Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 80 – After Care

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Sunlight streamed in through Hermione’s bedroom as her bed is nearest to the window, searing her eyes.

Too bright. She moaned, turning her head to check the clock.

Bollocks! Just past noon.

There was work she needed to finish in the library.

Attempting to roll over, every inch of her body started screaming at her. “Ahhhggggh!”

Hermione was sore in places she’d never even felt before. Her arse seemed to have grown new muscles just to add to the ache.

Running her hands over her bum, she felt the lines Lucifer’d given her the night before, her skin tight and swollen.

Hermione felt about 500 years old as she struggled out of bed.

Every millimeter of movement brought fresh new torture.

Her legs so tight all she could manage was a sad shuffle.

Heading toward the bathroom, she started mentally sorting through possible remedies in her head when she heard Parvati on the other side of the bathroom door humming a Weird Sisters song.

Hermione knocked softly on the door, “Hey, Parvati?"

The humming stopped. “Oh, Hermione, did you finally wake up?”

The door to their shared bathroom swung open, and Parvati stared down at her in confusion.

She usually got up around 6, so Hermione could understand her puzzlement.

“Bloody hell, girl,” she muttered, looking her up and down with growing amusement.

'Double bollocks!'

It dawned on her how she must look—her clothes wrinkled from sleeping in them, her hair a tangled ball of frizz.

Her hand immediately shot up to cover the marks on her neck, while her face went scarlet.

Parvati burst out laughing.

Bracing herself in the doorway, she made no attempt to restrain her mirth, laughing so hard tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. “Merlin’s balls, Hermione. I thought Lavender's moaning was the worst! But, look at your state!”

Rolling her eyes, Hermione let her laugh, while sighing a bit, glad she didn't let out a scream instead.

It was her own fault about being careless, “Are you about finished?” she huffed.

“Gimme a second.” Parvati wiped her eyes and sighed out a few dying notes of laughter. “All right . . . I’m okay now."

“What’s the smelly stuff you use on skin?”

Bursting into fresh howls, she gasped out, “Marchant’s Magic Balm?”

“Yes, could I borrow some?”

“Oh, dear,” she muttered, wiping her face. “Yeah. It’s around here somewhere.”

She dug around in her cabinet drawer. “Here it is,” Parvati announced, holding it out to her.

A renewed outbreak of laughter started when she saw her try to walk.

She clutched her side and almost fell over. “You’re killing me, Hermione.”

“Dammit, Parvati. Don’t be such a bitch!”

“Wait,” she said, attempting to be quite serious. “You’re going to need something stronger than that.”

“Really?” Hermione asked, not sure if she was taking Mickey or not.

The said girl now searched under the sink and came out with a jar of something, Hermione couldn’t identify (but appeared to be lawn debris).

Still trying to stifle her giggles, Parvati went to the tub and turned on the tap.

When the water felt right to her, she dumped in three handfuls of the jar’s contents. “Soak in this for at least twenty minutes first,” she said, her voice shaking with residual amusement.

Parvati swirled the water around with her hand. “Put on the balm when you get out.”

“Would you stop laughing?!” Hermione growled, a bit, feeling annoyed, “And thank you. Now, please, get out!”

“Sure you don’t need any help,” Parvati asked, waggling her eyebrows at her.

“Yes, quite!” She pushed her towards the door. It was a pitiful attempt, being a stiff block of aching muscle.

Parvati waited until Hermione gave up then calmly walked out the door, a smirk lighting her pointed face.

'I really don't like these girls...'

But, once she actually tried to take off her clothes, Hermione started to have some second thoughts.

Her arms were stiff as broomsticks; she had no range of motion. Just unbuttoning her shirt felt too taxing.

She didn't think she could even bend over.

'Just great....'

Shuffling to the door, Hermione looked around for her. “Parvati?” She spotted her near the door, where her bed was.

The said girl arched an eyebrow and smiled broadly. “Yes?”

“W-will you help me with this?”

Parvati came back into the bathroom.

Noticing, all Hermione'd managed to do since she’d left was get her shirt unbuttoned.

“My arms won’t move,” she explained.

Snickering, she started to push the shirt down her shoulders.

“Wait,” Hermione said, turning away. “Don’t look!”

“Huh? We are both girls, and I very much assure you, I like boys....if that's your concern?”

Hermione knew that very well, listening to their non-stop gossip at night about, which boy is more suitable for dating and what not.

Lucifer's name came up several times, by both of her roommates, but mainly Lavender Brown.

