Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 53

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Come September 18th, Lucifer had already known it was Hermione's birthday tomorrow.

He hadn't known it was her Birthday last year, so he wanted to get her something now. 

He just wasn't sure what she would want. 

Maybe she didn't want a whole lot, or anything at all, but she was his good friend, and he was going to get her something, even if it was small.

Classes had just ended and it was essentially the weekend for Students, some of them immediately ignoring the homework set out for them by their teachers, but Lucifer and Hermione weren't like that. 

They got to work immediately to get it done before the weekend ended.

Lucifer, however, was not as keen on working swiftly this time, mainly because his thoughts were plagued with getting a gift for Hermione. 

He knew she loved books, but he wanted to be original with it, instead of just getting her a new book every year, even though she would probably like it anyway.

There was one thing he thought of doing, and that was going to Professor McGonagall, asking to use her fireplace to go to Diagon Alley, but he doubted she would approve of that idea.

There was one thing he thought of doing, Lucifer turned sideways to Hermione, "Hey, I know dinner time is close, but I have to go take care of something real quick."

"Okay," she looked up at him, smiled, and went back to her Charms homework for the last couple of minutes before dinner started.

Lucifer ran up to his dorm room, grabbed a slip of paper from his trunk, but Rowena wasn't there. 

So, he made it back down the stairs to see everyone packing up to leave for the next hour. 

He hurried out of the Common Room before anyone else could and he ran, until he got called out by a Prefect and started walking, to the Owlery. 

Lucifer hurried up the stairs and found Rowena almost asleep beside her best friend Hedwig, "Hey, Rowena, I know it's late, but can I ask you for a favor?" He asked and she was looking at him, seemingly awaiting him to stop talking.

"Tomorrow is Hermione's birthday, and I have what I want to get her on this mail-order slip. I was wondering if you could take it and get it here by the time the mail arrives tomorrow morning? I'm only asking you because I trust you to be the most reliable Owl here." Rowena tilted her head a bit, seeming to ask if there was anything else he could say to flatter her.

Even Hedwig is now full-on staring at Lucifer's face, then looking towards the girl beside her, "When you arrive, you can have whatever is on my plate at Breakfast tomorrow, okay? Better yet, I'll fill a plate just for you!"

It seemed to work because Rowena held out her leg and he attached the paper to her, "Thanks, you really are the best Owl in here!"

She spread out her wings and took off, but it made Hedwig to make an indignant hoot at her figure, couldn't help but just be amazed, how easily the girl was fooled!

Lucifer glared at her, to not say anything further. 

After that, he hurried down to dinner, hearing his stomach grumble some as he did. 

No one paid him any mind as they had no reason to when he walked in. 

Lucifer went and sat down next to Hermione, "Hey, what did you have to do?"

"You'll find out," was all he said and went to make his plate with food.

"What does that mean?" She asked further.

"Not telling," he smirked at her, which caused a glare to appear on her face. 

He just shrugged and started to eat.

After dinner, everyone returned to their respective House and when they got back to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione and Lucifer both sat back down to continue working on homework. 

Ron said that they were the most boring people in Gryffindor, but Hermione just shrugged, "At least we won't be rushing to finish at the last minute," she said matter-of-factly.

Only, Lucifer had a look of horror on his face, when Ron muttered that. 

'Am I being influenced by Hermione?!'

How terrible!

"What are you looking at?!"


It was now late into the night and Lucifer was able to get his done pretty quickly compared to Hermione. 

Who got it done a couple of minutes later.

She found it to be sus, and quickly looked over Lucifer's work after requesting to do so and she found nothing wrong with it. 

Hermione set it down gently, looking at it as she did. She said nothing else and turned in for the night, telling him she'd see him in the morning.

Lucifer felt like he did something wrong when she did that. He went up to his own bed and hoped that all was better tomorrow.


Lucifer was feeling quite warm.

With his muscles loosened up, limbs heavy, he somehow felt weightless. As if he was floating on a cloud.

The world around him was soft.

He didn't need to open his eyes to know there was no furniture, no things or items around him. 

His sense of time was warped but it felt like time itself was of no consequence here, on this cloud of nothingness.

He was warm, and that alone told him he was dreaming.

Lucifer was rarely warm in the real world. Not in the sense of body temperature—he was a walking furnace, if he were to take Hermione's words into consideration. 

No, the coldness he felt was coming from somewhere within his very being. 

His fuzzy thoughts were interrupted by some kind of noise. Hard to identify, it teased his ears. 

As if he should open his eyes and see what it was for himself. The pull of sleep was stronger, though, and his eyelids refused to cooperate.

A gentle breeze danced across the skin of his abdomen, his arms and legs. 

The air around him shifted gradually, so slowly Lucifer might have not even noticed if not for his extraordinary senses. 

There was no danger in it, though, no malice.

Lucifer dozed off again.

The cloud he was reclining on moved almost imperceptibly. He shifted a bit, trying to get more comfortable, and something smooth brushed against his side.

Something warm.

The press of it was soft and light so Lucifer let it be. The breeze against his thighs and legs became cooler but felt hotter above his lower belly. 

It wasn't uncomfortable per se, but it stirred a little something in the pit of his stomach.

The heat glided down his front and he tensed as the pressure between his legs became heavier. 

Goosebumps erupted over the skin of his arms and thighs, and the haze Lucifer's mind was in turned even foggier.

He groaned when something tugged at him, as if begging for him to wake up, but all it succeeded in was pulling him deeper under the blanket of sleep.

Lucifer didn't want to leave this delicious dream, realistic as it was. 

There were different points of contact between his skin and whatever was touching him. 

It was erratic, smoothing down his inner thighs; gentle, gliding over his abs; purposeful, dragging up and down his co—

Lucifer jerked as something hot—and undeniably wet —enveloped the head of his cock and swallowed him down inch by maddening inch. 

The tightness around him was overwhelming and his fingers twitched, searching for something to hold on to. To ground him.

His legs shifted, widening, trying to alleviate the pressure in his groin but instead the base of his cock was squeezed, as if in reprimand. 

He threw his head to the side, unable to bear this overpowering sensation.

The world around him was shifting.

Different sounds, still dulled as they were, invaded the once quiet space inside his mind. 

There was the same breeze, shifting the curtains. 

The lapping and sucking sounds alternated in tandem with the insane pressure around his length. 

The rustle of the sheets as he gripped them in his fists.

Pin pricks traveled from the tips of his fingers up his arms. 

The sheets cling to his sweaty back when he arched his spine.

The constriction around his cock tightened when Lucifer canted his hips up, accompanied by a moan. 

The wetness coating his cock dribbled lower, down to his balls.

And then—a whiff of something heavy and musky, something familiar. 

His mouth watered and Lucifer recalled something Eve told him ages ago. 

People can't smell anything when they're dreaming. Did that mean—

Lucifer's eyes shot open and he was met with a sight that made him groan and throw his head back against the pillows.

Hermione—and it was undoubtedly her—was poised above him with her thighs spread apart. 

Her arse was encased in red lace, and the fabric covering her cunt had a dark patch on it.


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