Harry potter: the ring maker


"There has to be a better way to do this Nick." Harry said seriously but Nick shook his head. "Honestly speaking if it were anyone else that may in fact be true , but I told you that I simply don't fear injury so I keep failing and until I overcome this hurtle it will stay this way." He said with a sigh. He tapped his head "It a problem with this really so there is no other option unless you know someone willing to use an unforgivable without meaning to really hurt me." Nick said with a firm and resigned expression.-

Ron gasped in horror when Nick mentioned having the unforgivable used on him as that was beyond cruel. He couldn't be blamed either as the effects that the crutiatus curse had on someone was well known by the entire wizarding world. A single exposure to the spell was known to drive people to insanity from the pain it brought. Neville's parents were rather well known examples of this as even now the two of them sat in saint Mungos mental ward practically catatonic. They had recently been having a specific set of healing exercises used on them in hopes of recovery but it was too soon to tell.-

So for Ron hearing that the only other option available to Nick was having such an awful thing used on him he understood just how hard Nick had it learning the Protego spell. Nick's entire plan for this rather extreme training was similar to the work of Pavlov except he isn't trying to train himself to salivate to a bell but rather to instinctively fear injury when a spell was cast at him. It was cruel and inhumane but it was the only option available to him at the moment.-

After dinner Nick drank another wiggenweld potion before going to bed fully prepared to get cursed at in his dreams. As a result he wasn't surprised to find himself face to face with a certain elf once he drifted off. The elf didn't say anything but he didn't need to either as the look of disappointment on his face spoke volumes to Nick. "It's the only way." Nick said defensively as he was bothered considerably by the look he was getting. The elf sighed "I am not disappointed in your willingness to do what you believe is necessary to protect yourself but HOW you are choosing to go about it."-

"You are only thinking of spells to solve the problem but you are a craftsman so start acting like!" The elf yelled angrily as he simply couldn't hold his temper anymore. Nick flinched at the loud and angry voice as he simply wasn't used to it. The elf had always been calm and somewhat quiet when he spoke so him yelling was frightening. "You keep putting your craftsmanship second to focus on your magic instead of using it for everything and I refuse to hold my tongue any longer!" the elf spoke sternly.-

"You know how this works! I can't just make a ring to protect myself as well as a shield spell without actually understanding the thing!" Nick yelled back as he refused to get lectured by the elf. "Then make something else , bombs , invisibility , ANYTHING else but stop acting like only this one thing can help you!" the elf roared before booting Nick out of the dream. For the first time since he got the system Nick woke up in the middle of the night. Frustrated he could only try to go back to sleep but alas the elf's words rang true and robbed him of the luxury of sleep.-

At dawn Nick officially gave up on the futile attempt to go back to sleep and in a grumpy mood made his way to the workshop. Helena noted his haggard appearance but didn't say anything about it since it would be rude. "Peeves tried to cause trouble earlier but I chased him off and other than that there hasn't been any change in the workshop." she said and Nick nodded before sitting against the wall and closing his eyes to delve into his mindscape.-

Unlike what he expected however he was immediately greeted by a gauntleted fist to the face as soon as he opened his eyes within the mindscape. "FUCK!" he cursed loudly  from the sudden pain before the injury seemed to magically fade away and he could open his eyes again to see what hit him. "You need the fear of pain to cast that spell of yours? Fine I'll make you fear pain then!" An angry but very familiar voice said from where he had just been struck. "You!" Nick hissed angrily as he glared at a certain elf that stood within his mindscape in full silver and golden armor.


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