Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 81 – Quidditch Match

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Come Sunday morning, Lucifer had woken up early to get a head start on the day.

Not seemed to be up as early as Harry, whose curtains on his bed were open, and he wasn't to be seen anywhere.

He went down the stairs into the Common Room and still saw no one.

Hermione showed up from the girl's staircase a second later, “M-Morning," then greeted him warmly, her cheeks flushed.

“Good morning, Hermione," Lucifer smiled, “You know, I didn't see Harry at all, if he's up, I bet the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team is up as well."

"P-Probably in the Great Hall. Shall we go down as well?" She asked him, trying to get her rapid heart beat under control.

“Of course," he said and let her go first.

She thanked him for his chivalrous nature and led the way to the Great Hall.

Sure enough, the Team was all in the Hall, eating and staying quiet.

They clearly wanted to beat Slytherin, which would be challenging with the fastest brooms money could buy at their disposal, but they handled it like garbage.

Their best bet would be the Snitch early before Slytherin got too many goals, and he was sure they all knew that.

They were counting on Harry.

As Eleven o'clock approached, everyone made their way to the stadium to watch the first and probably most crucial match.

Lucifer sat with Hermione to watch the chaos that was about to unfold.

When the teams came out onto the field, Flint and Wood gripped each other's hands like they were going to rip it off.

Soon, Hooch's whistle was heard and fourteen brooms flew into the air.

The game has just barely started, and as Harry and Draco hovered in place, a Bludger came barreling right towards Harry.

Lucifer watched him dodge out of the way and George or Fred Weasley, one of them flew past him, bat in hand, ready to slug the Bludger towards a Slytherin player.

He hit it just fine, but halfway through the flight, it changed direction back to Harry, "What is wrong with that Bludger?" Hermione asked out loud, pretty confused, maybe it's jinxed.

"I don't know, but it seems to be attracted to Potter like a bad fangirl....I wonder if Ginny is alright with sharing,” Lucifer passed a comment like that, earning a scoff from the girl beside him.

This went on for a minute with Fred and George both trying to keep Harry safe.

Who looked like he was trying to dance in midair or something with the maneuvers, he was pulling off.

Eventually they had called for a timeout, and Slytherin was up by Sixty Points, with Gryffindor at Zero.

Lucifer saw them argue on the ground for a little while and the match resumed play.

Fred and George both leaving Harry alone now.

“I am really sure, it's tampered now?" Hermione asked him, looking towards his face from the side.

“No, it's not possible. The four balls have been locked in the chest since Gryffindor's last practice session a week ago. Hooch didn't let anyone else practice after us before the game," Lucifer informed her, while staring at the match ahead.

“It's going to kill him!” Ron said from a couple of seats beside with Seamus, worried about his best friend.

They all watched Harry climb into the air as Slytherin got two more goals.

He looped, spiraled, zigzagged, and rolled to try and avoid the rogue Bludger.

Harry must've seen the Snitch, because he dove at record speed.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, but he didn't see a glint anywhere.

Malfoy was chasing after him, only proving to Lucifer that he had no idea what he was doing.

Harry suddenly pulled up, as did Malfoy, barely missing the ground.

“Lucky bastard,” Hermione wished  he had directly crashed into the ground.

It was actually a little impressive, given the handling of that broom.

The Bludger showed itself again, but ran after Harry like a rabid wolverine.

He eventually saw the Snitch and began to chase it.

Malfoy followed him like a lost puppy.

Harry outstretched his arm, ready to grasp the Snitch.

Lucifer saw the tragedy that was about to take place, “Harry!" voices were heard but it was too late.

The Bludger crashed into him out of nowhere, causing him to fall off his broom, and the Snitch to be lost in the wind, once again.

Everyone was up, rushing towards the field as Harry clutched his broken arm.

The Bludger didn't stop, however, and continued to try and kill Harry.

Lucifer pulled his wand out and aimed it right at the Bludger, "Immobulus!" The Bludger froze in midair, ceasing all movement.

By the time, he realized that Lockhart was near Harry, it was too late.

He'd already done the damage of not fixing Harry's broken arm like he said he would, but removing all of the bones from the elbow down, leaving his Humerus intact.

“That's a pretty neat skil-

“Removed all of his bones!” Hermione grunted as Ron heaved Harry out of the pitch who was gingerly testing his feet on the ground.

“Absolute waste of space of a wizard. All it would have taken is Episkey. I just haven't finished learning it yet. He's a teacher, and he can't even!” the wind was whipping up around them and Hermione's school robes were beginning to flow dangerously around her.

