Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 122 – Reunited ~Cute~

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


"I see..." Lucius said slowly to Dumbledore.

"A clever plan," Dumbledore said in a level voice.

He continued to stare at Lucius, "Because if Harry here," Lucius shot Harry a swift, but noticeable look.

“Lucifer here,” Older Malfoy shot him a swift look as well, "and their friend Ron hadn't discovered this book, why - Ginny Weasley might have taken all the blame. No one would ever have been able to prove she wasn't acting of her own free will..."

Lucius said nothing, his face suddenly became masklike.

"And imagine," Dumbledore continued, "what might have happened then... The Weasley's are one our most prominent pure-blood families. Imagine the effect on Arthur Weasley and his Muggle Protection Act, if his own daughter was discovered attacking and killing Muggleborns... Very fortunate the diary was discovered, and Riddle's memories wiped from it. Who knows what the consequences might have been otherwise?"

Lucius practically had to force himself to speak, "Very fortunate indeed," he said stiffly.

"And do you want to know where she got the Diary from, Lucius?" At this time, Lucifer suddenly spoke up.

"You will show me respect, boy-"

"You have done nothing to earn that respect," Lucifer said in a calm voice, cutting him off, "She got the Diary out of her cauldron after it was given to her back at Diagon Alley before the year started. It was given to her... by you, Lucius," Harry was nodding in agreement and Dumbledore was eyeing him.

“When you were insulting the  Weasley's for having to buy Second-Hand school supplies, you took a book out of her Cauldron. And, when you put it back, the Diary went along with it," he eyed Lucius for a moment.

“I'm right, aren't I?”

Lucius clenched and unclenched his hands, "I want you to prove it."

"Oh, that's quite impossible. No one will be able to do that," Dumbledore said quickly, smiling at the boy, "Not now that Riddle has vanished from the book. On the other hand, I would advise you, Lucius, not to go giving out anymore of Lord Voldemort's old school things. If any more of them find their way into innocent hands, I think Arthur Weasley, for one, will make sure they are traced back to you..."

Lucius Malfoy stood for a moment, as though thinking of doing some brash, when he turned to his House Elf, "We're going, Dobby!"

He wrenched open the door as the elf came hurrying up behind him, he kicked him right through it.

Lucifer's anger flared for a moment; his mind made up, he would definitely be looking into House Elves over the summer, if he had the time.

Suddenly, Harry spoke, "Professor Dumbledore?" He said hurriedly, "Can I give that Diary back to Mr. Malfoy, please?"

"Certainly, Harry, just don't dawdle too long," Dumbledore said calmly.

Harry then grabbed it and ran out, Dumbledore then turned to Lucifer, "I believe we have a fair bit to talk about..."

"I believe we do, sir," Lucifer went and sat down in front of the Headmaster.

"So, Harry told me that Riddle was surprised when you were alive?" Dumbledore asked him.

"Yes, sir... when we figured out where the entrance to the Chamber was, I ran back down there to try and find a way to open it. I ran into Ginny, she wasn't herself, controlled by Riddle... she aimed her wand at me and said... 'Avada Kedavra'," Dumbledore's eyes widened at that.

“It wasn't of her own volition, so she shouldn't be punished... but I raised my hand and... this may sound  ridiculous to you... but I just grabbed the spell out of midair... closed my fist around it, and was blasted back into the wall. I guess Riddle thought I was dead at that moment and took me down into the Chamber to be feasted on by the Basilisk," Lucifer looked over at Fawkes, who was resting nearby, “I only woke up moments before Fawkes arrived to help.”

“Most peculiar..." Dumbledore stroked his beard, "My dear boy, I wish I had an explanation, no book about Merlin has ever recorded something like this before.”

"...Well," Dumbledore suddenly said, "let's get to the feast, shall we? I'm famished and I'm sure you will want to see Miss Granger again?"

Lucifer nodded, wanting nothing more than to see Hermione okay.

He stood up with Dumbledore and walked down to the Great Hall.


On mid-way, Lucifer couldn't help himself, after excusing from Dumbledore, he ran towards the Hospital wing.

He walked around the beds, students have now started to wake up, but then he saw her bushy brown hair.

His head began to pound and he could practically feel his heart thumping in his chest, his nerves were fried, but he had to see her.

As Lucifer walked forward, and saw her dazed face, her cheeks frowned, trying to clear the vision, he also felt small tears streaming down his face.

Lucifer ran to her and threw his arms around the girl, letting out all the tension of the past, ignoring the slight pain in his ribs.

He cried into her shoulder, clutching her robes, not wanting to let go, "I-I'm so s-sorry, Her-Hermione..."

“...Lucifer, what are you sorry for?" She asked in bewilderment, after noticing the familiar scent, using her red nose to sniff around.

"F-For not keeping you s-safe... for letting you g-go alone... you figured it ou-out before I did..." he somehow managed to get out.

She rubbed his back soothingly, letting him cry it all out.

She didn't care if people stared, she was just happy to see her boyfriend alive and well.


Now, removing her wand from the inside of the pocket, she pointed at the curtains, and they drew around.

Hermione immediately pushed him down on the bed, and placed her head against his chest with a sigh.

“I missed you a lot,” Lucifer whispered.

“I'd say I missed you too, but, well, I didn't really feel anything. One second I was at the library holding the mirror around the corner, next I was here. Hate the thought of you fighting that thing though. It was huge.”

“I guarantee it was probably larger in the chamber, that thing took up half the floor. I'll show you one day.”

“No thanks!” Hermione said, as she pulled herself tighter against him.

“So...” she said slowly after a long pause.

“So?” he said, looking down at her.

“Did you happen to... um... meet anyone else? While I was petrified...”

“I did learn from looking into Potter's eyes that I got a date with Myrtle set up for when I die, she told him I could share her toilet,” Lucifer said, in a joking way, but it only made Hermione to smack his chest.


“Did you meet someone else whilst encased in stone? I've read Medusa-” but he was cut off as another blow landed into his stomach.


“Shut up!”

“You aren't meant to punch the guy in the Hospital Bed...”

“We're both in the Hospital Bed, it cancels out!”

'That's not how-'


“Okay okay I get it, jeez.”

They lay there for a long while, neither of them saying anything, and when Hermione finally raised her head to look at him, he could see tears in her eyes.

Lucifer leant down and kissed her forehead, Hermione closed her eyes as he did so and blushed.

“Come on, ” he said, “As much as I want to just stay like this all evening, they have prepared a feast that we should probab-”

Hermione grumbled and yanked Lucifer back down onto the pillow as he tried to sit up.

“Granger,” Lucifer said warningly, “I killed a basilisk, I'm hardly gonna be bossed around by-”


“Five more minutes it is then.” he spluttered in defeat.


Author's Note

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