.

"I noticed it a few days ago, but only a few of them mutated. We could deal with it at that time, so we didn't pay much attention to it, but until this morning."

Bane pointed at the acromantula with a finger holding the bow and arrow, the meaning was self-evident.

"Are there any other animals like this?"

David asked.

Bain thought for a moment and said, "No, at least we haven't found out yet."

"Okay, you go to work first."

David scratched his hair in distress. He hasn't gotten any useful information until now.

Did they eat something deceptive?

But that doesn't make the whole group like this.
infectious disease?
However, Hogwarts did not have any laboratory equipment, allowing him to explore the subtle changes in the body of the acromantula.

How about going to their lair?
The horsemen's movements of bowing and shooting arrows have become a little slow, after all, they have been fighting for several hours.

But the group of giant eight-eyed spiders are still alive and well, as long as the centaurs relax a little, they will launch a crazy death charge.

Snape also had a serious expression on his face, the frequent use of his wand had greatly drained his energy.

"Are you guys okay?"

Flitwick's professors finally arranged things in the school, and they came at just the right time.

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "You guys came too timely. If we were a little later, we might not be able to withstand it."

"It took us a lot of time to arrange those students."

Professor Flitwick joined the battle while waving his wand while speaking, which greatly relieved the pressure of everyone.

"Professor, I want to go back and look up some information."

David said loudly to Professor McGonagall.

"Do you need me to go back with you?"

While Professor McGonagall was speaking, his wand was shaking, and an acromantula that had just rushed through the arrow feathers of the centaur exploded, and pieces of meat scattered all over the floor.

But this was already mild. Snape would choose some spells that did little harm in order to preserve the materials at the beginning.

However, Snape's behavior seemed to have given the group of spiders an illusion that the person in front of them was a soft persimmon, so more and more acromantulas were attacking him.

Snape, who was exhausted enough, also became cruel in his methods, and the spiders that died under his hands were basically broken into slag.

"No, I'll go back the way we came, and nothing will happen," David said.

"Okay, be careful, and withdraw quickly if there is any change."

After thinking about it for a while, Professor McGonagall felt that there should be no danger, so she joined the battle with the acromantula again.

David turned around and strode forward, quickly running towards the castle.

But away from the position where Professor McGonagall was fighting, David stopped immediately.

He looked around and found no creatures that could threaten him.

The acromantula's lair, which Hagrid took me to see before.
David's brain was like a projector, and the memories stored in it began to emerge, and it was quickly drawn to the time period when Hagrid took him to see Aragog.

found it.
David took a deep breath, and he was going to visit the acromantula's lair to see if he could find the reason for them to go crazy inside.

As for why they should teach them without telling McGonagall?

Of course it was because they knew they would not let him go, after all, it was too dangerous.

And it's not too good to have professors with him.

Because they can't use apparation in Hogwarts, and it's not necessarily convenient for him to act alone,
After confirming the location of the Acromantula's lair, David flashed the illustration in his mind, and his whole body seemed to be drilled into a pipe.

When David opened his eyes again, he had already appeared beside the Acromantula's lair.

A towering giant tree stood more than ten meters away from him. Its roots spread and entangled in all directions, and surrounded a cave at the bottom that was big enough to walk into an elephant.

There are intertwined white spider webs sticking around the cave, and it is pitch black a little further in from the entrance of the cave, and nothing can be seen.

The most surprising thing is that there doesn't seem to be a single spider inside, it's quiet.

all out?

David used his wand to command a dead branch on the ground, and with a movement of his wrist, the dead branch obediently fell into the hole.

After a while, there was only the dull sound of a collision, and there was no clicking sound of the giant stinger dancing.

Looks like they've really gone out.
David breathed a sigh of relief, tangling with those crazy guys is not a pleasure, it is more uncomfortable than being alone in the room with Snape.

Stepping into the cave, a small ball of light appeared from the end of David's wand, which slowly dispelled the surrounding darkness.

A terrifying scene gradually unfolded in front of David's eyes.

