Harry potter: the ring maker

Reforging Sanar

Nick personally had a four fold protective system in mind as his set of shields. The airtight hexagonal lattice net for initial detection followed by a endless swarm of birds as both an attack and distraction. After that there would be a massive fortress around the center of his mindscape and inside that would reside an immortal army of ring wraith clones heavily armed with magic and weaponry. Thanks to the way occlumency worked however Nick had to wait for his first layer of defense to solidify into place before he could work on the second.-

He opened his eyes and breathed out in relief at having at least something set up to keep others from messing with his mind. "I take it you are done with whatever it was that you have been doing there?" Helena asked and Nick nodded. "Yeah I was setting up my occlumency shield for later and now I can finally reforge this thing." he said raising his right hand and showing off Sanar. "It's hard to understand why you don't need runes to enchant stuff but I assume it's a unique trait of this method." she said while rather unwillingly putting the hammer down.-

Nick stood up and stretched before going and moving her art supplies to the other side of the room for their own good and detaching the brush on the end of the hammer and lighting the furnace. He then locked the door before slipping Sanar off his finger and placing it on the anvil nearby as the furnace warmed up. It didn't take long and Nick switched the flames to dragon fire before using a pair of tongs to move Sanar into the flames. Normally Nick would heat the metal till workable before enchanting but in this case he was heating it to remove the previous enchantment.-

Once the previous enchantment was gone he wasted no time to remove the ring and place it on the anvil before turning the furnace off. Grabbing the hammer Nick began to channel his spirit while making sur it was entirely concentrated into his hand and the hammer held within it. With his new knowledge of the mind arts as the base Nick swings his hammer and speaks "CAUMA!" and on impact a small word written in elvish areas in the air next to the ring for but a moment.

Nick strikes once again "SANAR!" and that original word appears though this time followed by another. By this point Helena has noticed that this process is different than the usual one Nick used and watches curiously. Another hammer strike "ISTA!" and a third word appears for a total of three words and Nick repeats the order of the words spoken as he strikes the ring over and over again. A loud hum and bright glow fill the room with every hit and Helena could only gaze on in wonder at the impressive sight before her. Finally the hum reaches a fever pitch and the glow can grow no stronger Nick finally brings the hammer down one last time.-

"SANAR ATTA!" He says and the three words flash bright and clearly before sinking into the engraved versions of themselves now found on the side of the simple band. Nick grew much weaker the instant the forging was done but unlike the last time he attempted word infusion he wasn't struck with back lash this time though he could feel that it was a very close thing. He ravenously devoured an entire loaf of lembas bread as his body was on the verge of eating itself.-

[RING NAME: Sanar Atta

Grade: RARE

Abilities: Mental shielding , Autosizing , Defensive counterattack , growth , mind art affinity

Description: A simple band ring forged in the celebrimbor style by Nicholas Iron with the will to protect his mind from all outside attacks and the knowledge on how to do it. This piece's power will grow the more it's wearer does.

System appraisal: A powerful ring that is the bane of all legilimens made by an up and coming ring smith.]

After resting a few moments to alleviate some of the soreness all over his body Nick checked the appraisal of the ring from the system and smiled as he put the ring back on his pointer finger. Immediately he could feel the rings magic connect to his own as well as to his occlumency shield with it them growing to match that level immediately. For all intents and purposes Nick now had two shields over his mind with one of them being much stronger than the other. He still wasn't immune to mind attacks but at least now he may be able to react to any and defend himself.-

"What was that? Some new breakthrough in your enchanting technique?" Helena asked eagerly. Nick chuckled and shook his head "Nah I've had it for a while now but couldn't use it without over drafting my spirit energy , until now that is." he said honestly. He had no reason to hide the information from her as she had sworn an unbreakable oath and couldn't share the information without getting banished from the earth for it. Nick very much doubted that betraying him and getting booted off the world to the afterlife forcefully was worth whatever someone may offer her.


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