Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0456 For Remus

"Yes, I understand—" Remus said calmly, his voice steady and composed. He showed no sign of surprise or offense at Bryan's blunt words. Years of facing discrimination and hardship had given Remus a thick skin and a pragmatic outlook on life.

Remus had indeed spent many sleepless nights considering these very issues. With Albus and Bryan at Hogwarts, it would be difficult for any sinister plots to reach Harry. The castle's formidable magical protections, combined with the watchful eyes of two such powerful wizards, formed a near-impenetrable shield around Harry. However, this realization didn't mean Remus was content to stand idly by, twiddling his thumbs while others took on the burden of protecting Harry.

His mind drifted back to happier times, to the close-knit group of friends who had made his years at Hogwarts bearable, even joyful, despite his condition. Of those Marauders who had once roamed the halls of the castle with their pranks and laughter, only he and Sirius remained alive and free. And Harry, James and Lily's child, was the only descendant they had left, the last living legacy of the Potters. Remus desperately wanted to do something for him, to protect this last link to his departed friends.

"The Ministry of Magic has issued a statement claiming that the group who attacked the World Cup was just a bunch of foreign dark wizards. A convenient explanation, neatly packaged to avoid panic and maintain their illusion of control. You and Albus have remained silent on this matter."

Remus paused, his gaze intensifying as he looked between Bryan and Sirius. "But Sirius and I both know, Bryan, that Harry's dream has already revealed far more than the Ministry's sanitized version of events."

Meeting Bryan's gaze, Remus continued calmly, "He's planning to harm Harry, Bryan and he has already taken action. Although you thwarted this attempt, we can't assume the danger has passed for forever. The next attempt could come as soon as tomorrow. In any case, he'll try every possible way to kill Harry and continue his cruel reign. This isn't just about power or control for Voldemort. Harry's existence is a living reminder of his greatest defeat."

Remus's voice took on a note of determination. "I can't just do nothing knowing all this. By staying in Hogsmeade, I can at least keep an eye on some things."

Bryan listened intently. He could see that Remus had his own ideas and was fully capable of acting on his own will. His loyalty and determination were admirable. However, Bryan hoped that Remus's actions could be channeled in a way that would make them more valuable and impactful.

"Your plan to set up shop in Hogsmeade using those joke products developed by those two mischievous lads, I believe - is not without merit," Bryan began, his tone thoughtful. "Keeping an eye on the goings-on around Hogwarts while being ready to support yourself and maintain a living is a practical approach. That's perfectly fine, Remus. In fact, I can put in a word with some people at the Ministry to help your shop get up and running quickly, smoothing over any... bureaucratic hurdles that might arise due to your condition."

Bryan's eyes flickered briefly to the window, where the Scottish rain continued to fall in a steady drizzle, before returning to Remus. "But this passive waiting can only achieve so much. It leaves you always one step behind, always responding to threats rather than preventing them."

He paused, his gaze intensifying. "I have some ideas that need someone to execute, and after careful consideration, I believe you're a suitable candidate. Perhaps the only suitable candidate."

Bryan continued calmly. "Of course, you can refuse, Remus. Apart from Filch, I have no right to give orders to anyone at Hogwarts or beyond its walls. This is a request, not a command."

Remus was silent for a long moment, his mind racing. He could sense that what Bryan was about to say could be extremely important, potentially playing a crucial role in the future. People like Bryan or Albus possessed wisdom and power beyond the comprehension of ordinary individuals.

"If you're hoping I could join some department in the Ministry, I don't think that's very likely—" Remus said softly after a moment's hesitation, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

"Of course, it's not that—" Bryan said, pursing his lips slightly. His expression was thoughtful, as if he was carefully considering how much to reveal. "This matter is rather complex and needs to be executed in multiple stages. For now, we're looking at just the first step. I hope you can spend some time helping me conduct... market research."

"Market research?" Remus immediately raised his eyebrows, surprise evident in his voice. The term seemed so mundane, so far removed from the grave matter of the impending war they had been discussing. On the other side of the room, Sirius, who had been pondering whether to join the Ministry as an Auror, also looked up sharply, his gray eyes wide as he stared at Bryan in disbelief.

"You heard correctly, it's market research—" Bryan nodded, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes at their reactions. He didn't beat around the bush any longer, sensing their confusion. "I hope you can spend some time conducting a rather thorough market research on some daily necessities that all magical residents can't do without."

Bryan's voice took on a more serious tone as he continued, "After this initial step is completed, you'll need to dig deeper. I want you to find out exactly which companies and workshops are producing these items, as well as the actual controlling parties behind these companies and workshops."

Sirius and Remus exchanged glances, both clearly unsure of what Bryan was planning.