But currently her thoughts were on her damaged derrière

She didn’t want him to see the marks.

'They’re mine', Hermione thought petulantly, besides she’ll laugh even more. “Just don’t look, okay?”

Parvati shrugged, not caring much, “Okay."

Shutting her eyes, she pulled Hermione's shirt down her arms and threw it on the floor.

She peeked under her lashes to find the hook on her bra.

Unfastening it, she pushed it forward so Hermione could pull it off. “I have to look to undo your skirt.”

She sighed, feeling her stare on her naked back. “All right, but shut your eyes again after that.”

Nodding, she unzipped her skirt.

Parvati closed her eyes, but not all the way. There was no way she wasn’t going to look.

Kneeling behind her, she pulled down her socks, and Hermione lifted her feet to pull them off.

Parvati tugged her skirt down her hips and saw finger marks. Keeping her face totally blank, as if she hadn’t seen anything, she pulled the material over her bum and let it fall to the floor.

She bit her tongue so hard she tasted blood.

'Bloody fucking hell!!'

Even with her knickers still on, her bum looked like a battle zone, bruised and red, and Parvati saw many line marks.

Now, she knew why Hermione hadn’t wanted her to look.

Parvati pulled down her knickers, while Hermione turned away from her as she stepped out of the heap of clothes, obscuring her private bits with her hands.

“Okay . . . um . . . thank you very much. I can take it from here."

Parvati covered her eyes with one hand in a dramatic fashion then “stumbled” back, pulling the door closed behind her.

“I’ll be in here if you need anything else.” Tilting her head back against the wall, Parvati waited for her to figure out she couldn’t get in the tub.

Restraining the laughter that threatened to reemerge, she played back the scene in her mind.

'Did she finally confess to Lucifer or what? And, gone this far already?'


Parvati now bit the insides of her cheek to keep from laughing. “Yes?” she said, cracking open the door.

Standing with her back pressed to the wall and her hands and arms obscuring all they could, Hermione stared at the ceiling so she wouldn't have to look her in the eye. “I can’t get in the tub. I can’t even sit without falling.”

Resting one hand over her eyes again, Parvati stood in the doorway.

Smiling. “I can’t help you without looking . . . ” That was a lie.

But that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.

“....All right. But don’t look too much. And stop laughing!”

Parvati walked over and studied her for a second, deciding how to proceed.

Hermione tried her best to hide her neck, and breasts from Parvati's vision using her arms.

But, there were bruises all over her, especially her hips.

She was turning out to be a far more interesting roommate than Parvati’d ever anticipated. “I could float you up, wanna try it?”

She nodded. “Just get it over with."

Parvati used her wand to gently lift the girl in air, then set her in the tub.

Hermione feels quite relaxed. She wouldn’t be able to see anything through the murkiness.

“I know it’s none of my business, but . . . you asked Lucifer to do this to you, right?” Her waving hand indicated her body.

Hermione blushed red and just kept her eyes on the tile wall. “Yeah.”


“But, no one else is going to find out anything, are they?” she said with a pointed glare.

“O-Of course not!” Parvati felt threatened when Hermione's face turned dark, and she glared at her with that psycho look.

“No one would believe me even if I did tell,” She quipped, heading back outside to her bed, closing the door.

“Let’s not test that theory,” Hermione warned darkly.

Sinking down until her neck was in the water, Hermione tried to relax.

The water looked disgusting, as if she were bathing in a dirty, old pond.

Closing her eyes, she heard Parvati moving about in her drawer.

She would give her another stern warning just in case. There was only so far that gossip train could go anyway.

Knocking back onto the door of the bathroom, Parvati opened her mouth again, “I’ll come back in twenty minutes and help you back out. I’ll just go see Lucifer in the meantime.”

Whipping around to face towards the door, Hermione's eyes nearly popped out. “WHAT?!”

'Is she going to snitch? Lucifer would definitely laugh at me!'

Parvati really thought, if Hermione'd sprouted another head. “What’s the matter with you, today? Lucifer's just worried about not seeing you out of bed....”

Her shoulders sank with relief. “Yes, of course. Sorry. I just . . . never mind!”

Parvati stood outside for a few long seconds, waiting if there was another request, then shrugged and checked her hair in the mirror one last time before leaving.

Hermione let her head rest back against the tub, thinking.

'I hope Parvati’s right about this bath and the balm. It’ll take me an hour to get to the Great Hall with hamstrings this tight.....'

Author's Note

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