Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 113 – 4 Months Later

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


"There is no way Hagrid is Slytherin's Heir," Lucifer said defiantly.

It was the following morning when the four of them started to discuss what Harry had told them about what he'd seen in the Diary.

"I know what I saw, what Riddle showed me," Harry defended the Diary.

"What Riddle wanted you to see, you mean," Lucifer fired back.

"Come on, Lucifer, Riddle got an award for catching the one responsible," Harry reminded.

"Lucifer could be right," Hermione gave her own two bits, "Riddle might have got the wrong person. Maybe it was some other monster attacking people and not an Acromantula?"

She had done her best to hide any trace of her crying the previous night, or any heartache she still felt.

It definitely worked, because Lucifer didn't ask her in the morning, if she was okay or whatever, and she was completely okay with that.

Doing her morning ritual of first blowing him up in his sleep, and then went back to get ready for the class.

Hermione just hoped the monster is either killed, or the heir is caught, so that she could go back to her previous routine of visiting him at night.

But, still waking her boyfriend up in this way every morning, does look nice....maybe he would allow her to continue doing that.

"How many monsters can this place hold?" Ron asked.

"Okay, look..." Lucifer waved over to look at him, "You said in the Diary, you saw the spider scurry out of the castle?" Harry nodded, "So why would the Heir write that the Chamber has been opened again?"

"Maybe to throw us off his or her trail?" Harry asked.

"You met Hagrid down in Knockturn Alley, didn't you, Harry?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, he said he was buying Flesh-Eating Slug repellent," Harry said quickly.

They all fell silent, 'Hagrid didn't open that Chamber, that much I'm certain of... but if he didn't, then who did?'

"Hermione, what do you think?"

"???" 'Did someone just say my name?'

She felt the gazes of others, after a long pause, Hermione wracking her brain, she voiced the knottiest question of all in a hesitant voice, "Do you think we should go and ask Hagrid about it all?"

"That'd be a cheerful visit," Ron said,
"Hello Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

"Mad 'n' Hairy? You wouldn' happen tae be talkin' about me now would yeh?" Hagrid asked, coming up behind them.

"Hagrid!" Harry said in a surprised voice.

"No, no we, uh... we are just going to start Lockhart's homework..." Lucifer was somehow able to tell both the truth, and cover their previous discussion.

"Well, we'll come and see you later, Hagrid, but we've got to get going!" Even Hermione said quickly, trying to fool the Game keeper.

"A'right, you lot stay out of trouble now, eh?" He gave a hearty laugh and walked off.

They all let out a held breath in unison. And, marched towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

Hermione, Harry, Lucifer and Ron began on their Defence Against the Dark Arts homework, which turned out to be less of a homework sheet and more of 1001 reasons to love Gilderoy Lockhart.


"I'd burn it if I could get away with it," Ron muttered darkly.

"I'll do it too; we'll pretend there was a fire," Hermione totally agreed, staring down at her essay, which currently said 'Gilderoy Lockhart is'.

"Count me in" Even Harry nodded with a grim face.

They had been working on it for almost an hour.

"Oh yeah, 'is!" Ron said, quickly noting down the third word onto his own essay.

Lucifer, who had already written almost two pages, scoffed at them.

"Please just let me copy this one. I won't ask again for the rest of the year," Ron begged him.

"As much as I know that's a lie," Lucifer sighed, and he tapped his wand against his parchment, creating a perfect duplicate, which he was about to hand over to Ron.

Until Hermione threw it away in the fireplace, of their common room.

"Hermione, what the hell?!"

"Do your own, Ronald!"

"What's got her in such a bad mood?" Ron asked from Lucifer, his face looking quite dumbfounded.

"...I have no idea."


It was now nearly four months since the attack on Justin and Nick, and nearly everyone seemed to think the attacker, whoever it was, had retired for good.

Lucifer knew better and knew this wasn't over yet.

Peeves had also got bored of singing his song for Harry and Ernie had even mustered up the courage to politely ask Harry to hand him a bucket of leaping toads in Herbology.