“Calm down, or your body will start accidental magic....” Lucifer placed a hand on her shoulder, interrupting the bushy-haired girl's increasingly angry rant and she took a shaky breath.

The wind died down and Hermione's robes fell back into place.

“Lucifer! We need you to go and change into your quidditch robes and get your broom. I know Harry's situation is dire, having no bones in his right arm, but the match is still in play. Please?" Oliver came up to the two, and practically begged him.

"Fine...” Lucifer glanced at Harry's bone-less arm, with a funny look one final time before hurrying off to get changed into his Quidditch Robe.

He was oddly excited, though, despite Harry's unfortunate situation.

He would enjoy wiping the grins off of the Slytherins faces.

He stood in the locker room and looked at his barely used Quidditch Robes.

Lucifer wondered if they'd get any serious use in this match, but he didn't intend to let Slytherin get many more goals.

He grabbed his Nimbus Two-Thousand, and glanced around at himself before he made his way back to the Field.

He walked right up to Oliver, "Ready to go....” Harry had already been taken away by Ron and he saw that Hermione remained to watch him from the stands.

'Of course, I will...' She looked forward to seeing Lucifer fly.

Hermione felt like total perv; all she could think about was watching his thighs clench around his broomstick.

'Oh my God. I am so messed up. Is this what it’s like to be a boy, constantly thinking about sex.....?'

The Bludger had also been unfrozen and seemed normal again, which was odd.

Katie Bell quickly walked up to him, "Good luck, Lucifer, not that you'll need it," she said with a smirk and walked back to her original spot.

“Alright, on my whistle," Madam Hooch said and the second her whistle was heard, all fourteen brooms flew into the air, once again.

Lucifer didn't fly too high, and Malfoy was right there, taunting him like he expected, "First Quidditch Match, Morningstar?"

Lucifer ignored him and just saw the Slytherin Keeper during his search for the Snitch.

He was pretty good, he couldn't deny that, blocking almost every shot the Gryffindor Chasers tossed.

It was almost every shot because Alicia did manage to fake him out and make one goal.

Lucifer resumed his look for Snitch and Malfoy continued to taunt him, "Only goal Gryffindor is going to get."

“You might be faster, but on any sharp turn, your broom is outclassed by mine,” Lucifer didn't even look at him when he spoke.

Malfoy kept speaking, and he kept ignoring.

He then heard Hermione's name mentioned and turned to tell Draco off, when he saw the Snitch hovering right beside his head.

If Malfoy hadn't been so busy yacking his jaws, he'd have probably heard the low buzzing the Snitch gave off.

Lucifer sped immediately towards Malfoy, who thought he was under attack.

He swerved out of the way, "Watch where you're-" he cut himself off.

Lucifer figured it was because he saw the Snitch as well.

He and Malfoy both chased after the Snitch, with Malfoy taking the lead until the Golden Ball turned direction, then Lucifer overtook him for a bit.

It went like this for a while as they chased the Snitch; Slytherin getting four more goals, and Gryffindor managed two more, bringing the score One-Hundred to Thirty, Slytherins favor.

The Snitch suddenly veered straight up.

Lucifer chased after it first, managing the Ninety Degree turn easier than Malfoy did.

They both chased it straight up, heading for the clouds.

Everything went to slow motion for Lucifer.

The Snitch made a sudden U-turn to head back to the ground. Lucifer followed it with his head.

He suddenly, and without thinking jumped off of his broom, hand outstretched to grab the Golden ball.

His hand clasped around the Golden Ball, and he was smiling for a moment.

Turned around midair and his smile disappeared as his eyes widened in realisation as he plummeted towards the ground.

"Lucifer!" He faintly heard Hermione yelling over the stillness of the crowd as they all watched him falling towards his death.

Lucifer turned back around and raised his hand towards his broom.

He saw it flying towards him, grasping and mounted it, pulling up at the last literal possible second before he hit the ground.

He came to a halt and held his hand up, showing that he had in fact collected the Golden Snitch.

Roars of cheers rang out from three fourths of the stadium, drowning out the boos from the last fourth.

He hit the ground and was charged by the Gryffindor Team, all congratulating him.

To his surprise, Katie had kissed him on the cheek before the Weasley Twins lifted him up.

Lucifer scanned the crowd that rushed the field, looking for Hermione's face.

He saw her with a glare, meaning she had a bone to pick with him.

He shrugged and just smiled at her, causing her to eventually cave and smile as well.

Gryffindor had finally won the match One-Hundred and Eighty to 100.

It was a new memory going straight down in Lucifer's collection.


Author's Note

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