Harry potter: the ring maker

Future plans

Nick looked into this piece of information further and learned that one of the species that had been effected the most by wizards was actually Thestrals. Apparently a long time ago the skeletal horse creatures were not only not invisible to most people but even actively wanted to be seen. They actively showed up near those who were dying and would apparently cry out at the moment of that persons death before leaving. Many assumed that the creatures were literally capturing the souls of the recently dead causing the hunting of the species.-

The creatures then evolved over time to avoid people much better using the last remnant of their connection to death to hide from all but those who have seen and understood it. 'Well that explains the strange kinship I felt for the things. We are both connected to death in a probably quite literal way.' he thought with a sigh. Nick was under no delusion that permanently dying on his other version of earth hadn't affected his very essence in some way. Clearly something had plucked him out of the ether and sent him into this world with the system because such a complex thing doesn't just "suddenly" come into existence.-

'I kinda wish I knew what the thing expected from me though.' Nick thought with a sigh. He was about halfway through the book at this point and much to his amusement saw that Hermione actually woke up a little late today. From the tired look she had she clearly hadn't managed to get much sleep. 'Probably from constantly failing to use my version of the Lumos spell.' Nick reasoned easily enough. She glared at him when she saw him but left the common room for the great hall anyways. Harry woke up shortly after that and both of them headed to the great hall to get breakfast.-

Nick actually planned to split ways with Harry in a manner of speaking since his presence was heavily altering the course of the boys life and some events needed to play out the same for everything to work out. Nick wasn't some follower of Harry's but had his own things going on and needed Harry and Hermione to join forces and this was becoming difficult with Nick there. The start of next week though promises to give fate an opportunity to work its magic since Nick should be able to start working on making rings again assuming the twins come through in time.-

This first year should end about the same in the books and next year should also go about the same minus a few small things. The events of the third year is where Nick has the biggest tampering of fate in store as he planned to start the process of getting Sirius acquitted over this summer. The mans release may or may not mess up the events of the fourth year but if it doesn't Nick had a nasty plan in mind for ruining Voldemort's resurrection play.-

See the contract with the goblet of fire was a sort of name magic and so a work around that Nick had figured out was that he could create a pair of rings that swapped Nicks name for whoever had the other ring , namely Harry. This meant that Nick would be swapped in as the forth tri wizard champion and thus tip off Dumbledore to a play at Harry , which should in theory get the old goat to keep Harry safe. This best part of the plan however was that only when Nicks name is spat out of the goblet will anyone even know of his plan. Not even Harry will know about it until it's too late to stop it.-

During breakfast Neville got his Remembrall from his grandmother as well as a letter that seemed to make the boy conflicted. Malfoy much like in the books snatched it up and was going to take it had Mcgonagall stepped in quickly when a whole table of Gryffindor's threatened violent retaliation. Oh yes it wasn't just Harry and Ron who jumped to Neville's defense like in the book but rather nearly everyone at the table was about to draw wands at the oblivious Slytherin.-

After breakfast was the flying lessons with Slytherin and some stuff happened during it. Nick and Harry met up with Tracy and Daphne who complained at not getting much sleep because of that spell of Nick's. "You probably openly bragged at knowing how to cast it didn't you?" Nick asked causing both girls to go silent and look away. "Then don't complain to me about the consequences of your actions." he said and they looked embarrassed. "So how many people in your house figured it out yesterday?" he asked with a curious expression.


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