Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 121 – Riddle’s Diary

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Lucifer awoke to the ceiling of McGonagall's Office staring back at him.

The very moment he tried to move, his ribs felt like they had been hit with a sledgehammer.

He groaned in pain as McGonagall knelt down to check on him, “Morningstar, are you alright?”

"Fuck..." Lucifer groaned out, "My ribs..."

McGonagall pulled her wand out and aimed it at his ribs, "This will hurt, Episkey.”

He let out a sharp sound of intense pain.

Nothing had ever hurt so much before that moment, when did he become so vulnerable?

McGonagall stood up and looked at Mr. Weasley with pursed lips.

She looked back to Lucifer, "Potter and young Miss Weasley explained what happened down in the Chamber of Secrets. Your name was found on the wall in a message next to the original message from Halloween night. Truth be told, I knew you hadn't taken Ginevra Weasley, but some," she glanced again at Arthur, "were not so ready to have rational thought."

"That explains the pain..."

"The Heir of Slytherin framed you, by making us think you had been the Heir all year long," McGonagall explained.

"Yes, it would appear that... this diary had enchanted Miss Weasley, and possessed her to do things she could never have done herself," Dumbledore said, sitting behind McGonagall's desk. "And Mr. Weasley here, even after I explained that I don't believe you could ever be capable of doing such a thing as kidnapping Miss Weasley or attacking those four students, especially as one of them is your best friend, when he saw your motionless body, he lost control temporarily and kicked you rather hard," Dumbledore finished with not a hint of kindness in his voice.

"So is Tom Riddle gone? The ghostly figure of him?" Lucifer asked, ignoring Mr. Weasley.

"Yes, after the remarkable description Harry gave us of your ending of the Basilisk, and your apparent immunity to its deadly gaze, Harry stabbed the book with the Sword and ended Riddle's reign of terror on Miss Weasley," Dumbledore was smiling, "and by extension, it's petrified victims."

"Has Madam Pomfrey gotten the Restorative Draught ready to go?" Lucifer asked him, while trying his best to hide the excitement.

"She will have it ready in a few moments. Then the people and cat petrified will be awake and well, including Miss Granger," Dumbledore said, lifting a huge weight off of Lucifer's shoulders.

"Speaking of Poppy, I believe Miss Weasley should be taken up to her so that she may be looked at. There will, of course, be no punishment towards her; older and wiser Wizards have been hoodwinked by Riddle before," Dumbledore smiled again, his eyes twinkling.

He rose from the chair and opened the door so that Ginny could be taken to the Hospital Wing, "Bed rest and perhaps a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up."

Molly and Arthur then took Ginny out of the office, "You know, Minerva," Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "I think all this merits a good feast. Might I ask you to go and alert the kitchens?"

"Right," she said crisply, also moving to the door, "I'll leave you to deal with Potter, Weasley, and Morningstar, shall I?"

"Certainly," he said and she left.

Lucifer looked at Dumbledore, holding his side as it was still in pain, despite McGonagall's spell usage.

Dumbledore, however, only addressed Harry and Ron, "I seem to remember telling you both that I would have to expel you if you broke any more school rules."

Ron opened his mouth in horror.

"Which goes to show that the best of us must sometimes eat our words," he went on smiling.

Lucifer smirked as well, "You all three will receive Special Awards for Services to the School and - let me see - Yes, I believe One-Hundred and Fifty Points each for Gryffindor will be appropriate."

Ron went as brightly pink as Lockhart's valentines flowers and closed his mouth.

"But one of us seems to be keeping quiet about his part in this dangerous adventure," Dumbledore said, "Why so modest, Gilderoy?" He asked and looked to the back of the room.

Lucifer turned as well and only just realized he was in there as well.

"Professor Dumbledore," Ron said quickly, "There was an accident down in the Chamber of Secrets. Professor Lockhart-"

"Am I a Professor?" Lockhart asked in mild surprise, "goodness, I suspect I was hopeless, was I?"

"He tried to do a Memory Charm and the wand backfired," Ron said.

"He had your wand, did he?" Lucifer asked and Ron nodded, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually glad you crashed into the Whomping Willow. Had you not..."

"Dear me," Dumbledore said, "Impaled upon your own sword, Gilderoy?"

Lucifer laughed, “So he was a Fraud like Hermione suspected.”

"Indeed. Everything in his books happened, that much is true, but he added so much flair to the real events that other people managed to do... the good news is he won't be doing it anymore," Dumbledore smiled.

He turned to Ron, "Would you mind taking Lockhart to the Infirmary as well, Mr. Weasley? I'd like a few more words with Harry and Lucifer."

Lockhart ambled out and Ron cast a curious look back at them as the door was closed.

"Lucifer, can I ask you to wait outside? I'll have Harry send you in when I'm done talking with him," Dumbledore asked him and he did so without hesitation.

While waiting outside for a while, Lucius Malfoy suddenly showed up, looking rather furious, and he was being followed by a Small House Elf.

Lucifer assumed this to be Dobby, "Something wrong?"

"Don't pester me, Morningstar, you won't like it," Lucius responded.

"That's a threat I don't think you can back up," Lucifer said with a smirk, "You know, I've got recently unbroken ribs, a sharp pain still coursing through my hand, aching pain throughout my whole body, and I bet I could still tear you apart with my magic.”

Lucius sneered at him and opened the door beside him so hard, it hit the wall.

The Elf followed him in, and Lucifer stood up, to see inside.

"Good evening, Lucius," Dumbledore said pleasantly.

Lucifer walked in as it looked like Harry and Dumbledore were done talking anyway.

"So!" Lucius said hotly, "The governors suspended you, but you still saw fit to return to Hogwarts?"

"Well, you see, Lucius," Dumbledore said, smiling serenely, "the other eleven governors contacted me today. It was something like being caught in a hailstorm of Owls, to tell the truth. They'd heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter had been killed and wanted me back here at once. They seemed to think I was the best man for the job after all. Very strange tales they told me, too... Several of them seemed to think that you had threatened to curse their families if they didn't agree to suspend me in the first place."

Lucius went even paler than usual, but his eyes were still slits of fury, "So - have you stopped the attacks yet?" He sneered, "Have you caught the culprit?"

"We have," Dumbledore smiled.

"Well?" Lucius almost demanded, "Who is it?"

"The same person as last time, Lucius," Dumbledore said.

While Lucifer could almost swear he saw the Headmaster's mouth twitch into a smirk, "But this time, Lord Voldemort was acting through somebody else. By means of this Diary," he held up the small black book with a large, sword shaped slit through the center, watching Lucius closely.

Lucifer watched him as well, but his face didn't change to anything that gave way to suspicion, even though he knew it was him.

His attention was caught by the House Elf, Dobby, who began hitting himself with his hands.

He didn't know a whole lot about this new breed of Elves, but he now wanted to read up all he could on them.


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