Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0455 Future Plans(Large Chapter)

Bryan understood immediately what Remus was truly asking. The Ministry of Magic had issued an official statement claiming that the masked wizards who had launched the attack during the Quidditch World Cup were merely poor imitators. However, those privy to special channels of the ministry knew that this explanation was far from the whole truth.

The appearance of the Dark Mark that night cast a long shadow of doubt over the Ministry's narrative. This wasn't just any spell; it was a powerful and specific magical mark, one that Voldemort himself had taught exclusively to his inner circle of Death Eaters. The very presence of the Dark Mark raised uncomfortable questions: If these were truly just a band of imitators, how had they learned to cast this particular spell? The inconsistency was conspicuous, and it made the Ministry's explanation ring hollow to those who knew better.

Politicians, Bryan thought silently, were always quick with their lies and half-truths. Fudge had moved swiftly to suppress any further discussion of the incident within the Ministry. He had gone so far as to prevent the Daily Prophet from reporting on the true nature of the events that had transpired that night.

"Barty handled it decisively—" Bryan said casually, his tone deliberately light as he brushed off the topic. Knowing more often meant keeping more secrets, and it had become second nature to him to play his cards close to his chest. However, even as he deflected the question, his mind was working actively, processing the inferences of what had occurred.

The house-elf who served Barty Crouch Sr. was an unlikely suspect in the casting of the Dark Mark. This left an unsettling question: 'Who had conjured it?'

Bryan's thoughts turned to hidden Death Eaters who may have been present in the Top Box that night, like Lucius Malfoy. Could one of them have cast the Mark, perhaps in an attempt to prove their loyalty before Voldemort's return?

Pushing these dark thoughts aside for the moment, Bryan turned his attention back to the matter at hand. "Tell me about your situation, Sirius," he said, his voice calm and unhurried as he refilled his teacup. "What did you want to discuss?"

Sirius, who had been lost in his own troubled thoughts, seemed to snap back to the present at Bryan's words. "Oh, there's no need to leave, Remus," he said quickly, noticing his friend's subtle shift as if preparing to excuse himself. "I got this idea partly because of you, actually—"

Sirius took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling noticeably as he gathered his thoughts. He looked directly at Bryan; his gaze firm.

"The thing is—"

Sirius began and recounted the whole story, first telling Bryan about Fred and George's conflict with their mother, Mrs. Weasley, over their development of prank products. He then explained Remus's intention to invest in Fred and George's joke shop in Hogsmeade and the real thoughts behind Remus's actions. Finally, he spoke about his own aimless state since leaving Hogwarts.

Ever since Sirius and Remus learned about Harry's dreams, they had a strong premonition that Voldemort, lurking in the shadows, was becoming increasingly active.

And on the night of the Quidditch World Cup Final, after Bryan defeated Cliodna, the monster that came to her rescue and caused Harry's scar to hurt again—while the Ministry had its official explanation for the public, those who knew better found it far from convincing. Sirius and Remus were among those who recognized Cliodna as a likely accomplice of Voldemort, a realization that only added to their growing sense of urgency.

The war between them and Voldemort had never truly ended. Thirteen years ago, James and Lily had used their lives to temporarily halt the war, buying a brief period of peace for the wizarding world. But, now, the flames of war were about to reignite.

The pain of the past was etched clearly on both Sirius and Remus's faces. The war thirteen years ago had left them both with deep, unhealed wounds and regrets that haunted them still. The loss of James and Lily, the years of mistrust between them, and the long, lonely years that followed – all of it weighed heavily on their souls. This time, they were determined to be prepared, to do everything in their power to prevent history from repeating itself.

"I know you and Dumbledore probably have plans in place, Bryan," Sirius continued, his voice thick with emotion. He sniffled slightly, his eyes shining with a mix of determination and barely contained tears. Across the table, Remus sat silently, staring blankly at his hands resting on his knees, seemingly lost in memories as well.

"But I hope—" Sirius paused, gathering himself before continuing, his voice stronger now, filled with resolve, "—I hope I can play a role in protecting Harry from harm. I couldn't be there for him before, but I'm here now, and I want to do everything I can to keep him safe."

The scars left by war never truly heal. If anything, the passage of time only seemed to deepen the pain they brought, etching the memories ever more firmly into the psyche of those who had lived through the horror and loss.

