Harry potter: the ring maker


Finally the history of magic class ended and every student in the class including Hermione was reinvigorated as they moved on to the first part of the Charms lesson for the day. Harry and Nick met up with Tracy and Daphne on the way to the class since they had muggle studies instead of history of magic in their first period. "The kitchen was right where you said it was!" Tracy said in excitement when she got close enough. Nick acted like he was offended "You didn't believe me!? I am deeply hurt!" he said dramatically causing the two girls and Harry to laugh.-

"All jokes aside , wanna cookie?" Nick asked with a grin as three chocolate chip cookies appeared in his hand from greed. "I'm so jealous! I want a cookie stash ring too!" Tracy said enviously as she took one of the cookies out of Nicks hand. The other two also took a cookie while Nick merely grinned victoriously. "You should be jealous! Do you know how hard I had to work to get this ring? Months of effort!" Nick complained. "The worse part is getting another one just like it is still going to take a huge amount of effort on my part , totally not worth it." he said regretfully.-

"You know if you were pureblooded you could just get rich with a single test at Gringotts and get a bunch of rings just like that , just saying." Daphne said without looking at him. Nick sighed "Are you still on about that? I told you that's no fun at all , where's the challenge? All it would accomplish is making Malfoy and the rest of those idiotic bigots look good , totally not worth it." he said honestly. "You know you just insulted like seventy percent of the wizarding world right?" Tracy asked with a chuckle.-

"If they want to try and cause me problems they can learn that i ain't no pushover , dig?" Nick said while imitating a seventies gangster accent. Harry laughed at the accent and the girls giggled "Not to mention my good pal Harry here'll chew off their ears if they come at me." Nick threw his arm around Harry's shoulder with a wide grin. The girls were turning red from laughing so hard while Harry looked embarrassed. They reached the charms classroom soon after that and Flitwick merely smiled when he saw the group from two different houses getting along.-

The charms classroom was a large room with two rows of desks on either side of the room and a pile of books that Flitwick used to stand at the same level as a normal person at the far end. Normally the two houses didn't mix and sat on one side of the room each but Nick's group sat on the Gryffindor side. Harry and Nick each sat of opposite sides of the girls so that they acted as a sort of buffer. They got a quite a few mean looks from both of the houses but Nick was more than willing to ignore them.-

Once the class was situated Flitwick spoke up "Welcome to charms class where you'll learn jinxes , hex's and everything in between. Today for example we shall start out very simple with the light casting spell , Mr. Iron would you mind giving a demonstration?" he asked while giving Nick a grin. "Do you want the basic version or my own twist on the spell?" Nick asked not bothered at all. "Why not both? I am quite curious what you'll show us." Flitwick said with a look of interest.-

Nick left his desk and stood in the center of the room and flicked his wand "LUMOS!" and a bright white light appeared on the tip of his wand. "That was the normal version." he said casually before pointing his wand up and rotating it clockwise "LUMOS MILLEJECT!" from his wand a thousand small bright lights shot into the air and hovered overhead like a fake set of stars. Everyone including Flitwick gasped in awe at the beautiful scene shown. Nick pointed his wand downwards and spun it counter clockwise "NOX SENIUM!" and the lights started to fade one by one like dying stars in a hauntingly beautiful display.

"I call that the starlight dirge combo." Nick said with a smile. "The final song of the stars , a fitting name indeed , ten points to Gryffindor for the magnificent use of the Lumos charm!" Flitwick said happily. "As Mr. Iron has demonstrated even the most simple spell came produce extraordinary results. You may all begin practicing the Lumos spell as described in your books and remember that wand movement is important!" he finished speaking and hopped off the stack of books to approach Nick who was still in the center of the room.


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