Most of the white spider webs in the cave have been soaked with the blood of the giant eight-eyed spider.

Countless corpses of acromantulas were piled up and randomly placed on the ground, and most of the spiders had their stomachs slashed open, but they seemed to have not noticed it at the time, and they were still frantically advancing and fighting, causing the internal organs in their stomachs to drag. All over the place.

Are they killing each other?

There are many giant octopus spiders whose stings are still deep in the bodies of other acromantulas, so it is not difficult to imagine what happened here.

David covered his nose, slightly blocking the pungent stench, suppressing the sense of horror in his heart and the rising acid.

This is not something a minor should watch
and things are getting weirder
Acromantus does not have the habit of killing each other, on the contrary, they value their families extremely.

David cleared a path with his wand, walked into it, and observed the surrounding situation very carefully.

After walking into the cave completely, the surrounding scenes became even more tragic.

There were a large number of Acromantula corpses piled up on the tangled ground, and very few of them were intact, most of them were torn to pieces, and the remaining limbs were mixed with internal organs and scattered all over the ground.

The stinky blood pooled together to form several small blood pools in the low-lying areas.

David's heart also sank to the bottom following this terrifying scene.

After jumping over a few small blood puddles and climbing up to a high place, David suddenly and keenly heard an extremely subtle sound.

There are still living giant arachnids here?
David instantly became vigilant, scanning his surroundings.

David looked intently as he swept to the bottom of the cave right front.

An acromantula about the size of a small elephant stopped there. Its body was still intact, and most importantly, it seemed to have the outline of a cave behind it.

David held the wand in his hand and raised it, all the residual limbs and debris blocking him were separated to the two sides, and a clean passage emerged.

David stepped on the soft soil, observing his surroundings while trying his best to control the balance of his body, so as not to accidentally fall into the sea of ​​blood beside him.

Walking in front of the huge acromantula corpse, David moved it away with a spell, and a cave that allowed Hagrid to pass without bowing his head appeared in front of him.

And the inside is very clean, without bloodstains or stumps, and even the white spider web has not changed color. This should be the credit of the giant eight-eyed spider lying at the door.

David stepped in slowly, and the slight noise heard in front immediately became clear.

Kind of like the sound of a shovel gliding across dirt.

What does it guard?
David glanced back at the corpse of the acromantula, trying his best to reduce the noise of his footsteps.

After walking more than ten meters and turning a corner, David couldn't help holding his breath.

In front of the passageway is an even bigger giant acromantula, its body is much larger than that of ordinary small elephants.

It is not as crazy as those acromantulas outside, but it is also very painful. Its eight black giant feet slid on the ground in disorder, and its head kept bumping against the wall. When the soil fell, it also left it on it. of blood.


David called softly.

The last time Hagrid took him to see it, David still remembered what it looked like, and it was the only one here with such a huge body.


Aragog's head hit the wall with a bang, and the impact seemed to wake him up a little, and he turned around slowly.

David saw several eyes dotted on its ugly face, but each was covered with a white veil, and it had long been invisible.


Aragog's sting waved and rattled non-stop.

"I'm Hagrid's friend. We met last time." David said quickly.


Aragog became more conscious again, and his chaotic steps stopped.

"What the hell happened here?" David asked hurriedly.

"what happened?"

Aragog clicked and said something, as if the last string in his heart was pulled, and he became crazy in an instant.

Its big sting flicked desperately, and an angry voice echoed in the cave: "Humans, humans! It's all you, you made my descendants become like this, you killed Mosag."

"Calm down, Aragog, I'm here to help you, as long as you tell me the reason for your changes, I will cure you."

David held his wand and watched Aragog's every move closely.

"Humans, you still want to lie to me, you are the ones who killed my descendants and Mosag!"

Aragog roared, bumping against the walls on both sides, and quickly moved towards David.

David appeared behind Aragog instantly using the skill of chasing birds with the ball.

When the blind Aragog didn't realize it, it still rushed forward frantically.

