Harry potter: the ring maker


His eyes stopped for an instant longer than normal on Nick and Harry especially when they entered the room and found their seats. "W-welcome t-to defense a-against the d-dark arts , I am Quirinus Quirrell. P-please turn t-to page 12 of y-your textbook." He said stuttering the entire time. 'I don't think he realizes that he's over playing his part. Natural stutters only happen at the start of sentences.' Nick picked apart the man's act easily and knew that Dumbledore is definitely also aware of this information meaning he was probably also aware of the face on the back of the man's head.-

'Damn that old man , I can't tell if the third floor corridor is a trap for Voldemort or a trial for Harry or even both.' Nick thought with a bit of irritation. Despite the constant incorrect stuttering that the professor did he still conveyed the information in a decent manner. The irritating part was getting post his verbal tick but otherwise the class was fairly good. Nick noticed the mans gaze on him and Harry periodically throughout the class. This was ignored by Nick however as acknowledging it would paint an even bigger target on his back.-

Nick did make sure to never look the man in the eyes as if he was frightened by him since having the teacher discover Sanar would raise a problem. One had to remember that Voldemort was an accomplished legilimens and unlike Dumbledore or Snape , he DEFINITELY didn't have good intentions when he used it. The man couldn't stand not being in absolute control of a situation so being unable to read Nick's mind might provoke him. The class ended uneventfully and Nick dipped before the man had any chance to try and get him alone.-

Sure doing so might irritate the man considerably but there was little he could do about it as Nick was practically a ghost in the school if he wanted to be. Thanks to Nicks magical sensitivity placing a tracking charm on him without his knowledge was impossible since he checked for it religiously before going anywhere by himself. "Oi nick You have any plans today?" Tracy asked as she caught up to him in the hall. "I was going to go info surfing in the library , why?" Nick asked curiously. "Ah well you see I was sort of wondering if you had a nifty version of the new spell we just learned about yet?" she said bashfully.-

Nick gave her a deadpan look "No , nor do I plan to create one for such a pointless spell when the Ignis spell is entirely better." he said with a dissatisfied tone. 'Does she think I just waste time modifying spells for no reason all day?' he thought offended at the very idea. "Can I have your version of that spell then?" she asked eagerly. "Nope , I haven't made it yet so you are out of luck." Nick said with a teasing smirk while she looked heartbroken.-

"Now unless you actually want to join me with my studies in the library I will be going now." Nick said with a chuckle as he walked towards the grand staircase. There was a nifty little secret path near it on this floor that led to the first floor and would save Nick some time. The library was like usual quite busy with most of those here being from Ravenclaw unsurprisingly. Miss Pince made sure to firmly glare at nick when he entered the library which he just shrugged off. He quickly found a long disused table in the "ancient" section near the far side of the library that was well hidden from view.-

There he grabbed a dusty old tome labeled "magical theory , by heramus Roy" that was clearly a fundamental's book. The author was entirely unfamiliar to Nick but considering the fact he hadn't seen a single language book for whatever language it was written in he assumed they were older than recorded history and or were pretty much unimportant. Nick opened the regular book he had though to the page he left off on and greedily dove into the information held within.-

What Nick didn't know however was that he had also been seen through by Voldemort during the class earlier. The man wasn't stupid and was well versed in the way people acted in various situations. Nick was far too inexperienced at acting to fool his keen eyes so he knew that Nick purposefully avoided him for some reason. He was certain that it wasn't because Nick had figured out he was possessing Quirrell but it made roping him into his cause difficult. Nick had shown far too much talent to be allowed to grow without restraint and Voldemort refused to have someone grow into his rival when he could prevent it. He would put a leash on him or end him if that wasn't possible.


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