Harry potter: the ring maker


"How could you do such a thing!?" Mcgonagall yelled at Dumbledore angrily while Flitwick backed her up with his own questions. Both of these professors had a very good impression of Nick so learning that Dumbledore had violated his privacy in such a manner set them off. "I understand your anger just as I also understand the young man's. Please understand that I truly only wanted the best for the boy. He was afraid of the power I held over him and since he clearly had a bloodline I assumed having him tested would help set his mind at ease."-

"I had never guessed that his bloodline would be what it was  and while I admit to knowing about his reluctance to be tested I assumed it was just that , reluctance." Dumbledore said defending his actions. "You didn't get the blood necessary for the test with his permission did you?" Mcgonagall asked coldly and the old man grimaced since that was indeed the worst part about this situation. It was public knowledge that many dark spells or curses require the blood of the victim to be willingly given. However Dumbledore had exploited the loophole and used his authority as the magical guardian to use it without Nick's consent.-

Nick groggily woke up in the infirmary an hour after that whole event which wasn't hard to believe since Snape didn't hold back at all. 'Ugh , my head is pounding. What the hell happened?' he wondered for a moment before he remembered and that same rage came over him. Madam Pomfrey seemed to feel the magical disturbance he was starting to create and rushed over to him before slapping him upside the head with a newspaper snapping him out of it. "You have every right to be angry but don't let it control you you daft child!" she scolded seriously.-

"But!" Nick went to protest but she stopped him "I am a healer child , I know the implications about what Albus did better than almost anyone. I am not saying not to be angry , merely that you not let it cloud your vision. Did you even notice that you came close to crossing a dangerous line earlier before Severus stopped you?" She asked gently and Nick froze as he realized he was about to legitimately try and kill Dumbledore earlier. Sure it was in the heat of the moment but that was unacceptable behavior no matter what the reason.-

Nick closed his eyes and took several deep breathes while bringing his emotions and magic back under control. "I'll be fine now." he said as he opened his eyes and had a neutral presence. "Would think you used occlumency if it wasn't clear you took too long to relax. No matter I suppose , you should have quite the headache no?" the elderly nurse asked with a gentle but serious look. Nick nodded "I'm a bit fuzzy of the details why though." he said with a frown.-

The woman nodded "That'd be Severus's handy work , It would seem you must have frightened him greatly for him to use a fully powered stunner on you. Not that I can blame him much , you truly carry a scary presence when angered." she said honestly while reaching into a satchel at her waist and retrieving a small potion vial. "Here drink this , it should help." she said and Nick downed the potion without a word though he did make a face. Madam Pomfrey seemed satisfied with this and handed him his wand and the mail that caused this entire situation.

"You may want to finish reading that before I let your visitor speak with you." She said before walking away. 'Visitor?' Nick thought confused since his friends aught to be in class at the moment. He didn't even get a chance to read the second letter in the pile of things as the instant Madam Pomfrey was gone a silvery see-through woman in a long dress floated out of the nearby wall. Nick was confused at this as he wasn't aware that the grey lady ever went to the infirmary. The pretty ghost floating in front of him with a curious expression as see looked him over.-

"Uh , can I help you with something?" Nick asked uncomfortable with the intensity she was using to stare at him. "Read the letter , I'll wait." She said simply after a brief moment of confusion on her part. Nick was confused why she would care about his heritage but found out when he read the letter and had a look of disbelief on his face. Nick shook the semi crumpled mess next to him and quickly found the signet ring that confirmed that the letter wasn't lying to him. He groaned at the realization of the sheer ungodly amount of drama and politics that is bound to come from this information.


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