Bryan leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting upward to the old, weathered ceiling of the Weasley family's living room. The silence that fell was heavy with contemplation, each man lost in his own thoughts about the challenges that lay ahead.

Since he had accepted Dumbledore's invitation to return to Hogwarts as the head of the Student Safety Office in the latter half of last year, he had already made the decision to stand in opposition to Voldemort in the future.

Neither Dumbledore nor Bryan harbored any illusions about the nature of the conflict they were facing. Despite their alliance and combined strengths, they knew better than to underestimate Voldemort. What lay before them was not a simple duel, but a full-scale war.

The outcome of such a war, Bryan knew, would not be determined by the victory or defeat of one or two individuals in isolated confrontations. It would involve a complex interplay of factors: strategy, resources, alliances, and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

However, even as they faced this looming threat together, Bryan was well aware that his approach to the coming conflict differed significantly from Dumbledore's. While their ultimate goal of defeating Voldemort's schemes aligned, their specific methods and priorities diverged in important ways.

Dumbledore was primarily concerned with Voldemort himself. His hope was to win this battle with minimal casualties and as little damage to the wizarding society as possible.

Bryan, on the other hand, saw the coming conflict as an opportunity to address some of the deep-seated problems that had long plagued the wizarding world. He hoped to use the intensity of the struggle against Voldemort as a catalyst for change, a chance to root out—

Moreover, Bryan's perspective on the situation was further complicated by knowledge and suspicions that he had not shared even with Dumbledore.

Cliodna's allegiance to Voldemort was certainly not as simple as it seemed. It involved the schemes of the four Hogwarts founders, as well as the seemingly unrelated mythical figures of Herpo and Merlin.

The alliance between the Druid priestess and the Dark Lord was like the final piece of a complex puzzle, allowing Bryan to see the intricate connections that had long remained hidden. Yet even as some mysteries began to unravel, new questions arose, each more perplexing than the last.

Bryan's recent trip to Azkaban had shed light on the origins of the Dementors, those dreadful creatures that seemed to embody despair and hopelessness. Yet this new knowledge only deepened the mystery surrounding the actions of Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor. Why had these two great founders been so determined to eliminate the unique existence of Dementors?

Adding to his unease was the strange transformation of his own Patronus when confronted with Dementors. This unexpected phenomenon hinted at connections and powers that Bryan did not yet fully understand, leaving him with a sense of vulnerability that was both unfamiliar and deeply troubling.

The imminent return of Voldemort, Bryan knew, would bring certain plots against him out into the open. But for now, the full truth remained shrouded in mist.

"Bryan?" Sirius's voice, soft and tinged with confusion, broke through Bryan's reverie. The prolonged silence had clearly unsettled both Sirius and Remus, who were watching him with a mixture of concern and anticipation.

"I'm considering some things—" Bryan said calmly, his voice showing none of the complex calculations and considerations running through his mind. After this brief statement, he fell silent once more, his fingers tapping a slow, rhythmic pattern on the table.

As he pondered the situation, Bryan's gaze shifted between Sirius and Remus. Both men, he knew, were eager to play a more active role in the fight against Voldemort and in protecting Harry.

Dumbledore's plans, as far as Bryan understood them, revolved primarily around Harry himself. The boy who had survived Voldemort's killing curse as an infant was central to his strategy, though the exact nature of Harry's importance remained a closely guarded secret even to him. However, it seemed that Dumbledore had not included Sirius and Remus in his core strategic planning, perhaps out of a desire to protect them or simply due to the secretive nature of his approach.

For Bryan, however, these two represented a valuable resource – trustworthy allies with unique skills and experiences that could provide significant assistance in the impending chaos. Their appearance before him now, seeking guidance, seemed almost like a gift from fate itself.

'What a wonderful coincidence'

Bryan focused his gaze on Sirius, seeing the eager anticipation for reasonable advice in his eyes.

As he contemplated the best course of action, Bryan's mind raced through the structure of the Ministry of Magic. He mentally listed the major administrative departments and important institutions, each with its own sphere of influence and potential:

- Department of Magical Law Enforcement

- Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

- Department of International Magical Cooperation

- Department of Magical Games and Sports

- Department of Mysteries

- Wizengamot

After a long deliberation, Bryan finally spoke. Looking at Sirius, he asked in a slow and calm tone,

"I wonder if you'd be interested in taking a position in the Auror Office, Sirius?"