In March, several of the Mandrakes threw a loud and raucous party in Greenhouse Three, which delighted Professor Sprout, "The moment they start trying to move into each other's pots, we'll know they are fully mature," she told them, "then we will be able to revive those poor people and Mrs. Norris."

The Second Years were given something new to think about as well during their Easter Holidays.

The time had come for them to choose their subjects for the third year, a matter that Lucifer and Hermione took very seriously.

When she saw that Harry wasn't being as serious about it, she got testy with him, "It could affect our whole future, the classes we choose for next year!"

"I just want to give up Potions," Harry lamented.

"Well, it's one of the Seven Core classes and is mandatory all the way through Fifth year," Lucifer pointed out his terrible fate.

"Which means Defence Against the Dark Arts too?" Harry said gloomily.

"But that's very important!" Hermione argued.

"Not the way Lockhart teaches it," Ron also grumbled..

"I doubt he'll be here next year..." Hermione said, making them all look at her, "What? Don't tell me you like that poser!"

"We don't..." Harry admitted. "It's just... what makes you say that?"

"Surely, Dumbledore will see that we'd be better off on our own than with someone like that." Hermione said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And the position's clearly cursed anyway... no one can teach it for longer than a year without suffering a great tragedy. Quirrell... is dead. I only hope that Lockhart will go down the same way."

"What? That I touch him and he melts?!" Harry asked out loud in wonder, at her dark tone.

"No, that he dies."

"But, he writes good fiction boo-"

"Lucifer!" Hermione exclaimed, smacking him on the forearm.

After that, many of the Gryffindor Second Years just chose randomly what to take, but Lucifer and Hermione looked at each other and nodded, marking down to take every class next year.

Gryffindor's next Quidditch Match was against Hufflepuff, and Wood was insisting on the team practices every night after dinner, but Lucifer only showed up to four of the seven per week, because, as he reminded the Quidditch Captain, his studies came first.

The training sessions did get better, or
at least drier, as the days went on.

The evening before Saturday's match, both Lucifer and Harry went up the stairs to drop their stuff off, brooms included, since he had joined the practice the night before the match.

They both felt Gryffindor's chances had never been better.

But neither of them had the chance to remain in cheerful moods.

At the top of the stairs to the dormitory, they met Neville, who was looking frantic, "Harry - I don't know who did it - I just found-" He watched them fearfully and just opened the door to their dorm room.

Harry's trunk looked like it had vomited all over the place.

His cloak lay ripped on the floor, the bedclothes had been pulled off his four-poster and the drawer had been pulled out of his bedside cabinet, the contents strewn over the mattress.

Harry walked over to the bed, open mouthed, treading on a few loose pages of Travels with Trolls.

As he and Lucifer pulled the blankets back onto his bed, with Neville picking up odds and ends off the floor, Ron, Dean, and Seamus came in, and Dean, for the first time since Lucifer had known him, swore loudly.

"What happened, Harry?" Seamus asked.

"No idea," he replied.

"It's like a tornado came through here," Lucifer now felt really glad about warding his bed.

Ron had been examining Harry's robes, noticing that all the pockets were turned inside out, "Someone's been looking for something. Is there anything missing?"

Harry quickly sifted through all of his things and threw them into his trunk when he grabbed it, until he went through everything.

When it was all back in there, he immediately recognized what was missing.

He got closer to Lucifer and Ron, "The Diary is gone!" He jerked his head to the door and they all went down to the Common Room, which was half-empty, and joined Hermione, who was sitting by herself, reading a book called Ancient Runes Made Easy.

When they told her what had happened, she looked aghast at the news, "But - only a Gryffindor could have stolen - nobody else knows our passwords-"

"Exactly," Harry said.

"Or a Professor," Lucifer said making everyone turn to him as if he'd turned crazy. "What? We may have another Quirrell situation on our hands. It might be Snape this time, you never know..."

"fufu...No, I can't even imagine Snape doing tha---fufufu," Hermione's giggles now turned on into a full blown laughter, after imagining the said Professor crawling around inside Gryffindor boy's dorm.


Author's Note

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