Harry potter: the ring maker

Astrology and laying low

The implications of what just happened with Malfoy wasn't lost on Nick but rather made him decisively shut down any thoughts of playing quidditch. He had already shown that he was very talented and didn't need to deal with the problems that came from the scouts watching the games. Yes professional quidditch scouts regularly sat in on the games at Hogwarts in hope of uncovering talents to be recruited. The minimum age to play the sport professionally was only sixteen in the wizarding world so sitting in on games keeps teams fresh and talented.-

If Nick decided to play quidditch he could tell from today alone that he would probably draw a lot of attention to himself from these scouts and maybe even the publishers as an unprecedented talent in the sport. Nick didn't mind being openly acknowledged academically in the school but once the entire wizarding community begins to focus on his life instead it will bring a lot of hassles he simply won't be ready for at the moment. 'It sucks since the sport looked interesting but I think waiting till the fourth year to enter the public eye would be best.' Nick thought seriously.-

Flying class was officially ended after that since Madam Hooch was worried another "accident" might happen. Next up was astrology which confused Nick quite a bit but he quickly found out why it was held so early in the day when the teacher Aurora Sinistra started the class. "Welcome to astrology I am Professor Sinistra. For those wondering why this class is held so early the answer to your question is that even if we were to observe the heavens on our first class almost none of you would understand what you are actually witnessing."-

"Therefore until such time as I deem you all acceptably versed in the knowledge needed to understand the heavens above you will instead be memorizing details about it. This along with your class schedule will change once my standard is met so please try your best." the  dark skinned witch said calmly. It came as little surprise to anyone that rote memorization like this was precisely were Hermione thrived as she sucked up the information like a sponge. Nick had little trouble with the stuff either , though the sheer quantity of information the teacher tried to cram into their heads within the short span of an hour gave him and many others a headache.-

The class ended at 10:15 and the students were released to get lunch before they had their first DADA class. Harry wasn't there for most of the Astrology class but since he was escorted by Mcgonagall herself he was excused minus needing to copy someone's notes. "What happened after the professor came and grabbed you earlier?" Ron asked Harry curiously and a few people leaned in to also hear. No one said anything about the argument Ron had with Nick a couple days ago , preferring to leave it in the past.-

Harry didn't mind doing the same so long as the same argument didn't occur again because after getting to know the two Slytherin girls he agreed with Nick that the house means little as they were both good people and friends to him. Nick had the sneaking suspicion that fate was working to recreate the golden trio and decisively kept his mouth shut. It did help that he was sure that given enough time Ron might turn out decently enough under Harry's influence. 'That just leaves the last member of the party.' Nick thought giving the bushy haired girl in question a brief glance.-

Harry revealed his rather forced conscription into the Gryffindor quidditch team by Mcgonagall as well as the fact the team's captain was testing him the entire time he was missing. Ron was envious but was happy for Harry and congratulated him. Nick also congratulated Harry and also joked about how famous Oliver Wood was about his training regime. "What do you mean?" Harry asked confused. "Apparently the bloke runs the team ragged to try and give them an edge over the others , suppose you'll see soon enough." Nick said with a chuckle at the look of horror on Harry's face.-

Once lunch was over the Slytherin and Gryffindor first years headed to the DADA classroom and all made funny faces when they entered the room. The air was thick with the overpowering stench of garlic and incense while various superstitious things adorned the room. Professor Quirrell was a pale plain man with a thick purple turban wrapped around his head and a nervous expression. Nick knew that this man was not nervous at all but merely acting that way due to one key detail , his eyes. The man's eyes scanned each and every person who walked through the door as if appraising and judging them.


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