Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 83 – Plan to Steal?

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


"How are you both not affected by this?" Ron asked pinching his nose.

"It's just a smell, Ronald..." Hermione started.

"Just ignore it. Think of something you like to take your mind off it." And, Lucifer finished.

"I like the smell..." came a high pitched voice from the toilet behind Lucifer. 

Myrtle drifted through the door upside down while staring, lovingly, at him.

Hermione frowned and turned back to the potion, tuning out everything that was happening around her.

"I thought ghosts couldn't smell," Lucifer asked, now being intrigued.

"Oh, we can't..." Myrtle said with a sad smile, "But I like the smell... We now have something in common!"

"Ermm... okay, year sure..."

Myrtle giggled, did a loop in the air and dived down into a toilet.

"You need to let her down easy mate," Ron said. "I don't want to be trapped in here with a moaning ... well, Myrtle."

"Or hard. Break her heart, it shouldn't matter!" Hermione said icily.

She didn't see the dumb struck faces the boys were giving her at the moment as she was too busy stirring the cauldron instead of Lucifer. 

"You know, maybe Dobby wants to help, but just isn't very good at it," Lucifer said, getting less and less enthusiastic about his retort as he said it.

"How can you say that, Lucifer? The bloody thing broke my arm!"

"I was just giving him a chan-"

"But, you caned me for teasi-" Hermione stated, not finding his double way of attitude in life.

But, Lucifer quickly covered her mouth with his palm before she could say anymore.

"She's joking, of course...." Lucifer half-smiled bitterly, only he quickly whipped his palm away from her mouth. "Did you just lick me?!"

Hermione cackled mischievously as he wiped the saliva on his robes.

Then, Lucifer stood up and announced that he needed to go and do something.

"I'll come with you," Hermione said, her eyes looking at his bum.

"No. Sorry, ... I need to do something alone.. you should concentrate on making the potion," Lucifer said, while going his way towards the library to find some books on magical beasts. 

On his way up, he was joined by none other than Lavender Brown. She walked up to him, without a word, and took Lucifer's forearm into her hands.

"How is my boo? You didn't hurt yourself in the match, did you?" Lavender leaned her head on his shoulder as he sighed in annoyance.

"I'm not your 'boo'....Brown," Lucifer did his best, to conceal the desire to push this girl's face into the cold wall. 

"Not yet.."' she mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Lavender said with a cheery smile as her arms slithered around Lucifer's waist, "You were so cool during the match, and I'm just glad you didn't get hurt!"

Lucifer slapped her hands away, so she switched where her hands were.

They now rested on the boy's cheeks as she stood in front of him. 

Lavender let one finger slide down his front and stop just before she got into dangerous territory.

"I want you.." she whispered into his ear seductively.

"And I want you... to leave," Lucifer said, but Lavender's eyes only grew.

"Playing hard to get... like it! I"lI see you around, Baby..." She booped his nose then strutted off with a sway in her step.

Lucifer sighed and made his way to the library, removing this entire conversation from his mind.


The news about Colin being attacked and now lying in the Hospital Wing spread through the school faster than a Wildfire, as everyone knew

about it by Tuesday morning. 

The air was suddenly thick with rumor and suspicion. 

The First Years all moved around in groups, as though scared of being attacked if they ventured off alone.

Ginny, who said she sat next to Colin in Charms class, was visibly distraught. 

Lucifer noticed that Fred and George tried their best to help, but they were going about it the wrong way. 

They took turns covering themselves in Fur and Boils and jumping out at her from behind statues. 

They only stopped when Percy, apoplectic with rage, threatened to write home to Molly and tell Ginny about her nightmares.

In other parts of the Castle, away from the teachers prodding eyes, an underground trade of talismans, amulets, and other protective items swept across the school. 

Neville in particular bought a large, evil smelling green onion, a pointed purple crystal, and a rotting newt tail before the other Gryffindor boys could point out that he was in no danger, as Neville was Pure-Blooded, so he was unlikely to be attacked.

"They went for Filch first," Neville told them, his round face fearful looking as ever, "and everyone knows I'm almost a Squib."

Lucifer simply didn't understand why Neville had such a hard time with magic. 

A wand works with its owner, it chooses them, so he didn't understand why Neville's wasn't working for him.

He noticed that in the First Year, even Ron had trouble with some spells.

And, now he currently had a very good reason for his spells not working for him, Ron broke his wand from crashing into the Whomping Willow.

Lucifer looked around at his fellow students and just shook his head. 

Many of them must've been Half-Blood or Muggleborn. 

He wasn't sure what he could be known in the Wizarding World, but Lucifer figured being a celestial, must come under the Isle of Pure-bloods. 


It was the Second week of December, Professor McGonagall came around and collected the names of the Gryffindor who were staying at

Hogwarts for the Winter Break. 

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Lucifer all signed her list upon hearing that Malfoy would be staying this

year, and it couldn't be more perfect.

"I still don't understand why we can't kidnap Malfoy, and just use Veritaserum on him." Lucifer said as the group walked back to their booth next to the window.

"It's illegal." Hermione pointed out.

"So is using the Polyjuice poti...Ow!" Lucifer said rubbing his right arse cheek, where he just got smacked by the bushy-haired girl, clutching onto his forearm.

"I'd rather not stoop down to kidnapping people!" Hermione glared at him, while crossing her fingers trying to suppress the urge of hitting him again.

"Sure..." Lucifer sighed, while taking an internal note, if the girl's ready to get violent, she must have been healed properly. 

The Potion was only half-finished, but that wasn't an issue. 

They were still short the Bicorn Horn and Boomslang skin, and the only place to get that quickly was Snape's private storeroom.

"What we need," Hermione said, her eyes flickering down on his crotch for a second, but then looked back up, matching his gaze, "is a diversion. Then one of us can sneak into Snape's storeroom and get what we need."

"...." Lucifer. 

"....." Hermione made a blank face, her cheeks started to turn red, and then just looked down at her shoes. 

Not daring to look up. 

"I can handle that...."

"Really, will you feed me again?!"

"What is she on about, now?" Ron was pretty confused, so did Harry. 

"....I know exactly what to do. I've been reading into the higher grade spell books a little, and know what will cause an... explosive distraction." 

Lucifer gave a simple reply instead. 

"....A-Alright, you will cover the diversion, just please be careful with whatever you have planned?" Hermione asked while trying to hold out, before she lost it. 

"It's me... I make no promises," Lucifer shrugged indifferently, which caused Hermione to doubt him even more.

"Then...I...ah ...do I have to steal the ingredients?" Hermione really didn't want to become a thief, she was punished just days before, and turned over a new leaf. 

"You do."

"It's okay, then....." she sighed in relief. 

Both, Harry and Ron looked oblivious to what these 2 people are talking about, but neither looked like they were going to complain.


Author's Note

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