Harry potter: the ring maker

Shield spells

The easiest shield spell according to these books was the Protego spell that was taught in the fourth year of Hogwarts normally. Despite being taught the spell at that time very few students could actually perform it as one of it's requirements was the genuine fear of harm. Once the spell was successfully cast with this emotion however any cast after that no longer require it. It was an unusual requirement but also a hard one to fulfil in the confines of the school. Most people who successfully learn it have magical spars with others to simulate actual combat and thus a fear of harm.-

Nick on the other hand was going to be much crueler to himself and have the room create enchanted spell casters that will hit him with legitimately harmful spells like the severing charm diffindo. Soon the room shifted into a sort of octagon with these enchanted spell casters placed randomly around the rooms walls. Nick stood in the center of the room and transfigured his clothes into only a single pair of thick shorts that were metal on the groin to protect that particular area from any spells that may target it.-

"Begin." he said calmly and immediately a small red spell shot at him from the left "PROTEGO!" he said quickly but all he got was a blue spark out of his wand and his eyes narrowed before the spell struck his left arm and opened a nasty looking gash. Gritting his teeth Nick ignored the pain and focused his attention around him for the next spell. This time it came from the back and he quickly turned around and pointed his wand at the this time purple light "PROTEGO!" he said and once again he merely got a spark and a bruise for his effort.-

Nick quickly lost count the amount of times he was struck with painful spells but once the room told him of the approaching dinner time he stopped the training in a horrible state. Pulling a wiggenweld potion out of Greed he popped the glass top off and downed the bitter potion. Dozens of cuts , bruises and burns all over his body closed up or scabbed over as the potion worked it's magic much to his relief. "NEN!" he said and water came out of his wand and began to cleanse the dried or fresh blood , sweat and tears all over his body.-

The last few hours were little more than pure suffering on his part as he barely made any progress on the spell as he got a flickering blue light at the end of his wand but that was it. In exchange for this progress he was cut , impacted and burned on multiple places on his body. Nick knew that the reason for his failure at casting the spell came from both it's level being past his current spell casting level by a wide margin as well as his natural disregard for his safety.-

He didn't enjoy getting hurt but he certainly didn't fear the idea of it and it was this very character trait that was considered admirable normally that was stopping him from making any decent progress. Removing the transfiguration on his robes the many new and healing injuries on his body were covered beneath them. Steeling his face he left the room and headed towards the great hall while keeping the pain of movement from showing on his face. The terror of the news that showed up at breakfast still hadn't died down yet and Nick honestly didn't think it ever would so long as Grindelwald was out and about.-

Nick sat next to Harry and opposite Ron at the Gryffindor table while waiting for the food the arrive. They gasped when he rolled up his robes sleeves a bit so that they don't get into the food as he ate. "Bloody hell! What happened to your arms!?" Ron exclaimed in shock at the many scabs and discolored patches of skin that adorned Nicks arms. "Not to worry I'm fine , I did it to myself to be honest. I overestimated myself a bit and this was the result is all." Nick said reassuringly.-

"What were you trying to do that could cause that?" Hermione asked from the opposite side of Harry with a concerned expression. "Just trying to learn the shield charm is all , as it turns out not being afraid of injury can in fact prove to be detrimental to spell casting." Nick said with a shrug. "Isn't that a fourth year spell?" Hermione asked in surprise. Nick nodded " Yes , well with a madman willing to sacrifice a whole town is running around I figure this." he pointed at his injuries "would be a small price to pay for a little safety." he said seriously and they went quiet as he wasn't wrong.


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