Do you want to try out the unicorn skills?
David thought embarrassingly as he watched Aragog wrestle with the wall where his breath remained.

If it doesn't work, then it's an enemy.
Forget it, let's try it, what if it succeeds?

And even if it doesn't work, it's not my opponent.

Thinking of this, a group of soft white light burst out from David's curse tip, and quickly hit Aragog's body.

Aragog's manic behavior stopped immediately.

David probed again in a low voice: "Aragok?"

Aragog's figure swayed, and he turned around slowly, the white veil covering his eyes had disappeared, and it regained light.

But there was no joy on David's face at all, because Aragog's eyes were the same dull scarlet color as those acromantulas outside.

Good guy, it's really an enemy.
Aragog's giant foot hit the ground, and he quickly approached David. He regained his vision and increased his speed several times. It was like a leap from a green leather train to a high-speed rail.

David sighed, and kept waving his wand in his hand, and large pits, swamps, and earth walls appeared on the ground.

But these can only slightly hinder Aragog's pace.

Using the spell of confinement, Aragog soon recovered, and its resistance was much stronger than other spiders.

It seems that there is nothing to ask from Aragog for the time being.

David stood where he was, with the spell in his hand hanging down, and calmly looked at the acromantula approaching him.

After Aragog ran through two-thirds of the process, David closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyeballs had turned a faint yellow color.

Aragog ran two more steps forward, but when it raised its foot again, its huge body trembled, and it slowly turned into stone from the part close to David.

David's eyes gradually turned back to their original colors, his footsteps swayed, and he leaned against the wall beside him.

I didn't expect it to be so difficult to precisely control this spell.
David shook his dizzy head. Just now, in order to avoid directly killing Aragog, he concentrated all his attention on controlling the intensity.

But he didn't expect such strength, it was like pumping his body once with a big pump.

Next time, just kill it directly, don't petrify it.

Otherwise, if that person accidentally closes his eyes, I will be miserable
David sat down slowly against the wall, summing up his experience while recovering his strength.

After resting almost, David went over and moved Aragog to the position further inside the cave, and grew a wall of earth to surround it.

At that time, when Madam Pomfrey's potion is brewed, Hagrid can also be surprised. After all, Hagrid raised it with his own hands, and there is still a gap between it and those outside.

After dealing with Aragog's matter, David searched the cave again, and everything was normal, just an ordinary big hole.

Go outside and remove those dead spiders
After making a decision, David began to walk outside with the help of the luminous spell.

But when approaching the entrance of the cave, David suddenly heard a loud clicking sound.

They are all back?

David's heart skipped a beat, and he carefully looked out.

That scene is probably something he will remember forever.

Countless pairs of red eyes appeared on the pitch-black curtain, staring at him longingly, shouting indiscriminately: "Human, human, eat him, eat him!"

David waved his wand reflexively, and a Norwegian Ridgeback stood by his side, and opened his mouth to spew out a mouthful of dragon flame.

Although the giant eight-eyed spiders were crazy, they were not fools. Feeling the temperature of Long Yan, they retreated one after another.

Long Yan continued to move forward and would soon touch the huge acromantula blocking the door.

Something seems wrong.

Those spiders don't seem to come near here
David recalled in his mind the scene he had just seen.

To be precise, those spiders didn't seem to get close to that big Acromantula.

so troublesome.
David appeared in front of Longyan in an instant, a hot flame spewed out from the front of the wand, collided with Longyan, and the two dissipated in the air.

At this time, David's body was also approaching the edge of the hole.

The acromantula outside became excited again, they waved their big stings, scrambling to get close to David.

But as soon as they got close to the acromantula blocking the doorway, they piled up on the spot as if they were imprisoned, shouting desperately, but they just didn't dare to move forward.

It seems that I guessed it right, the desire to kill in their hearts has been amplified, but their habits have not changed.
David breathed a sigh of relief. Although the reason for their mutation has not been found yet, a way to prevent them from harming other animals has been found.

(End of this chapter)

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