When Bryan calmly stated his intention, the Weasley living room fell into a prolonged silence. Sirius's mouth hung slightly open; his brow furrowed. Judging by his bewildered expression, he seemed to think Bryan was joking.

Remus, however, knew that Bryan would never joke on such a serious matter. His eyes glimmered with contemplation as he tried his utmost to understand why Bryan would make such an absurd proposal.

"To work at the Auror Office, to become an Auror."

Sirius leaned back; his mouth still half-open. "You mean, to become Fudge's subordinate?"

The very idea seemed to fill Sirius with distaste. His face contorted as if he had just bitten into something particularly sour, the thought of working under the man who had been content to see him rot in Azkaban was clearly an unpalatable one.

Bryan's response was accompanied by a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Perhaps you and Cornelius Fudge don't particularly admire each other," he said, his tone light and almost teasing, "but there's no real animosity, is there?"

"That's not the issue, Bryan—" Sirius's frustration was palpable as he vigorously rubbed his face with his open palms, as if trying to physically wipe away his confusion. When he lowered his hands, his expression was one of utter bafflement. "You want me to become an Auror, to make a criminal who was imprisoned in Azkaban for over a decade into someone who captures criminals. Bryan, what on earth are you thinking?"

Bryan's gaze on Sirius's face intensified, his eyes seeming to bore into the Sirius's soul. His voice was calm, measured, each word carefully chosen. "First of all, you've been proven innocent, Sirius. Your imprisonment in Azkaban was a mistake by the Ministry and the Wizengamot."

He continued, a hint of something like enthusiasm creeping into his voice, "Secondly, I believe this job suits your personality perfectly, doesn't it? Exciting, full of danger, fighting against evil—I'm sure you'd enjoy it."

"That's not the point, Bryan—" Remus, who had been silently observing the exchange finally decided to voice his opinion.

"The Auror Office is the elite force of the Ministry of Magic. I've learned from an acquaintance in the DMLE that every Auror must undergo lengthy and rigorous training and assessments before officially taking the position. Of course, Sirius's skills would be up to the task, but to bypass those selection mechanisms and directly make Sirius an official Auror—I'm afraid even Albus couldn't manage that."

Bryan nodded, acknowledging Remus's words. "Under normal circumstances, it would indeed be difficult—" he began, his expression unchanged. "But fortunately, I've just done the Ministry a big favor. From Cornelius Fudge to the various department heads, they're all eager to repay this debt."

A sly smile appeared at the corners of Bryan's mouth as he continued, "I believe if Sirius comes with my letter of recommendation, the Ministry will seriously consider it. At least, it's more likely than if I were to propose entering the Ministry myself to serve as an official in some department—"

Silence fell again. Sirius and Remus, one pondering if being an Auror truly suited him, the other contemplating the possibility of Bryan pulling this off.


After a long while, Sirius and Remus both let out a sigh. They had to admit, Bryan's seemingly absurd suggestion, upon careful consideration, did have some merit.

However, this didn't mean they were ready to fully accept the proposal. Remus's gaze, when it finally settled back on Bryan, was penetrating. He looked at the young face across from him, shrouded in wisps of tea mist yet exuding an unusual authority that seemed at odds with his age. When Remus spoke, his voice was direct, cutting straight to the heart of his greatest concern:

"What are you planning, Bryan? Do you want to send Sirius to the Auror Office as some sort of spy? Or do you want to become the Minister for Magic?"

Remus, who had lived his entire life in a world full of discrimination and prejudice due to his lycanthropy, He naturally harbored aversion and disgust towards politicians and their machinations. So, upon keenly perceiving the possible intentions behind Bryan's proposal, he immediately became wary.

"Heh, politics isn't something to be trifled with, Remus. Fudge represents the interests of a group of people. Kicking him out of office isn't something that can be accomplished just by planting a spy," Bryan chuckled. "Besides, I don't want to be the Minister for Magic because I don't want to spend the rest of my life considering and balancing interests among all parties. It's boring."

The look that Bryan cast over made Remus nod unconsciously. Indeed, this explanation seemed more in line with what they knew of Bryan's character.

