Harry potter: the ring maker

Chatty Helena

"So how can I help you?" Nick asked not letting it slip that he was aware of her identity when she was alive. "I sometimes forget that my identity isn't well known anymore. I am Helena Ravenclaw , daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw and sister to your ancestor." The ghost introduced herself proudly. "Well now I'm at a bit of a loss since I'm not sure how to introduce myself anymore" Nick said honestly while rubbing the back of his head. Helena paused for a moment in thought "What were you called before you found out?" she asked calmly.-

"Nicholas Iron." he answered honestly and she fell into thought again. "What about Nicholas I Ravenclaw?" She suggested helpfully. Nick let the name roll around in his mind for a moment before nodding. "That'll work for public events and business talks , though I prefer just being called Nick." he said honestly. "Why are you acting so nice to me anyways , everyone says you are a bit standoffish normally." Nick inquired interested to learn more. "Hmph! They are not family , you are , it's entirely different." She said disdainfully like merely talking about others wasn't worth her time.

'Alright so she's arrogant , makes sense I suppose considering who she is.' Nick thought with a mental shrug since he has no room to judge someone for being prideful. "You still haven't told me why you are here talking to me though." he pointed out calmly. She looked taken back for a moment before chuckling "Despite the side content you still remembered the main topic , yes you are certainly related to myself." she said happily. "To answer your question however I have for a long time assumed that someone like you simply didn't exist. You see your ancestor was my younger sister and was born a squib."-

"My mother was quite distressed about this you know , to the point she hid all information in regards to my little sisters birth. One day shortly after she was born mother took her away and then simply didn't return with my little sister. I never asked what had become of her and had simply assumed that mother had left her in the woods somewhere to die. You can imagine my surprise to discover that she had survived long enough to continue our family line." Helena said enthusiastically. Nick was a bit weirded out at how happy this ghost seemed compared to her book counter part that was very quiet and broody.-

"You seem relieved for some reason." Nick said trying to see if he could get some answers out of her about this weird situation. "Tsk tsk , No need to try and coax answers out of me since you could just ask." Helena said teasingly. "Fine fine , way to take all the fun out of it. I am trying to figure out why you seem so much more cheerful than what was said to be normal." he said with a bit of complaint.-

"Oh , you see the thing I regretted most from when I was alive was how the family died out with me but thanks to your existence my biggest regret is gone! Sure I have a few other regrets but that was definitely my biggest one." she explained happily. "I see , and this thing doesn't really give me anything does it?" Nick asked while holding up the signet ring. Helena looked at the ring with nostalgia for a moment "Quite the opposite really , mother made sure to work out a special deal with those foul creatures so that our families vault would never be reclaimed by the goblins and would instead be active forever in case someone like you were to show up one day." she said with a chuckle.

"The greedy little things aught to be furious that there was an heir to the fortune this whole time right under their noses. Be careful around the things or they'll trick you with a shifty deal in order to empty the vault for themselves." Helena warned seriously. "Besides that you need the ring in order to find our family home. Mother placed special wards on the place so that only the current lord or lady with that ring could find it if they weren't keyed into them." she revealed casually.-

"After a thousand years that house would be rubble by now surely." Nick said seriously. "Ha! as if mother would let something like that destroy what was hers. No she instead tied a self maintenance enchantment to the ley line under the island to keep the house in perfect condition regardless of how much time passed , I helped set it up I will have you know." Helena said proudly. "Wait island?" Nick asked in surprise. "Yeah if you bring me a map of England I could point out where it's at or I could just go with you over the summer to point it out." She said honestly.


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