Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 52

“You can sit down.....here” Hermione whispered, pointing out the empty space beside her.

Lucifer sighed, and moved towards the bushy-haired girl's armchair, sat down on the area beside her, only for Hermione to slide into his lap, with a giggle, not tearing up any more.

“Do you have any problem?” She is even bold enough to make a question like that, with an innocent look on her face.

“N-No.....” he said, awkwardly.

She nodded, putting her face onto his chest, and hugged Lucifer even harder.

"Harry," Hagrid said suddenly, as though the thought just struck him, "Gotta bone ter pick with yeh. I've heard yeh've been givin' out signed photos. How come I haven't got one?"

Harry looked ready to explode, "I have not been giving out signed photos! If Lockhart's still spreading that around-"

He calmed down when he saw Hagrid having a great laugh, "I'm on'y jokin'," he said and patted Harry genially on the back, sending him face first into the table, which Lucifer found amusing, "I knew yeh hadn't really. I told Lockhart yeh didn' need tae. Yer more famous than him without tryin'."

"Bet he didn't like that," Harry said, sitting up and rubbing his chin.

"Don' think he did," Hagrid said, his eyes twinkling, "An' then I told him I'd never read one o' his books an' he decided to go. Treacle Toffee, Ron?"he offered nicely to him.

"No thanks," he said weakly, "better not risk it.”

“So, that's how you get rid of him. I was planning on using Depulso.” Hermione said, with a large grin as she leaned back into her pillow.

"Oh, come an' see what I've bin growin"," he said to the three not belching up slugs and they followed him out of the hut to a garden patch, albeit Hermione quite reluctantly though.

Behind his house was about a dozen of the largest pumpkins any of them had ever seen. "Gettin' on well, aren't they?" He said happily, "Fer the Halloween feast.... should be big enough by then."

"What have you been feeding them?" Harry asked in awe.

“Babies and cats, I think,” Lucifer said, in a joking manner, causing Hermione to let out a snort.

Hagrid looked around to make sure they were alone, "Well, I've bin uh... I've bin givin' them... yeh know... a little help."

"An Engorgement Charm, I suppose?" Hermione asked between disapproval and amusement.

Hagrid nodded and Harry spoke next, "Awesome. You've done a great job with them, Hagrid."

"That's what Ron's sister,” he said nodding back to the hut where Ron was still heaving slugs, incapable of moving at the moment, "Met her jus' yesterday," Hagrid's beard noticeably twitched, "Said she was jus' searchin' the grounds, but I bet she was looking fer someone. If veh ask me, I don' think she'd say no ter a signed photos fr'm both of y-" he winked at Harry and Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled awkwardly, and Hermione, filled with jealousy at him smiling after what he'd just been told, she decided to slip her hand into his.

"Oh, shut up..." Harry said in an exasperated tone.

Ron also snorted, but it caused two slugs burst out of his nostrils.

“Eugh!” Hermione nearly vomited at the sight, “I am heading back to the castle before I throw up...”

"Let's go, Lucifer!” She was also curious to know, if Marcus Flint is still floating in the air or not?

But, Hermione felt disappointed to see otherwise.

Not even a second after they were out of sight, still hand in hand, Ron spoke again, “Why is it always me?”

“Oh, 'hat girl has fallen 'rd”

It was nearing lunchtime and they hadn't had a whole lot since early morning, especially Harry who hadn't had any breakfast, and they all barely touched the Treacle Toffee Hagrid made because of how inedible it always is.

At lunch, Professor McGonagall came over to Harry and Ron and handed them respective Detention notes. Ron was stuck cleaning Trophies in the Trophy room, which was a disaster waiting to happen as he was still belching up slugs all over his body.

Harry was unfortunate enough to be requested specifically to help Lockhart answer his fan mail. It was starting to be a long night.

Harry and Ron had just left for their evening of detention, Lucifer and Hermione were working on some homework they still had to finish from the week.

Hermione was working on Charms homework while Lucifer on Herbology.

She was getting it done slower than usual, because she kept glancing up at him for two reasons.

Whatever she felt earlier at Hagrid's was one reason; her worry for him, the second.

His temper was quick to rise when it involved her being insulted or being in danger.

She was observant, though, and noticed that she always brought him back to his senses.

She would try to get him to get his temper under control, but in the event it wasn't possible, because she knows things happen beyond a person's control sometimes, she would bring him back.

Back to her, maybe it was puberty talking, but she was anxious if Lucifer
feels the same about her.

Hermione knew she wasn't that pretty, and her enlarged front teeth weren't great to look at.

She was always awkward with trying to be social with anyone who didn't share her interests.

But, he didn't refuse her that night, or got angry at her, maybe Hermione still has a good chance?

“Hermione,” a voice said, and a hand was now being waved in front of her face.

"Huh?" Was all she could manage as she looked over to Lucifer.

“I noticed you barely made any progress on your Charms homework over the past five minutes... you don't need help do you?" He asked in a cheeky tone.

“Of course not!” Hermione huffed loudly.

He simply smiled at her, "Alright, but if you do, I'm right here."

"I know," she said as she got back to work to make up for lost time.

In doing so, Hermione finished her
Charms work in twenty minutes.

It would've taken an average student an hour to finish without interruptions, but Hermione was no average student.

Like Professor Flitwick once had said, she was the Brightest Witch of their age, which made Lucifer the Brightest Wizard of their age, and Hermione thought that without faltering.

After getting their homework finished, both went up to respective dorm rooms.

Hermione laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if she should go to his dorm tonight or not but ultimately decided that she was too exhausted today.

She turned to one side and closed her eyes, trying her best to not think about him so she could actually try and get some sleep.


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