Sirius, who had been quiet for some time, finally spoke up. His voice was thoughtful, tinged with a hint of excitement that he couldn't quite suppress. "I must admit, being an Auror does seem quite interesting—" he began, his expression pensive. "But what does this have to do with my goals? I mean, I want to look after Harry and contribute positively to the fight against Voldemort, but being an Auror doesn't seem related to that, does it?"

"This is where my judgments and ideas come in—" Bryan put down his teacup, interlocking his fingers on the table. His deep gaze revealed no thoughts. Remus's expression flickered momentarily, and he unconsciously straightened his posture.

"On the night of the World Cup final, after Cliodna escaped from me and the chaos gradually subsided, Fudge didn't stay at the scene to direct the rescue or comfort the public. He returned to the Ministry immediately and urgently summoned Headmaster Dumbledore to meet him."

Bryan spoke in an impassive tone, "What do you think Fudge was thinking at that time?"

"What?" Sirius asked reflexively.

Bryan's lips curved into a slight smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Fudge asked Dumbledore if there was any way to keep me at Hogwarts forever. To put it in simpler terms, he wanted Headmaster Dumbledore to imprison me at Hogwarts—"

"He dared to make such a request!" Sirius's eyes widened, angrily slapping the armrest. Remus likewise tensed his face, his lips curled in an almost imperceptible sneer.

Bryan observed their reactions with a calm demeanor, as if he had expected this.

"Heh, it's not surprising. The power I displayed that night had completely exceeded the Ministry's control. Fudge knew well that he had no means to restrain someone like me. Moreover, he anticipated that if I wanted to seize power, taking advantage of this incident, even if I couldn't become Minister for Magic, it wouldn't be difficult to make him step down. So, even though the Ministry's credibility was on the brink of collapse at that time, his first consideration was still to guard against me. He's wary of Dumbledore certainly, but in comparison, he seems to think I'm more dangerous than Dumbledore—"

Seeing that Sirius and Remus were listening with rapt attention, Bryan pressed on, his voice taking on a more somber note. "If in the future, the Wizarding world falls into war because of Voldemort's return, I believe that under the leadership of a narrow-minded minister like Cornelius Fudge, the Ministry of Magic will do nothing but hinder Dumbledore."

He paused, his gaze flicking between the two men before him. "Headmaster Dumbledore knows this too, but because of his own 'noble character', he doesn't want to interfere excessively with the Ministry. I, on the other hand, hope that by that time, the Ministry will be able to listen to some rational advice appropriately."

Sirius, his mind grasping the essence of Bryan's plan, blurted out, "You want me to become an Auror and have some influence in the Auror Office, is that right, Bryan?"

Bryan's smile was both confirmation and approval. "That's correct—" he said, his tone lighter now. "The Auror Office is a crucial department. It's the front line in the fight against dark wizards. Having someone we trust in a position of influence there could make all the difference when the time comes."

"Scrimgeour won't easily give up his position, Bryan, And if Sirius just becomes an Auror, it won't have much effect. He'd be just another voice, easily ignored or overruled." Remus, with his calm nature, directly grasped the core of the problem.

Bryan nodded, acknowledging the validity of Remus's concern. He knew very well that Rufus Scrimgeour, the current Head of the Auror Office, was not a man to be easily swayed, especially by him.

"There will always be a way," Bryan said cryptically, unwilling to reveal too much of his long-term strategy. Political struggles, he knew, were the same in any world – complex, unpredictable, and often won or lost based on information and timing. To show all his cards now would be premature and potentially dangerous.

After some further explanation, Sirius began to understand the full scope of Bryan's calculations but, he was still hesitant. To be honest, he had never seriously considered becoming a Ministry official like Arthur. And now, Bryan seemed to hope he could become not just an Auror, but potentially the Head of the Auror Office. This was a major decision, one that would alter the course of his life dramatically. Even the normally resolute Sirius couldn't make up his mind immediately.

Bryan, sensing Sirius's hesitation, did not press for an immediate decision. Instead, he turned his penetrating gaze to Remus, while Sirius was deep in thought.

"Regarding you, Remus," Bryan began, his tone softening slightly but losing none of its intensity, "you hope to stay in Hogsmeade so you can quickly come to Harry's aid if any danger arises. But frankly, there's no need for that. If Harry encounters a danger that neither I nor Headmaster Dumbledore have foreseen, then you probably won't be able to help either—"

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