Harry potter: the ring maker


"We're flattered you think so but we are just a couple pranksters is all." the twin on nicks right said depreciatively. Nick slapped him on the back of the head getting an astonished look in exchange. "Don't you bloody lie to me , you two create prank item after prank item from your merlin damned imaginations like anyone without some damn good talent in the matter could even hope to do such a thing. You may not be the best of students but if I ever hear one of you say you are talentless I'll personally prank you both till you or the school begs for mercy." Nick said sternly while squeezing the twins shoulders with a surprising amount of strength.-

""You win mate relax."" they said at the same time rather spooked by his tone that brokered no argument. "Geez , never expected to get torn into by an ikkle firstie like this eh Gred?" the twin on his left said with smile. "Indeed not Forge and it seems we gots to keep our heads high for safeties sake eh?" the other said with the same happy smile. The twins left after that in good moods after getting a rather unorthodox pep talk.-

"You really are a big softie you know that?" Tracy said with a grin. "Not at all , I was completely serious about the prankpocalypse I would rain down upon them. I wouldn't stop until the professors got involved or they begged me for forgiveness." Nick said with a malicious laugh. "In fact if I didn't have better things to do with my time I probably would anyways just for kicks , plans for the future I suppose." he said with a shrug. "Please don't actually do that I'm too young to be in a war." Tracy said half joking half seriously.-

Soon dinner came and Flitwick bragged on Nicks behalf to the other teachers and Dumbledore showed an interest in seeing this spectacle that Flitwick spoke of. The small Professor was more than happy to demonstrate the "starlight dirge" combo for everyone. It was on an even greater scale than when Nick cast it but considering that Flitwick was a charms master it wasn't hard to believe. In addition to the enchanted ceiling of the great hall that already showed the sky outside a massive amount of star-like lights appeared and faded away beautifully.-

Most of the students and even the teachers agreed that it was a marvelous creation and was rather impressive to look at. Dumbledore's eyes sparkled as he smiled at the spectacle and all the houses clapped after it was over as they also enjoyed it. It was only after Flitwick put nick on the spot by telling everyone he was the creator of the spell that things got awkward. For Nick it did anyways as everyone in the great hall was looking directly at him. He could only sigh and cast the spell combo at the greatest strength he could manage to prove it.-

His spell was only half the size of Flitwick's but no one expected him to match a teacher in casting so it was still impressive in it's own right. Nick didn't mind sharing the spell so he spoke up loudly enough for everyone to hear him about the words and wand movements as well as the hint about how to cast the spell. Dinner was an interesting event after that as people kept trying to cast the spell throughout it and none of the professors made any moves to stop them. Nick meanwhile was eating as quickly as possible to escape the looks he was getting.-

He only barely managed to slip out of the great hall early since no one else was really willing to rush themselves to follow him. Dumbledore had a look of amusement on his face seeing nicks reaction to being the center of attention. Nick wasn't shy obviously but getting stared at hungrily by others was always off-putting. Nick vanished into the Gryffindor common room and went straight to bed since he wasn't interested in dealing with people from every year trying to sucker the trick to the spell out of him.-

The next day he woke up at dawn and did another hour of reading in the book of magical fundamentals this time learning an interesting thing about magical creatures. With the exception of a few many magical creatures have actually evolved into weaker version of their ancestors thanks to wizards. Even dragons were no exception to this as nowadays they were far less dangerous than they used to be since wizards have basically removed the wild element from them. Living only on reserves dragons could only grow to the bare minimum of their potential and so that became their new normal. If they were truly wild the power the various species would have would be far higher.


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