"But what does this have to do with fighting Voldemort?" While Remus was still pondering the deeper meaning behind Bryan's proposal, trying to connect the dots between market research and the coming War, the impulsive Sirius blurted out the question that was on both their minds.

However, this time Bryan's response was frustratingly vague. He didn't give a clear answer, only saying mildly, "You've been through the war years, Sirius. I'm sure you understand that war and dueling are completely different beasts. A duel is just a contest between two individuals. But war... war is an all-out confrontation. It exists in many forms, and armed conflict is just one of them."

Not only was Sirius visibly confused by this cryptic response, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to decipher Bryan's meaning, but even the usually perceptive Remus couldn't fully grasp what Bryan was trying to express.

The Wizarding world's social system was relatively primitive compared to the Muggle world, still operating in many ways like a medieval society with magic. He didn't expect Remus and Sirius, who had grown up in the wizarding world and paid little attention to Muggle society and its complex economic systems, to immediately understand his intentions. But this step was necessary, a crucial foundation for the plans he was weaving. If Remus wasn't willing to do it, he would have to do it himself.

"Investigating the actual controlling parties behind the companies and workshops that produce daily necessities for the magical population shouldn't be too dangerous," Bryan said, his tone reassuring. "But it requires being well-informed and flexible in approach. Remus, I believe you have this ability."

Remus opened his mouth but didn't speak immediately.

Indeed, as a werewolf fighting for survival in a world that often viewed him with fear and disgust, he had been struggling in the Wizarding world for over a decade, encountering all sorts of people from every walk of life. In many ways, he was indeed more suitable for this task than Sirius, who had spent ten long years in the isolation of Azkaban, cut off from the everyday workings of wizarding society. However…

"You think this is important, Bryan?" Remus asked, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Bryan's response was measured, his words carefully chosen. "In dealing with Voldemort, Dumbledore has his own set of plans, and I, too, have my ideas. What I just told you, this market research, is a very important part of my plan."

As he had mentioned earlier, his plan needed to be executed in many stages, each building upon the last. What he currently wanted Remus to execute was only the most basic part, the gathering of crucial information. The subsequent tasks would be even more complex, potentially even shaking the very stability and foundations of the Wizarding world.

This was also part of the reason why Bryan had chosen to forgive Lucius Malfoy, even though he knew from Kakus Fawley that the masked wizards who caused chaos on the night of the Quidditch World Cup final were brought in by Lucius Malfoy. Bryan's long-term plan would require the assistance, willing or unwitting, of influential families like the Malfoys at some point.

As Bryan finished speaking, the room fell into a contemplative silence. The dull sound of raindrops hitting the window panes created a soothing pitter-patter noise. A chill gradually seeped up from the rain-soaked ground, causing Remus, who was deep in thought and physically weak after his recent painful transformation, to feel some discomfort.

Interrupting his contemplation, Remus wrapped his worn robe tighter around himself. He reached for the teapot on the table, its contents still steaming slightly, and poured himself a cup of hot water, cradling it in his hands to absorb its warmth.


The sudden sound made both Remus and Sirius twitch slightly. Bryan had stood up and snapped his fingers. The previously extinguished fireplace suddenly burst into vigorous flames, crackling merrily as if it had been burning for hours. The magical fire quickly began to dry the damp air, immediately infusing the room with a cozy warmth that seemed to chase away not just the physical chill, but some of the heaviness that had settled over their conversation.

"You two can think it over carefully. You don't need to give me an answer right away—"

Bryan didn't sit down again. Instead, he walked straight to the fireplace. He reached for a bag sitting on the shelf above the fireplace, open and ready for use. From it, he grabbed a handful of glittering Floo powder, examining it thoughtfully in his palm.

In the wizarding world, only a small portion of wizards could Apparate. For most wizarding families traveling together, especially those with young children, the options were limited. Using Floo powder was undoubtedly an important mode of transportation for wizards.

With a practiced motion, Bryan threw the Floo powder into the fireplace. The flames instantly turned a brilliant emerald green. As the fire crackled and swirled, ready to transport him to his destination, Bryan turned to face Remus and Sirius one last time.

"I won't be staying for lunch," he said, his voice raised slightly to be heard over the roar of the magical flames. "I need to get to London and then take a carriage back to Hogwarts. There's a pile of things waiting for me to deal with there as well. If you've made a decision, just send me an owl, and I'll arrange the next steps."

With those parting words, Bryan stepped into the fireplace. The emerald flames swirled around him, obscuring his form for a moment before he disappeared in a whirl of rapidly spinning fire.

As the flames returned to their normal orange hue, Sirius let out a long breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "This feels just like working for the Order of the Phoenix again—" he muttered, his eyes still fixed on the fireplace where Bryan had vanished moments before.

"That's probably what Bryan is planning—" Remus said slowly, running a hand through his graying hair. "He's likely planning to form a new organization."

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