Harry potter: the ring maker

Background information

Helena was surprised to hear this and it showed by her expression "Oh , mother would have simply loved you. Just how far do you have this enchantment method completed in that head of yours?" she wondered out loud not expecting that he would actually answer. Nick of course decided that it would be best if he kept that there was another two levels beyond this one to the crafting style a secret for now. She may not be able to spill the beans to anyone else but that didn't mean she couldn't pout for a long time.-

Nick might be able to resist a sad look for awhile but eventually he would give in as he wasn't heartless. On an entirely unrelated note professor Flitwick had finally managed to get the contract drawn up to watch Nick enchant things. It was a simply magically binding contract that pretty much just said that anything he learned or saw in Nick's workshop couldn't be used or shared outside of it. The punishment for breaking the contract was of course immediate and violent loss of life. Goblins did not play around about the contracts involving craftsmen or their secrets.-

The small professor had very little free time however so Nick had agreed to allow him to watch during the Christmas break when he was mostly caught up on work already. Flitwick wasn't really all that surprised to find out that Helena had been pretty much haunting Nick since his heritage was revealed given who she was. The small man did express remorse for that whole situation and apologized to Nick for Dumbledore's actions. Nick made it clear however that he didn't blame any of the other professors for the mans actions as they were clearly unaware of them and that only the old goat himself owed an apology.-

That's right , Dumbledore still hadn't personally apologized for his actions despite having been given ample opportunity to do so. If Nick didn't know better he'd assume that the man was avoiding the whole conversation that will inevitably happen. The fact was however that Dumbledore simply lacked the time necessary to hold that conversation what with all the effort he needed to track down Grindelwald. Nick understood this which is the only reason he hadn't gotten even more upset at the old man yet but eventually the two of them will need to truly speak of the situation before it starts to fester.-

Nick snapped out of his thoughts however and shakily stood up as his body groaned in protest at the movement. "I think I'll spend a couple hours in the library , keep an eye on the workshop will you." he said as he walked out of the room tiredly. Taking a vial out from Greed Nick downed the awful tasting contents and sighed in relief as the soreness in his muscles slowly started to fade away. This was a potion recipe he had found in the "ancient" section that basically accelerated the growth and healing process of muscles after they've been worked.-

It was made under the commission of some muggle lord in order to vastly accelerate the fitness training that soldiers and knights had to undergo for their armors and weapons. The potion never really saw much use however as the cost to brew a batch of the potion was rather expensive and each batch merely contained fifteen portions. This meant either fifteen work outs or a single workout for fifteen people. Nick was even kind enough to donate the recipe to Madam Pomfrey alongside a translated copy of Slytherins book on healing mind injuries , all anonymously of course.-

Nick himself had simply commissioned the twins to brew some of the potion for him for a small amount of coin and the potion recipe to be used however they wished. Nick totally didn't notice that they now seemed to have a habit of flexing at random moments with stupid grins on their faces , nope not at all. Narcissism aside the potion did vastly accelerate the amount of muscle Nick packed under his robes from his work. He wasn't like stupid muscular or anything but his body did have clear definition.-

The library was fairly empty today what with it being a saturday and everyone having friends to hang out with or villages to visit. Madam Pince of course made sure to glare hatefully at Nick when he entered the library but he just ignored the woman. Looking over the shelves Nick didn't really have a topic in mind for this particular dive into the vast amount of knowledge but a faded red leather bound book caught his attention. Picking it up he read the title on the cover {A compendium of alchemical substances PT1} he smiled at this and found himself a nearby chair to enjoy his new find.


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