Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 114 – Break Hermione’s

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


They woke the next day to brilliant sunshine and a light, refreshing breeze.

Lucifer wouldn't have to play, hopefully, but he was mentally prepared for it in case he had to.

"Perfect Quidditch conditions!" Wood mused happily.

He was loading the team's plates up at breakfast, telling Harry specifically that he needed to eat something.

"The world won't end if you put down a book," Lucifer joked.

"Really?" Hermione asked sarcastically.

Lucifer sat himself down next to her and she curled up next to him, placing her head on his shoulder, while reading the book.

"Are you ready for the match later?" Hermione asked to make a small conversation.

"I really hope so... Hey there's something I've been meaning to ask you, for a while now actually..."

Hermione, now book marked her Potions textbook and turned her whole body to face him.

"Yeah... and what is it?"

"Come one, it's time to move out, Morningstar!" Wood yelled loudly, strutting off towards the pitch.

Lucifer had been happily conversing with Hermione when it was ready to head towards the stadium.

They decided to go and get Harry's Quidditch gear, and on the way back, Harry stopped, "That voice!" He yelled, looking over his shoulder, "I just heard it again, didn't you Lucifer?"

"What?!" Hermione asked, rubbing her ears.

"....Yeah, I did."

"Lucifer! I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the library!"

"Wait! Every time we've heard that voice, someone or something has been petrified. If what we heard was true, that it's going to kill this time, I don't want you al-"

"I can handle myself!" And, she was off like a wind, turned around hastily, running towards said room of the Castle.

"What does she understand?" Harry asked.

"Loads more than I do, but it is Hermione," Ron said, "when in doubt, go to the Library."

Lucifer stood there, dumbfounded.

What did Hermione understand that he didn't? What did he miss that she saw?

He didn't know and wouldn't for a while, "I'll meet you guys at the stadium..." he hurried away to the Quidditch Stands.

The teams were just about to fly into the air when he saw Professor McGonagall half-marching, half-running onto the field, carrying a purple megaphone.

His heart started to beat quickly as he stood up and ran down to the Field to meet her, she just began talking into the megaphone, "This match has been canceled!"

There was a pause, then she spoke again, he hurried his pace with each word she spoke, "All students are to make their way back to their House Common Rooms, where their Heads of Houses will give them further instructions!"

Just before she stopped speaking, he was on the field, running up to her.

He stopped in front of her, "Morningstar, y-you better follow me," she spoke in a hesitant voice, "Potter, you as well."

They both followed McGonagall and when they ran into Ron, she beckoned him to follow as well.

Students all around them were complaining, or looking worried.

They followed McGonagall towards the Hospital Wing, Lucifer's heart was now thumping quickly and heavily in his chest, ready to burst through his ribcage, "Th-This will... i-it will be a bit of a shock," McGonagall said in a quiet and stuttered voice, "There has... b-been another attack, this time it was a double attack..."

Lucifer's face looked like he had one foot in the grave as McGonagall pushed the doors open. He saw two figures in the beds.

He walked closer, slowly, and saw that one of them was a Ravenclaw girl, looked to be Fifth or Sixth year.

It was when he saw the girl in the bed beside her that his whole reality shattered around him, "Hermione?"

His head was now pounding as he moved towards the petrified girl, and stared into her eyes with such a high intensity, Lucifer's own shed blood from the corner, and flow down his cheeks.

Trying his utter best to break the curse.

Madam Pomfrey was now fussing over the Ravenclaw girl when she suddenly stopped and stumbled into the wall.

For a moment, breathing became incredibly difficult.

Then the feeling went away just as fast as it happened.

She looked over to McGonagall, Harry, and Ron and saw that they had the same feeling just now.

She looked at Lucifer, he had fallen forward onto the ground.

She rushed over to him and checked that he was alright.

Minerva hurried over to her, "He's alright, he's just passed out," Poppy told her.

"Thank goodness. I'll take him back to Gryffindor Tower, if he were to wake up and see Miss Granger again..." McGonagall said nothing else, whipping her wand out and levitating him out of the Hospital Wing.

She walked back to Harry and Ron, Lucifer's body following her, "Both of you, please follow me back to Gryffindor Tower," she said and led the way.


Author's Note

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