Harry potter: the ring maker

Wasted time

The book did mention however that some languages simply made spell work easier or more powerful , such as Latin being rather on point for spell making leaving it as the current best option. 'Well outside elvish it seems , but I'll keep that to myself for now.' Nick thought after reading that piece of information. There were a few other interesting nuggets of information that Nick found in the hour he had to read before breakfast. Things like how most transfigurations weren't permanent because the object had a "memory" of what it was originally that wore down the magic until it was undone.-

Permanent transfiguration only happened when the memory of the object was rewritten into it's new shape basically erasing what it was originally. This level of transfiguration had only been seen in the case of the sorcerers stone that could truly turn anything into something else like stone to gold , however so it was debated whether it could even count as transfiguration magic. Nick had an odd expression when he read this since he was wondering how on earth the golden trio was unable to find information on Nicolas Flamel for so long when the mans work was mentioned in even a book on the fundamentals of magic.-

'I suppose if you were looking for his name alone in order to figure out what was in the third floor corridor you may have some issues.' Nick thought remembering that in a weird way the alchemist's name was almost never actually mentioned in books merely his work instead. Harry got up at about 7 alongside Hermione and many other students for breakfast. "How long have you been up?" Hermione asked competitively. "Don't try it , you'll just end up depressed." Nick said without looking away from his book.-

"What is that supposed to mean?" the girl asked angrily. Nick sighed and put a slip of paper to mark his place in the book before closing it. "Don't try and compare yourself to me , don't try and match my pace , my habits. I am not you and you are not me , trying to act otherwise will only leave you depressed and wondering why you aren't enough , it isn't worth it." He said sincerely while looking her in the eyes. He knew how competitive Hermione was from the books but he also knew that he had both drive and talent far exceeding her own , she simply wouldn't be able to catch up with him.-

The girl was taken back by this and didn't seem to know what to say because she was smart enough to realize that Nick had seen through her intentions immediately. "You should learn to be more humble." she said not content to just leave without coming out on top of the conversation. Nick merely smiled sadly "time will prove my words correct , you'll see." he said before leaving the girl in the common room as he walked to the great hall.-

Perhaps it wasn't the greatest way to start the day but the girl had brought it on herself. Nick didn't doubt she would try and copy his sleeping schedule once she figured out when he woke up normally. But that would only be the start of her problems as even if she copied his every action his own talent made the tasks easier for him than her. The only way she could catch up to him would be if he purposefully stagnated somehow , which he refused to do. Breakfast was a simply bowl of oats and banana's with a glass of orange juice on the side. The first class of the day was history of magic and Nick HATED it with a passion. -

Professor Binns was a ghost and that was literally the only thing interesting about the entire class. The ghost spoke like one would expect a text book to sound if it could speak and as a result was horribly hard to listen to seriously. Nick wondered if the class was purposefully set early in the morning just so students didn't fall asleep. Even worse in Nicks opinion was that the students didn't actually learn anything important merely some useless information on the goblin wars that happened almost half a millennia ago.-

'If the books are anything to go by this doesn't get any better over the years either.' Nick thought dreadfully as the ghost droned on and on about some first major Grimclaw who captured a castle and that was the only significant thing the goblin ever did. Nick gave up on this class mentally and decided that he would just focus his mind on other more fruitful things instead of wasting his time since the teacher didn't even question the students. Nick doubted that the ghost would even notice if he studied other things during the class instead.


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