Harry potter: the ring maker

Teachers conversation

Flitwick reluctantly cut the conversation short when Nick reached Harry on the Gryffindor long table. The boy who lived had saved him a spot and so the small professor could only promise to continue this conversation at a different time before joining the other teachers at their table with a wide smile. "It would seem you have discovered the boy's knowledge of ring making Filius." Dumbledore said meaningfully. "Oh yes! He is positively bursting with potential with how knowledgeable he seems in the arts! I would have only found out much later if I hadn't caught him rearranging a disused classroom near my office , a truly splendid use of the levitation charm!" Flitwick said excitedly.-

"Oh? Don't you usually only start teaching that spell around Halloween?" Dumbledore asked with keen interest. Flitwick nodded while setting a plate of food on his plate "Indeed the boy said he's learned the entire years worth of spells during the summer and from the prowess he showed I believe it too!" Flitwick said before biting into a sausage. "It would seem the boy is full of surprises." Snape said calmly. "What makes you say so Severus?" Dumbledore asked curiously. -

"In my own class the boy not only had the foresight to copy my own personal cure for boils recipe but even successfully improved it on the first try. The finished product was nearly a third more potent than my own." Snape said in a rare word of praise much to the other professors shock. "And what of your class Pomona , you had the boy the longest so far?" Dumbledore asked very much interested in the information. "Well he doesn't seem to have much affinity for plants if todays performance was any indication. Boy looked lost for most of my class." the plump woman said disappointed.-

"No need to be down , very few wizards have talents in all subjects but we will need to keep a close eye on the boy to make sure he doesn't get lead astray from his own talent like some of our schools past students." Dumbledore said darkly at the end of his statement and the other teachers minus Quirelmort nodded in agreement. Nick meanwhile was getting bombarded with questions by his housemates about what he was talking to Flitwick about. "We were just talking about different types of metal and their potential in enchanting , chill out." Nick said to get them to stop.-

Harry , Ron and the twins understood why that made sense but no one else did so Dean Thomas fixed that. "Why in merlin's saggy robes would you be talking about that?" He asked confused and almost everyone else nodded in agreement. "I'm a ring maker who works to shape and enchant metal while he's a master of charm , enchanting and he's half goblin , enough said." Nick said while showing off Greed once again. He could show off Sanar instead but greed is simply far more eye catching to to look at.-

"Before anyone asks I don't do work for free if you want a ring you'll need to pay just like everyone else , ask the twins they can tell you." Nick said causing most of them to deflate in disappointment , especially the girls. Fred and George laughed at the looks everyone had and shared their own experience making a deal with Nick and how they were having trouble fulfilling their side of it still. Apparently they had sent at least a dozen letters out trying to figure out where to get the furnace and hadn't heard back from anyone of them yet.-

"It doesn't really matter much anyways since I won't be doing any work till next week at the least when I apply for a empty classroom for myself." Nick added making the rest of the people who were still hopeful finally give up on trying to get some bling from Nick for now. Dinner was quiet after that as everyone mostly focused on eating. Most of the house went to bed after dinner with a few exceptions who decided otherwise. Nick was not amongst those as he wanted to be well rested for each of his classes tomorrow since they had charms and history of magic.-

Ron avoided both Nick and Harry even when they went to bed which didn't bother either of them. The next morning Nick woke up at dawn to do some light reading into the fundamentals of magic book. This book explained why all spells seemed to be in Latin or another language that isn't commonly spoken. As it turned out any language could work for spells however if you used the language you spoke most often as a base for a spell your wand might spew spells even when you don't want it to eventually.


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