Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 82 – Katie Bell

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


After the satisfying defeat of Slytherin, Gryffindor were celebrating their first win of the year.

Lucifer managed to sneak out of the children's party just after it started to go, it didn't suit his tastes, and decided to check on a broken Harry.

He had told Hermione to go on ahead as he knew she wasn't that big on parties.

Lucifer was walking towards the Infirmary when he was stopped by Malfoy's voice talking to him from behind, "Congratulations on the win..."

He turned and saw it was really Draco Malfoy, with both his hands clasped, fidgeting nervously on the spot, looking down, "Thanks..." he said cautiously.

"That dive was a risky business. How did you call your broom back to you?" Malfoy asked going astray from the main issue, not daring to meet his eyes.

"What are you getting at?" Now, Lucifer is quite stunned by this behaviour.

".....Just wanted to apologise for calling Granger that..."

Now, it was a little unnerving.

"....Well, I'll let you go see Potter," Saying that, Malfoy directly ran away, like feeling quite ashamed.

That was so far the most bizarre thing Lucifer had bared witness to, after coming to this school.

He didn't know whether Malfoy was feeling remorse or....could it be?

He'd keep an eye on him.

Lucifer made his way to the Hospital Wing and saw that Harry was sitting up with his arm outstretched, probably so the bones grew in nice.

"Are you really getting those back?"

"Yeah... never let anything happen that causes you to lose your bones, Skele-gro tastes absolutely disgusting!" Harry informed him.

"...Duly noted. Hermione told you, I assume?"

"She did. Ron actually saw you in free-fall from the window here-" But, Harry was now interrupted.

"Speaking of which," Hermione wasn't happy, "How could you do something so dangerous and stupid?!"

"I wasn't thinking when the Snitch U-turned like that. I jumped and caught it, I wasn't thinking far enough ahead about the consequences of me jumping off my broom," Lucifer tried to defend his actions.

"Clearly," she said, her frown unchanging.

"I'm sorry, Hermione, I didn't mean to give you a scare like that," Lucifer said, now feeling bad about his actions.

"You're just lucky you have the Blood of Merlin coursing through your veins. I'm not sure how you would have survived that otherwise!" She said, crossing her arms, giving him a reprimanding glare.

Lucifer pretended to look down at his feet, "Next time I have to fill in for Potter, I'll be more careful, Hermione, don't worry."

"I'm always going to worry about you," Hermione said, now smiling at him a little, couldn't be angry with her boyfriend for much long.

"Alright, that's enough, Mr. Potter needs rest, the three of you, get out," Madam Pomfrey came over and ushered them out of the Hospital Wing.

"Mr. Potter, you won't be attending the classes tomorrow, I have talked with Min-"

They did leave so as to not invoke her wrath, making their way back to Gryffindor Tower, "Something weird happened to me on my way to see Potter....."

"What would that be?" Ron asked, feeling quite strange, to be not around Harry.

"Malfoy, he showed up and was congratulating me. He also asked me how I called my broom down towards me as I was falling... I didn't tell him, " Lucifer looked down at the girl who was holding onto his arm, like usual.

"He also apologized for calling you that....."

"...Huh? No way, Malfoy would say that...he must be trying to create a good impression again!" Hermione obviously didn't believe what Lucifer just said a bit.

"Beats me. I don't know what his game is....Just be more careful," Lucifer said as they made it back to the Tower.

He was immediately pulled by the Three Chasers, Both Beaters, and the Keeper into a celebratory cheer before they let him go.

When he got back over to Hermione, it's Ron, who pointed something out, "Maybe it's just me... but has Katie Bell been nicer to you lately?"

"Has she? I just thought, it's normal for girls to be infatuated with me...." Lucifer glanced behind him for a second, mostly the back of her head before turning back.

Hermione had her eyes narrowed and was looking down at a table, 'Katie Bell? Why would she be nicer to him lately? It's not like he's done anything that directly impacted her that would cause her to like him, right?'

She was having an internal struggle with herself.

Hermione felt herself get nudged and she looked up, "You alright?" Lucifer asked her, seeing the dazed look in her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright," she said with a smile, but it was a forced smile, and she was pretty sure he noticed.

"Alright then," he dropped the subject, and felt quite lazy, and tired from the events of past days, he was sure Hermione did too, so Lucifer turned in early, going upstairs.

"...I forgot to ask, what did Parvati say to yo---Oh...well, I should also go and rest for the day," Hermione's body is still not recovered properly, and she even had to attend classes tomorrow.

Upon getting back to the dorm room, he bathed and dressed in his sleepwear, calling it quits.


Lucifer, Hermione, and Ron were in Myrtle's Bathroom, when all their classes on Monday ended.

Awaiting Harry's arrival, Lucifer was sure he'd show up here first.

Madam Pomfrey had said that his bones should grow back by the late afternoon, but if not, she'd have to give him another swig of the apparently disgusting liquid.

As he was contemplating this, someone opened the door to the bathroom, made Hermione to hush up, "It's me," Came the voice of Harry.

She opened the stall, in which the three of them were in, her legs now doing a much better job, "Harry! You gave us such a fright - come in - how's your arm?"

"Fine," he said, squeezing into the already tiny stall, which was definitely not meant for 4 Second Years and a Cauldron.

"We'd've come to meet you, but decided to get started on the Polyjuice Potion," Lucifer said as Harry locked the door, barely, "we agreed this is the safest place to hide it since no one will come in here with Myrtle, plus it still says Out-of-Order."

"And since, Lucifer is the best at P-Potions out of the four of us, he started it, and has been giving me precise instructions on when to add things," Hermione said, feeling her cheeks ever so slightly burn.

"Right, so last night, Colin was brought into the Hospital Wing-" Harry started to gossip around being left alone for so long, but Hermione decided to interrupt him again.

"We know - I overheard Professor McGonagall talking to Professor Flitwick this morning, that's why I agreed with Lucifer to go ahead and get this going," she explained.

"The sooner we get a confession out of Malfoy, the better," Ron said, snarling his nose, "D'you know what I think? He was in such a foul mood after Lucifer humiliated him by getting the Snitch in one of the most epic displays imaginable, saw it from the Hospital Wing, mate, that he took it out on Colin!"

Ron never believed Malfoy congratulating him in the slightest.

"There is something else," But, Harry got their attention again, "Dobby came to me in the middle of the night...."

Lucifer looked up at him, giving the way to continue, Harry then told him about everything Dobby said to him.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asked, mouth agape.

"This settles it," Ron said, "Lucius Malfoy must've opened the Chamber when he was at school here and now he's told dear old Draco how to do it. It's obvious. Wish Dobby'd told you what kind of monster is in there, though, I want to know how come nobody's noticed it sneaking around the school."

"Maybe it can make itself invisible?" Hermione asked aloud, prodding leeches to the bottom of the Cauldron. "Or maybe it can disguise itself?"

"There is such a thing as a Chameleon Ghouls, but I've never read about one paralyzing a person...." Lucifer started to wonder in his thoughts, he is fluent in many languages, but couldn't be sure, on this creature being a magical one.

"You both read way too much," Ron said, pouring dead lacewings on top of the leeches.

He then turned to Harry, "So Dobby stopped us from getting on the train and he broke your arm..." Ron shook his head, "If he doesn't stop trying to save your life, he's going to kill you."

There was one thing bothering, Lucifer about this.

According to the Legend that Binns told them, Salazar Slytherin only spoke of a single Heir.

For it to be Lucius and Draco, it didn't make sense to him.

Seeing as they still had no other lead, he didn't voice this.

Author's Note

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